Got a Minute? In this Ministry Minute video teaching, KCM team member Yvette and Gloria Copeland share how the key to removing mountains in your life is in your mouth.
Are you facing an impossible situation? The answer is in your mouth! You’ve probably heard the saying ‘God is the God of the impossible.’ But, what does that mean? Jesus said, “…whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says” (Mark 11:23, NKJV).
If you aren’t happy today with the way things are, say something! If you want a new house, why don’t you say something? Start speaking to that house, that car, that job and command it to come to you in the Name of Jesus! There is great power in our words. That’s why Jesus gave us the key to unlocking all that God has for us in this life. Prosperity is in your mouth, healing is in your mouth, forgiveness and peace are in your mouth. Let words of faith come forth from your mouth today and tell that situation what to do!
We all have experienced mountains in our path that are so large that moving them by ourselves is just impossible. If we remember that God is the God of the impossible, we know He can move the mountains, but we must be willing to say something. Speak to the mountain. Declare what you want to see come to pass in your life. Then, refuse to speak anything to the contrary. Stand on the Word of God without moving—don’t waver! It may not happen overnight, so don’t let fear and doubt creep in and rob you of your blessing. Keep speaking. Keep believing. Then watch as your words, based on God’s Word, come to pass in your life!
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