“At KCM and EMIC, we are doing what Jesus said. We will render to God those things that belong to God and to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar (Matthew 22:21). We are praying people with faith in God. That’s what we are rendering unto God. But we will also follow the instructions of our Commander in Chief, and as it applies, to local authorities as well.” — Kenneth Copeland
In light of this, we are making plans to move on-location events to VICTORY LIVE Virtual Events!
Below are our latest event updates:
Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign
April 23-25, 2020
The Sacramento Live, Victory Campaign will no longer be an on-location event. Make plans to be a part of this VIRTUAL Victory Campaign, April 23-25, by watching on KCM.org or any of our VICTORY Channel outlets (DISH® channel 265, Roku®, Apple TV® (4th Generation), Amazon Fire TV, YouTube®).
Kenneth Copeland and Jerry Savelle will be ministering the unchanging, uncompromised Word of God that will push your faith up to mountain-moving levels during seemingly uncertain times.
Detroit Live, Victory Campaign
May 28-30, 2020
The Detroit Live, Victory Campaign will no longer be an on-location event. We are currently working on more details for this specific meeting, but we anticipate that it will become a Virtual Victory Campaign, which may or may not include changes to the dates. More details to come.
To get the latest information on the VICTORY LIVE Virtual Events that could replace the Sacramento and Detroit Live, Victory Campaigns, stay connected with us at kcm.org/events and on all our social media outlets—where you will always find faith!
© 1997 – 2025 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All Rights Reserved.