KCM Blog

A Steadfast Faith – A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry

50 Years of Ministry Bill Winston

50 Years of Ministry Bill Winston

Bill Winston congratulates Kenneth and Gloria Copeland on 50 years of ministry!




Dear Brother and Sister Copeland,


Our hearts rejoice as we join so many families and friends in celebrating with you 50 years of ministry through Kenneth Copeland Ministries! Your ministry has truly changed the Body of Christ and the world for the better. You have taken us from “milk to meat,” and have taken the “voice of victory” where His Word had not been heard.

For over five decades, you have set the pace for countless believers to stand on and live by the uncompromising Word of God. For those of us in full-time ministry, you have continually raised the bar in ministry excellence. You’ve equipped us through your teachings, your example and your evidence to live by faith. Above all, you have always reminded us not to forget the love walk; that it is the foundation for everything in God’s kingdom to work.

You’ve heard me jokingly say, “I try to steal Brother Copeland’s stuff every chance I get!” But in all seriousness, this is said out of my deep respect for you and the wisdom the Lord has given you. Thank you for the years of counsel to us, your faith in us, and above all, your and Sister Gloria’s love for us. You’ve not only helped to make us what we are, but you’ve made a mark that cannot be erased.

Congratulations on 50 glorious years of ministry! May the Lord bless you as you continue to take His voice to the uttermost parts of the earth!


In Service to the King,


Bill and Veronica

Living Word Christian Center

Bill Winston Ministries

Joseph Business School


Learn more about Bill Winston Ministries >>https://billwinston.org

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