Pro Tips for Attending the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Pro Tips for Attending the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention

We’ve got pro tips to help you make the most of the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention— the faith event of the year!

Watch LIVE all week on any of our VICTORY Channel™ outlets (Dish® channel 265, Roku®, Apple TV® 4th Generation, Amazon Fire TV, YouTube®) or on Plus, we have online translations for our main sessions available in 60 languages HERE.


It’s your time and your money. It’s your life—your health, your finances and your family. That’s what’s at stake when it comes to your faith. This is no time to play around—we have an adversary on the prowl, mountains to move and victories to take—especially in these unprecedented times.

That’s why the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention (SWBC) is happening this week—LIVE and IN PERSON—to bring life-transforming power to every Christian for the days ahead.

Are you a contender?

If you are, you probably already have plans to attend SWBC 2020 in person or to watch from home. You also already know this isn’t a concert, an ordinary meeting or a television show. It’s six days of back-to-back speakers, including Kenneth Copeland, Jerry Savelle, Jesse Duplantis, Creflo Dollar, Keith Moore, Bill Winston and our NEW speaker this year—Bill Johnson!

We have a purpose—a mission, if you will. And we won’t quit until we complete it!

That’s what the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention is all about: Getting you where you want to go in this life. We want to help you maximize your experience and leave with your victory in hand. Here are our pro tips to help you get the most out of the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention, whether attending in person or watching at home.

1. Be There!

If you can attend the 2020 SWBC in person, be there! There’s just something about people of faith coming together in an atmosphere charged with supernatural expectancy. That’s the POWER OF TOGETHER. Plus, you won’t want to miss the convention’s 40th year celebration!

If there is any way for you to make last-minute plans to get here—it’s not too late. This is truly a road-trip-worthy event! It’s completely free for your whole family and you can attend any or all of the sessions.

For your health, safety and comfort, this event will follow the guidelines set forth by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and our local officials.

If you aren’t able to make it in person this year, you can still show up by watching on VICTORY using any of the following options:

  • Dish® Channel 265
  • Popular streaming devices, including Roku®, Apple TV® (4th generation or greater) and Amazon Fire TV
  • On the Web at, and YouTube®.

Whichever way you join us, just be there! You can find more information and the Speaker Schedule HERE.

Plus, we have online translations for our main sessions available in 60 languages HERE.

Remember, you aren’t just an attendee—you ARE Kenneth Copeland Ministries. You are important to this ministry and work, and it just wouldn’t be the same without you. We consider this a special gathering of the family of faith—every generation coming TOGETHER—to believe big and receive big. We want you to be part of this with us.

It’s only once a year—don’t miss it!

2. Attend as Many Sessions as Possible

Once you’ve committed to attend or watch the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention, determine to be part of as many sessions as possible during the six days of teaching. Why is the convention six days long? Total immersion.

In World War II, the United States had a shortage of translators. We were in desperate need of people who were fluent in German and Japanese—and we needed them fast! So, the War Department created a six-week-long total immersion program. For six weeks, participants were not permitted to speak English at all. They spoke and listened to only the language they were learning. By the end of the program, they were fluent!

If you want to be fluent in the language of faith, you’ve got to do the same thing by immersing yourself in a faith-filled atmosphere. It may seem like a lot, but attending or watching as many sessions as possible (every session, if you’re able) will change your life!

Ready to see promotion and increase in your life? Start with these 10 Scriptures to Build Expectation for a New Season.

Here are just a few of the changes you’ll see in your life:

  • You’ll find you won’t speak doubt as often (if at all!).
  • You’ll start believing for bigger and better in every area of your life.
  • You won’t tolerate sickness, debt or strife like you used to—not even a little!
  • You’ll have the endurance to go after the dreams you’ve kept tucked away, and you won’t quit until you have them in your possession.

Isn’t that worth a six-day investment of time?

Mark your calendar, take time off work, and attend or watch as many sessions as possible for a maximum return on your investment!

Never been to a Southwest Believers’ Convention? Here’s a free sample!

3. Attend or Watch With a Faith Buddy

While you enjoy as many sessions of the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention as possible, try to attend or watch with a faith buddy (like a spouse or friend).

Can you attend or watch SWBC 2020 alone? Sure. But here’s where a faith buddy comes in handy:

  • You have someone to laugh with at Jesse Duplantis’ stories.
  • You have someone sitting next to you who will “Amen” in all the same places when Keith Moore is teaching.
  • You have someone with you who will encourage you to believe for your healing when Kenneth Copeland is ministering during Healing School.
  • You have someone to talk with about how powerful Bill Winston’s teaching was and what you think the Lord was speaking to you about.
  • You have someone to hold you accountable in applying the principles you’re learning.

If you’re attending the convention in person, why not call a friend and see if you can have a reunion of sorts in an atmosphere amped up on faith? If you’re watching at home, why not host a daily carry-in luncheon with a group of people from church?

This is a special time for the Body of Christ—so make it memorable!

4. Take Notes at the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention

While attending SWBC  sessions, you will maximize the results in your life by taking notes. You may not be a great note-taker, or even one who prefers taking notes, but this tip may have a big impact on what you get out of the convention. You see, when you write things down, it reinforces what you’re hearing. It gives concepts and revelations staying power in your mind, giving them a chance to get down into your spirit. Plus, it will serve as a great reference for you when the convention is over.

Don’t worry—you don’t have to write down everything every speaker says. And you don’t have to get so caught up in note-taking that you miss enjoying just listening. Instead, try some of these tips to get the most out of your notes.

  • Bring something that is comfortable and easy to write in—a journal or a small notepad, for example. You can also use a tablet or any other device. (Just don’t get distracted by texts and emails!)
  • Don’t try to write down entire sentences. Just summarize and write down key phrases. Bullet points are your friend (like these!).
  • Stick to the stories (and there will be a lot of great stories!) or ideas that stand out to you the most.

When the convention is over, you can use your notes as a devotional if you like. Take one session at a time and work through it, taking time to meditate on the revelations from God that were ministered through each teaching.

You determine your BLESSING! Find out how in this FREE CD by Kenneth Copeland. Request HERE. Offer good Aug. 2-8, 2020.

5. Pray Before Every Session

It’s easy to think of yourself as a spectator at a spectacular event like SWBC 2020—with so many amazing speakers; the lights; the music; and the powerful, faith-filled atmosphere. However, you are every bit a participant as the speakers on the platform!

When you attend, you are adding your supply of faith—and that faith has the power to invite the presence of the Holy Spirit, start a chain reaction of miracles, move mountains, increase the power of the anointing, and cause a breakthrough in your life and the lives of others. The same is true if you’re watching from home.

The power of the Holy Spirit is not bound by time or distance.

So, when you pray before every session, you’re contributing your anointing and your faith to what we’re all expecting to happen. Here are some ideas about how you can pray:

  • Pray that the Holy Spirit will descend upon the convention and those attending in a powerful way.
  • Pray that the purpose of the meeting is accomplished.
  • Pray for the safety and anointing of the speakers.
  • Pray that God will reveal to you the unique and personalized revelation He has for you.
  • Pray that you won’t leave the same.

We invite you to be part of the powerful, corporate prayer sessions at SWBC 2020! Join Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons for Pre-Service Prayer 30 minutes before every morning and evening session.

Don’t underestimate the power of your prayers to change your life and the lives of your fellow believers!

Need some ideas about how to pray? Find 7 Steps to Prayer That Bring Results HERE.

6. Pray After Every Session

You came to the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention, you prayed before service, and you took notes. Now, the session is over, and you’re hungry…tacos are calling your name. That’s understandable! But before you run off to grab lunch or a coffee, take time to pray. 

It doesn’t have to be a long prayer session—it can be as simple as saying, “Lord, please reveal to me what You want me learn from this time of teaching. Bring conviction where I need it. I invite You to correct me. Help me hear Your voice and heed Your instructions. I submit my will to Yours. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

If it was a session that really ministered to you, it may require a longer time of meditation and listening to the Holy Spirit. You may also want to spend some time in prayer over the next day or two, asking the Lord to reveal more of what He wants to say to you.

As you keep yourself in a spirit of prayer throughout the week, you’ll find you will get more out of each session and the convention as a whole. That’s the goal, right? To see a noticeable change in your life when it’s all said and done.

7. Find Your Takeaway from the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention

When you attend or watch an event as powerful as the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention, you’re going to walk away with at least one thing (if not a list!) that you can implement in your life to bring a measurable change in your circumstances. That’s what you should be expecting, by the way. 

Whatever your life looks like now should not be the way it looks this time next year. 

So, how do you want your life to look? Think about it in advance. What are you looking for at the convention? Where do you want to see a change? Be specific. Write it down ahead of time. Then, go expecting to find your takeaway—your assignment from God. 

It might be to work on your love walk or your giving. God may be calling you to forgive someone. He may give you a new approach to your finances or reveal that last key to receiving healing. One thing is sure: He will not stay silent when it comes to you. He loves you, and He wants you to have what you desire even more than you do. Open your heart to what He has to say. Be on the lookout for your personal takeaway.

Learn How to Respond When God Gives Correction or Instruction HERE.

If you use these pro tips to help you get the most out of the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention, whether you’re attending in person or watching from your living room, you’re going to be different when this is over. We don’t do these conventions and Victory Campaigns just for fun (though they are an absolute blast!); we do them to see lives changed by the glory of God in dramatic ways. Don’t settle for another year of the same struggles—come take your victory by faith!

Watch as Bill Winston ministers about restoring the years at a previous Southwest Believers’ Convention.

Related Articles:

10 Scriptures to Build Expectation for a New Season

How to Respond When God Gives Correction or Instruction
