Pastor George Pearsons, here.
As we approach the 2022 midterm elections, Brother Copeland asked me to share an important message with you regarding a word from The LORD he received last year.
On Aug. 22, 2021, Brother Copeland called in during the Sunday morning service at Eagle Mountain International Church to share a vision The LORD had shown him the night before about a blanket of blood covering our nation and our Partners. This blanket of blood he saw was the blood of Jesus.
Why is this significant? Scripture tells us about the power of the blood of Jesus:
- We were purchased with His blood (Acts 20:28)
- We were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God (1 Peter 1:18-19)
- We have protection in the blood (Exodus 12:13)
- We have authority to overcome the enemy by the blood (Revelation 12:11).
Oh, the power of the blood of Jesus in our lives!
As Brother Copeland was speaking to us that morning about what he saw, the Spirit of The LORD came upon him, and he prophesied a stunning word from The LORD concerning the times in which we live.
As we always do, we received that word with great reverence. Just this past Sunday evening, Brother Copeland called me to say, “That Word from The LORD is for us right now. It is for this election season and for all elections in the future.”
So, I am sharing it with you today, so you can review it and take hold of it by faith.
Watch a video clip of the word from The LORD being delivered or read the transcript below.
As you get ready to vote on Nov. 8, I encourage you to stand in the authority given to you as a believer by the precious blood of Jesus. Stay in faith concerning this word from The LORD, stay in prayer, and speak in power. As God showed me nearly two years ago, He has rolled up His sleeves, and He is working where our country is concerned.
JESUS IS LORD over the United States of America!
Pastor George Pearsons
CEO | Kenneth Copeland Ministries
PS. Watch America Stands election-night coverage in the spirit of faith on VICTORY Channel®, Tuesday, Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m. ET/6:30 p.m. CT. Plus, our team has diligently prepared election resources to help you vote the Bible with confidence—you can even get a personalized ballot! Visit
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