How to Make All Your Dreams Come True - KCM Blog Skip to main content

How to Make All Your Dreams Come True

By Gloria Copeland

Are you living the life you’ve always wanted? Have you experienced the joy of fulfilling a lifelong dream? If not, it may be time to get busy, apply the principles of faith, and trust God to make good on His promises to make your dreams come true (Jeremiah 29:11).


How does God factor into your dreams? He happens to be the ultimate Giver of Dreams. But how, you might ask, can you be sure that your dream is from God? Here are two questions to ask yourself:


  1. Is my dream biblical?

God is never going to call you do to anything that is against His will. He will never call you to lie, steal, commit adultery, injure another person or become a stumbling block to another believer. Conversely, God will call you to do things that glorify Him, build up the Body of Christ, help others, and provide for your family.

  1. Is my dream constant?

If you’ve had your dream for a while, it’s biblical, and it’s always at the forefront of your mind—especially when you pray—then quite probably, it’s from the Lord. You see, God desires to raise up a people who are willing to go into every field, into every community, into every area of life and say, “Here I am” (Isaiah 6:8).

Of course, just because God gave you a dream doesn’t mean its fulfillment is automatic. Often, you must stand in faith and apply the Word in order to see it come to pass. That’s when it’s time to get busy. You must find out what the Bible has to say about your dream and begin to stand in faith on those scriptures.


  • Has God given you a dream to go into politics? Then perhaps studying the life of Joseph would be a good start.
  • Has God called you to start a specific business? The Wisdom books (Psalms and Proverbs) are an ideal place to gain business savvy.
  • Has God impressed on you to go into full-time ministry? You’ll surely want to read and study every book, every chapter, every scripture of God’s Word.
  • Has God given you the dream of a godly spouse? The book of Ruth is a wonderful example of God bringing two godly people together.
  • Do you have a dream to be debt free? Then studying what the Word has to say on money matters (i.e. prosperity, increase, obedience, tithing, giving, etc.) is paramount.

Click here to get five scriptures to stand on for your dreams to come to pass.

No matter what your dream is, the Scriptures are filled with wisdom and promises to help you achieve it. As you begin to stand on those scriptures—speaking, writing and praying them over your life—you do two things: You bring your will into line with God’s will and you build your faith.

Romans 12:2 says, “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” By focusing on God’s Word as it relates to your dream, you are putting aside the world’s wisdom and instead focusing on God’s wisdom. You put yourself in a position to achieve maximum results God’s way.

You are also stirring up your faith so that no matter what happens—no matter what obstacles arise, no matter what well-meaning people around you say, you are secure in the knowledge that God’s Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11). Your faith is at a place where nothing can dissuade you from believing God’s Word.

Once you do that, then it’s time to pray for step-by-step direction. James 1:5 tells you that “if you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” The Holy Spirit will guide you in what to do, where to go, what to say, who to meet and how to go about doing what you need to do. That’s when you’ll begin to see progress in your dream coming to pass.

Romans 10:17 tells you that “faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (KJV). Applying the principles of faith to your dream is the best way to see it come to pass. By studying and proclaiming the Word and listening to the Holy Spirit, you’re sure to build your faith and position yourself to receive every blessing, including your fully realized DREAM!


