KCM Blog

Watch Faith Teaching 24/7 on Roku!

Watch faith teaching 24/7 on the KCM and VICTORY™ Roku® channels!

Do you have a Roku®? If not, you might want to consider getting one!

With a Roku®, you can watch 24/7 faith teaching from Kenneth Copeland Ministries and other ministers via VICTORY™ network (formerly BVOVN) on Roku®!

This means you can watch what you want, when you want–on your schedule.

You won’t need cable. You won’t need a computer. All you need is a Roku® plugged into your TV and connected to the internet—and you’re good-to-go.

Imagine sitting in your living room, in your bedroom, or anywhere else you have a TV, kicking back and watching any KCM meeting, any KCM broadcast, and more…whenever you want. Now you can.

The Kenneth Copeland Ministries Roku® channel features:

The VICTORY™ network (formerly BVOVN) Roku® channel features 24/7 programming, where you can watch some of the world’s most-trusted faith ministers, including:

What’s more, you can purchase a Roku® for less than $40, and there is no monthly subscription.

Join thousands and thousands of subscribers and connect with KCM like never before on this powerful voice. You won’t ever see TV the same way again!

Click here to go to the official Roku® page for more information.

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