Ministry Minute: The Key to Becoming An Overcomer - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Ministry Minute: The Key to Becoming An Overcomer

We have all heard the term “overcomer,” and we want to be an overcomer in every area of life. Well, sometimes that’s easier said than done, right? So, how do we do we do it? In this Ministry Minute video, Gloria Copeland tells you how from the Word of God, and it is simple!



So, as Gloria says, the key to overcoming is in Romans 12:21, and it says, “Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”  Evil must be overcome in your life and in the world around you. The way you do it is with good. The good things of God, the things that God has given us, the Word of God, prayer, fellowship with Him overcomes the evil things that come against you in this world.  So the key to overcoming is to overcome evil with good.


So, how do we make this practical? Well, what are you putting into your spirit? What are you reading? What are you listening to? What are you watching? Who are you allowing to speak into your life? These are all great ways to fill your spirit and become an overcomer. If you keep stuffing the good things of God into your spirit, evil has to leave because there is no room for it. And now, you have become an overcomer.


Thank you for joining us for our Ministry Minute with Gloria Copeland. Have faith in God, and always remember… Jesus Is Lord!

