KCM Is Helping Save Lives In Israel - KCM Blog Skip to main content

KCM Is Helping Save Lives In Israel

On Oct. 7, we saw a demonic attack on God’s people when Hamas attacked Israel. Shocked and appalled, we wanted to make an immediate difference in these horrific situations. While we were unable to be there physically, we responded immediately in the spirit, calling an emergency prayer meeting at Eagle Mountain International Church, led by Pastors George and Terri Copeland Pearsons. While our spiritual support continues, we have added physical aid, primarily in the areas of helping provide safety and security to the over-200 communities of Judea and Samaria—what the world calls the West Bank.

Your partnership has enabled us to provide real, tangible help to these communities, saving lives with surveillance and security equipment, food and baby supplies. The need is great, but your love is reaching around the world to meet this need with the hands and feet of Jesus.

Click below to watch our Israel update.

If you would like to continue blessing Israel during this time of war, click HERE; 100% of your gift will go to help Israel.
