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Never Too Young: The Story of a Teenager Who Believed for His Dream Car

Never Too Young: The Story of a Teenager Who Believed For His Dream Car

At the age of 13, Kaleb Fauchier’s parents told him it was time to start thinking about what kind of car he would want once he was old enough to drive. His 16th birthday may have been three years away, but that did not mean it was too early to activate his faith. In the beginning, he didn’t know what he wanted; however, after seeing a YouTube video showcasing a Tesla, he knew he had found his faith target.

During this time, his family moved from Texas to California; he knew he certainly didn’t want to pay those California gas prices! He began praying and thanking God every night for a blue 2020 Tesla model 3, with white interior and “nice rims,” as he stated it.

Pay It Forward With Kindness

Shortly before his 16th birthday, Kaleb’s father was applying for Social Security. During this process, Mr. Fauchier had opportunity to be frustrated, as the caseworker had lost his file. However, Mr. Fauchier remained polite and gracious toward the caseworker. “Usually, people would get super annoyed about that and mad at him,” recounted Kaleb. The man told Mr. Fauchier that in his 22 years [of this line of work], he had never had someone be so kind to him, especially since he was the one who made the mistake.

As a result, he told Mr. Fauchier of a program available that few people knew about, that applied to their family’s circumstances. Because of this, Kaleb qualified to begin receiving an $1100 stipend each month, until the age of 18.
Not only would he receive that amount each month moving forward, but he also received back-pay for the months his family hadn’t known about this opportunity. This meant that, combined with the money he had already saved up, Kaleb had enough to get his Tesla!

The love of God opened the door to Kaleb’s dream.

The Faith of a Child

The night his parents told him the good news, he was extremely happy, but he was not surprised. “I wasn’t going too crazy, because I knew I already had my Tesla,” said Kaleb matter-of-factly, because he had been fully persuaded all along.

About a week after his 16th birthday, they picked up his car at the Tesla dealership.

When asked what caused him to choose this particular car, his response was simple: “I love technology and all the new things that come out, so getting a Tesla is basically just a part of what I like to use.”

Kaleb learned to start living by faith from his parents, as well as by attending 14forty, the youth ministry at Eagle Mountain International Church. “[They] would always teach about faith and staying strong in it,” states Kaleb.

Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). This begs the question: Did he have a scripture he stood on throughout this process of believing God for his Tesla? As a young man of faith, the answer is, of course, a resounding yes! “Mainly Ephesians 2:8 [NIV]” he shared. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.” So, he received that Tesla as a product of grace; he put faith in that grace and received his gift.

Don’t Wait, Start Today!

Does Kaleb have any advice for a teenager who says the Bible and “that faith stuff” can wait until they get older? “I say you shouldn’t wait. If you start young, then when you get older, you’ll have more experience with it. If you start believing when you’re younger, what you believe in will just get bigger and bigger.” He went on to say, “But you [must] stay consistent on it; you have to keep thinking about it and stay strong with your faith.”

Words of wisdom from a young man who practices what he preaches!

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