2024 December

Christmas In Our Home Kenneth Copeland
Sounds of

Celebrate the Reason for the season—Jesus!—in your home and every day, as you fill your home with the sound of praise.

Visit our online store to purchase these Christmas CDs or download from your favorite digital store here.


It is vitally important that you remember Mark 11:22-25, especially verse 25. God commands us to forgive. Obeying the command to forgive, by faith, will unlock the door to THE BLESSING!


“I am in covenant with Almighty God. By faith, I forgive and walk in love. I receive and walk in forgiveness and cleansing from all unrighteousness. I am made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus!”


Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

—Mark 11:24-25

December Device Mockup

December’s digital wallpaper is ready for you to download! Save this wallpaper to your desktop computer or mobile device.

Desktop Computer Instructions:
For most desktop computers, click the link to download the image. Then, navigate to your downloads folder to find your newly downloaded image. Next, simply right-click the image and select “Set as desktop background or wallpaper.”

Mobile Device Instructions:
For most mobile devices, click the link to download the image to your device’s photo album. Then, in most cases, you can change your wallpaper background or lock screen from the Settings menu. If you can’t find this setting, consult your device’s help section or manual for instructions on how to apply the image as your new wallpaper or lock screen.