KCM Blog

Setting the Captives Free

Bringing Hope to the Incarcerated

On March 25, 2022, Kenneth Copeland Ministries joined Mike Barber Ministries in hosting a five-day revival at the Central Mississippi Correctional Facility, the largest prison in the state. Over those five days, Kenneth Copeland, Mike Barber and their team taught the Word and reminded those incarcerated that God loves them and is for them, that prayer is a game-changer, and that in Christ there is always hope.

Over the five days, 3,200 men, women and youth came to hear the Word of God ministered. That’s more than 90% of the prison’s population! Hundreds of prisoners raised their hands to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior.

As Kenneth Copeland said, “These are [Jesus’] brothers and sisters. They’re incarcerated, but it’s important that they know from The WORD of the living God that even though they’re in prison, prison doesn’t have to be in them.”

This revival marked the end of a two-year absence from in-person ministry within the prisons, something that had been shut down because of COVID. It’s an outreach that reflects the heart of Jesus from Matthew 25: “I was naked, and you gave me clothing. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me…I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me’” (verses 36-40).

Watch this video to hear Brother Copeland’s thoughts on prison ministry and on this visit: https://fb.watch/c37fLltmFw/

Revivals like these mean life for the inmates. Many have never heard the gospel taught in faith or imagined that their lives could be different. When they hear the truth of God’s love for them and what Jesus’ sacrifice means for them, it’s life-changing!

Hear from two men whose lives were forever altered by the Word through KCM’s prison ministry. Once inmates, these men now teach the Word and disciple inmates, one as a chaplain and the other as a program director. They are now free and employed by the state prison system, helping others discover the freedom available through the Word and the miracle-working power of Jesus.

Testimonies like these have poured into KCM since the prison ministry’s launch in 1995. KCM, along with our ministry Partner Mike Barber Ministries, has taught the Word to the least of these for more than 27 years. In 2021, we sowed 304,893 products to chaplains free of charge for distribution to prisoners, with another 6,707 products sown directly to prisoners across the country.  These products included Bibles, From Faith to Faith daily devotionals, monthly Partner Letters written personally by Brother Copeland, Believer’s Voice of Victory magazines and BVOV broadcasts. We are so thankful God continues to move in and through KCM’s prison ministry!

Thank you, Partners, for your support and your prayers. You have helped make this revival possible. Because of you, even more lives will be changed, and prisoners will be set free in Christ!

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