50 ‘Gloria-isms’ for Life, Faith and Fun - KCM Blog Skip to main content

50 ‘Gloria-isms’ for Life, Faith and Fun

Gloria Copeland is known for her simple and often witty sayings about life and faith. Enjoy some inspiration, some encouragement, fun and even a smile here!


Gloria Copeland has a reputation. After more than 50 years in ministry, she is both well-loved and respected for persevering in her faith with boldness. Along the way, she has shared principles from the Word of God with simplicity and candor—often in the form of one-liners. These nuggets of wisdom have come to be known as “Gloria-isms” by friends and Partners around the world.

While intended to convey the simplicity of living by faith, these gems are so to the point, they often draw a smile or even a giggle from those around her—especially Kenneth. Yet, they have become endearing gems from a powerful woman of God who has fought the good fight of faith.

She has gone from poverty to wealth, unbelief to limitless faith, and defeat to victory. Anointed, positive, kind and giving—there is much to glean from Gloria Copeland.

Of her unique statements about faith, Gloria says, “They’re deep. They’re quick, but they’re deep.”

We couldn’t agree more.

Gloria-isms have become so popular among KCM friends and Partners, we decided to share the best of Gloria Copeland in these 50 Gloria-isms for life, faith, fun and a smile.

In It to Win It
You are in it to win it! Request this minibook for FREE by Gloria Copeland. Offer good Sept. 8-14, 2019.

Gloria-isms on Faith

One thing Gloria knows well is how to walk by faith. She wasn’t raised in a Christian home, so she is well-versed in the art of starting from scratch. What she will tell you time and again is that faith in God changed her life.

The core of her teachings over the last 50 years has been the same—faith always gets results. Her mission is to share this truth with believers around the world, equipping them to pick up their faith like a sword, and use it to see victory in every area of their lives.

True to her style, Gloria-isms on faith are simple, while packing a powerful punch.

Gloria-ism No. 1:

“Faith is the answer to the storm.”

Gloria-ism No. 2:

“If you’re worrying, you’re not believing.”

Gloria-ism No. 3:

“If you can believe Him for it, God can produce it. That’s a fact.”

Gloria-ism No. 4:

“Fear brings bad things on you. Faith takes bad things from you.”

Gloria-ism No. 5:

“Laid-back faith is slooow. Aggressive faith changes things, people and circumstances.”

Gloria-ism No. 6:

It’s a failure opportunity or a faith opportunity. It’s up to you to choose!

Gloria-ism No. 7:

“Faith takes it. That’s simple, isn’t it?”

Gloria-isms on Healing

If there’s anything Gloria Copeland is known for more than her pursuit and application of faith—it’s her commitment to seeing God’s people made whole. Of course, like many callings of God, it wasn’t anywhere near her idea.

She can still recall the day she was instructed by God to teach Healing School. It was outside her comfort zone, but being one to obey God, she agreed. That was more than 40 years ago. Gloria’s healing ministry has touched lives around the world and seen miracle after miracle. One thing Gloria wants you to know today no matter what your situation—God wants you well.

Gloria Copeland prays for your healing HERE.

Additionally, she wants you to know:

Gloria-ism No. 8:

“If God made you sick to teach you something, why are you going to the doctor to reverse what He did?”

Gloria-ism No. 9:

“Anytime you want to receive healing, you just take it.”

Gloria-ism No. 10:

“All you have to do is stand your ground.”

Gloria-ism No. 11:

“The older I get, the better I feel.”

Gloria-ism No. 12:

“You’re not going to get healed watching cartoons.”

Watch Gloria Copeland share a powerful word in Healing School.

Gloria-isms on the Word of God

So many denominations and doctrines today have stepped away from the Word of God. They don’t want to teach the whole Bible, but rather, pick and choose what sounds good to them. Gloria Copeland has studied the Word of God, allowing the Holy Spirit to illuminate the truths within it, and refused to budge from her stand. She doesn’t change with the ebb and flow of society—she knows Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever—so she keeps her focus on Him.

As you listen to her teach faith, you’ll notice she references the Word of God in everything she says and does. That’s the secret to strong, immovable faith. So when Gloria talks about the Word of God, those seeking faith listen carefully! In true Gloria style, she has plenty of Gloria-isms to make what seems complicated easy to understand.

Gloria-ism No. 13:

“We need to eat the Word every day like we eat food.”

Gloria-ism No. 14:

“If you don’t know something, fix it—go the Word and find out.”

Gloria-ism No. 15:

“The moment you see you’re under pressure, run to the Word.”

Gloria-ism No. 16:

“You don’t meditate on the things you need. You meditate on the Word to enlarge your capacity to receive.”

Gloria-ism No. 17:

“It’s not mind over matter; it’s Word over matter.”

Gloria-ism No. 18:

“Faith is fed and maintained by the Word of God. You have to keep gas in the tank.”

Gloria-ism No. 19:

“You cannot overdose on the Word of God.”

Gloria-isms on Doubt, Worry and Unbelief

Gloria is adamant about the benefits of continually developing your faith. It is, she says, the only way to drive out fear and unbelief. If there’s even the smallest amount of unbelief, it will nullify your faith. That’s why she has spent years teaching believers not only how to increase in faith, but how to completely eliminate the debilitating effects of fear. We hope you’ll find a few of her Gloria-isms on doubt, worry and unbelief impactful and encouraging in your own pursuit of worry-free faith.

Gloria-ism No. 20:

“It’s dangerous not to be strong.”

Gloria-ism No. 21:

Faith isn’t for the faint of heart. Gloria’s advice? “Don’t be a wimp.”

Gloria-ism No. 22:

If you start to doubt, Gloria says, “Get over it.”

Gloria-ism No. 23:

“Dare to believe. Your decision opens the door to unlimited avenues of God’s provision.”

Gloria-isms on the Power of Words

One of the most powerful words Gloria has ever received from the Lord happened as she pondered on the words of Mark 11:23. He told her, In consistency lies the power. It’s a truth she has been living by ever since.

God was telling Gloria that the key to victory was not the thing a person says one time, but those things he says continually. From that moment on, she and Kenneth turned their words around. In doing so, they turned their lives around.

Every Gloria-ism about the power of words stems from the revelation she received from the Lord, including these.

Gloria-ism No. 24:

“You won’t get what you want; you’ll get what you say.”

Gloria-ism No. 25:

“Jesus said you can have what you say, so quit talking the problem.”

Gloria-ism No. 26:

“Your words are the thermostat of your life. You have today what you’ve been saying.”

Gloria-ism No. 27:

“Supernatural words coming out of your mouth will change natural circumstances. That’s easy, isn’t it?”

For more from Gloria on the power of words, find her Put Your Words to Work: A 31-Day Faith Project Devotional HERE.

Gloria-isms on Achieving Financial Prosperity

One of the most impactful books ever written by Gloria Copeland is God’s Will Is Prosperity. In it, she outlines why believers have a covenant right to prosper. Her clear understanding of the Word of God concerning finances has impacted believers around the world for more than 40 years. She continually helps Christians of all ages overcome erroneous religious teaching and break free to receive everything God has in store for them.

If you desire to grow in the revelation of God’s will for you in the area of financial prosperity, these Gloria-isms, based on the Word of God, are a great place to start!

Gloria-ism No. 28:

“Sow nothing; reap nothing.”

Gloria-ism No. 29:

“Unless seed and soil come together—no tomato.”

Gloria-ism No. 30:

“When you sow…say.”

Gloria-ism No. 31:

“You need to be a sower and a mower.”

Gloria-ism No. 32:

“You can’t quit sowing, you can’t quit saying, you can’t quit believing, and you can’t quit harvesting.”

Gloria-ism No. 33:

“The tithe protects the harvest. It opens the door to THE BLESSING.”

Gloria-ism No. 34:

“If you want to be on the receiving end, get in on the giving end.”

Gloria-ism No. 35:

“Money only goes so far, but God goes as far as He has to.”

Gloria-ism No. 36:

“If you want to taste it, you have to harvest it.”

Gloria-ism No. 37:

“We do some banking the world doesn’t do because we’re tithers and sowers.”

Gloria-isms On Debt

When Kenneth and Gloria first started out in faith, they were in deep debt. They were living in a rundown house with a rented rollaway bed, an old car and no hope of getting out of their situation any time soon.

What changed their situation?

Kenneth and Gloria had made the decision that whatever they saw in the Word of God, they were going to obey it—no matter what. Then one day, they came across Romans 13:8, which says, “Keep out of debt and owe no man anything” (AMPC). They didn’t own a home, they didn’t have a good car or furniture—so this was a shock!

But they renewed their minds to the Word of God and set out to obey Romans 13:8. From that point on, they stopped borrowing money. Ever. Within 11 months, they were debt-free!

They’ve operated Kenneth Copeland Ministries in the same way—completely debt-free. In doing so, they have saved millions of dollars in interest that was put toward spreading the gospel instead of into the hands of banking institutions.

It’s no wonder there are some great Gloria-isms about debt freedom!

Gloria-ism No. 38:

“What is the solution to being plastic dependent? Plastic surgery. Just cut up the cards.”

Gloria-ism No. 39:

“Your debt freedom is only one decision away.”

Gloria-ism No. 40:

“Debt can’t do for you what God can do.”

Gloria-ism No. 41:

“It’s cheaper to believe.”

Gloria-ism No. 42:

“The world will loan it to you. God will give it to you.”

Gloria-isms on Obedience

Gloria has always encouraged believers to live by obedience to the entire Word of God for maximum results. She often teaches that the level of your obedience will equal the level of your results. It’s no wonder she has Gloria-isms that speak this truth in a simple, powerful way.

Gloria-ism No. 43:

“On the other side of an act of obedience is always a good result.”

Gloria-ism No. 44:

“You have to qualify for promotion. You’ve got to give God something to work with.”

Gloria-ism No. 45:

“You stick with God, and God will stick with you.”

Gloria-isms on Prayer

Gloria has shared many times about the prayer decision that changed her life. When she was facing a particular struggle, she heard the Lord tell her to give a tithe of her time to Him in prayer. She began rising early each morning and praying in the spirit for an hour every day (something she still does to this day!) with only a few days missed here and there.

She’ll be the first to tell you—it changed her life and her circumstances dramatically. It is from her special time with the Lord that she has built a desire to share how much God wants to answer your prayers and manifest His glory—not just in emergency situations or when you cry out to Him now and then, but every day.

These Gloria-isms on prayer are nuggets of wisdom found in Gloria’s own personal prayer closet.

Gloria-ism No. 46:

“I’ve had less sleep, but I’ve lived life better.”

Gloria-ism No. 47:

“Praying in the spirit makes you smarter than yourself.”

Find out more about Gloria’s prayer secrets HERE.

Gloria-isms on Those Who Oppose Prosperity

It’s really no secret. Kenneth and Gloria take a lot of heat for teaching people that God wants them to prosper. It makes people uncomfortable to think they may be missing it in a particular area, and many don’t understand the difference between greed and a heart that uses abundance to serve God.

Their courage in continuing to stand for what they know is right—what is clearly outlined in God’s Word—is an inspiration. They won’t let the devil bully them out of teaching others their covenant rights!

Gloria wants you to enjoy prosperity in your health, relationships and yes—finances. She’ll keep talking about it all the days of her life, and we’re so grateful. You won’t find her arguing and fighting with those in opposition—that’s not her way. But there are some Gloria-isms on the subject that would be pretty tough to argue.

Gloria-ism No. 48:

“Who do you think is going to finance the gospel if everybody’s broke?”

Gloria-ism No. 49:

“Under the curse, you diminish. Things flow away from you. Under THE BLESSING, you increase. Things flow to you.”

Gloria-ism No. 50:

“I have increased, and I have decreased. Increase is better.”

We hope these 50 Gloria-isms have ministered to your life and faith, and maybe even blessed you with a smile. As you go forward in your own faith journey, perhaps some of Gloria’s takes on faith will pop up in your mind and give you that extra boost you need to keep fighting the good fight. As Gloria says, “Once you have a taste of victory, you won’t want to go back.” It really is that simple!

Watch Gloria Copeland teach you how to replace fear with faith.

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