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Walking Out Your Faith—Ministry Minute

Walking Out Your Faith Ministry Minute

In this Ministry Minute, our good friend and ministry Partner Dennis Burke shares how walking out your faith is a decision that will change your life. Don’t just stop at salvation—there’s so much more!


Walking out your faith will enable you to do things you never thought you could do. So, how do you know you’re walking out your faith? Watch this Ministry Minute with Dennis Burke to find out.



The scriptures are clear that God wants us to enjoy long, productive, fruitful lives. However, the blessings of God do not come automatically. There are conditions attached. By faith, we must choose to believe God’s Word and obey it in order to reap the benefits of a long, healthy and prosperous life.

A person who lives a life of sin and rebellion takes a great risk with his life because Romans 6:23 says the wages of sin is death. Satan will take every advantage to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10). Jesus, on the other hand, desires that we might have life and have it more abundantly. We can enjoy that abundant life when we honor God and obey His Word.

Every aspect of your spiritual life depends on faith in the Word of God! If you’re not living by faith, the power of God is totally neutralized in your life. He can do no mighty works for you. You can go to church every Sunday. You can even read your Bible every day. But if the Word you read and hear preached isn’t mixed with faith and obedience, nothing will come of it.

No matter what you’re going through, don’t look back, keep moving forward. Determine to walk out your faith by leaving past habits behind and determining to obey God’s Word in every way. When you’re walking out your faith, you’re walking into victory!


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