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Join the 21-Day Faith Revolution!

Are you ready for a revolution in your life? Join the 21-Day Faith Revolution and watch your victory unfold right before your eyes!


Can you change your life in 21 days? Absolutely! Research shows it takes 21 days to create a new habit. The kind of faith that moves mountains isn’t built in a day—it develops over time, but in 21 days, you can develop a new way of thinking and living that can last a lifetime. Faith isn’t something that shows up only in emergencies—it’s a lifestyle.

To make a change like that, you’re going to need an overhaul in the way you think, speak and live—a faith revolution. The definition of a revolution is a dramatic, wide-reaching change in the way people think about something.

The result? A new lease on life—hope, joy, peace…breakthrough. In a word—VICTORY.

It’s time we stop settling for second best—living in the expectations of the world—and step out into our calling. That calling is FAITH. It’s guaranteed to please God, and He’s already given us the steps to get there.

It’s time to make faith a way of life, and let the revolution spread from family to family, church to church and city to city. It’s time to start a movement of believers who are willing to take their faith to the next level—to believe bigger, reach higher, resist fear stronger and live bolder than ever before.

Are you ready to join the faith revolution? Here’s what to do: For the next 21 days, create a new habit of faith by engaging in each of the daily activities. Your life will be changed so much, you’ll start spreading the revolution just by living out your faith!

Day 1: Move the Word of God to the Front of the Line

Does the Word of God always seem to end up at the end of your to-do list? The Word of God is what will start a faith revolution in your life. This is where it all begins, and here’s how to start:

Day 2: Carve Out a Regular Prayer Time

Life too busy to pray? It’s revolution time!

Day 3: Pray in the Spirit

Day 4: Pray With Praise and Thanksgiving

Day 5: Study Healing Scriptures

Even if you don’t need healing in your body today, healing scriptures can keep you living in divine health. They also prepare you with an arsenal for those times the enemy tries to put sickness on your body.

Day 6: Forgive

Do you really want to see a faith revolution in your life? Forgive. The Bible tells us that faith works by love, and Jesus said when we stand praying, we must forgive. He tied that condition to receiving from God when we pray.

Day 7: Give to Those in Need

What does giving have to do with faith? When we act in obedience to God’s Word, we position ourselves for victory in every area of our lives. Giving is sowing, and God says it will return to us.

Day 8: Focus on Your Words    

Today, be extra mindful of your words.

Day 9: Focus on Your Thoughts    

Yesterday, we focused on our words. Today, we will focus on our thoughts. Why? Because our words are the direct result of those thoughts. So, while you were getting a hold of your words yesterday, now you’ll be focusing on what is fueling those words.

Day 10: Study Scriptures About Finances    

Today, we are going to study scriptures about finances. This is how we will build our faith to receive God’s best. The more you feed your spirit with the truth of God’s Word, the easier it will be to believe for and receive debt-freedom, promotion, increase and wealth.

Day 11: Watch a Teaching About Walking in Love    

Today, we are focusing on our love walk, which is what fuels our faith!

Day 12: Read a Book That Will Feed Your Faith    

Day 13: Watch Healing Testimonies on YouTube®   

Today, we will feed our faith for divine health and healing by watching powerful healing testimonies! This is a great way to build your faith in the area of healing.

Day 14: Pray Scriptures   

Today, we are going to focus on praying God’s Word. Rather than just making requests, we will make our prayers an act of speaking God’s Word to Him and expecting Him to respond. Isaiah 55:11 says His Word will not return void. Praying our own words is taking a shot at receiving an answer. Praying His Word means we hit the bullseye every time!

Day 15: Ask for Forgiveness   

It may be tempting, but don’t skip this one! Is there someone you may have offended? An area where you weren’t as honest as you could’ve been? Maybe you gossiped to a co-worker and brought them into your wrong choice. Perhaps you were short with your spouse.

Day 16: Go After Fear   

Today, we are going after fear with a vengeance. Fear is a big hindrance to faith, so we’ve got to get serious about moving it out of our lives. If you have worry, stress, anxiety or shame—you’re living in fear. And it’s got to go. Fear and faith oppose one another and keep your faith from growing. Here’s how we’ll tackle fear and drive it out for good.

Day 17: Tune In to the Holy Spirit 

Are you listening to the Holy Spirit every minute of every day? Sound impossible? It isn’t! But it does involve creating a new habit. (That’s what the Faith Revolution is all about!) Today, we’re focusing on tuning in to the Spirit. Here’s how to approach this:

Day 18: Tell Someone Your Glory Story   

Today, we are going to focus on sharing our glory story (or stories!) with others. This helps to build the faith of others, while reminding ourselves of all God has done for us, which builds our own faith!

Day 19: Practice Patience   

Today, we are going to practice patience. If you said, “I don’t have time for that!” you’re in the right place.

Faith and patience are the power twins. That’s why faith won’t work without patience. So mastering patience is critical to your faith revolution.

Day 20: Participate in a Fast   

Today, we are going to participate in a fast for 24 hours. (Please do not do this without checking with your doctor first, and only do so if your current medical condition permits it.)

Questions about fasting? Find the answers you need HERE.

Day 21: Engage in a Time of Reflection   

Today, we are going to reflect on what changes we’ve seen in our lives over the last 21 days.

Congratulations! You completed the 21-Day Faith Revolution! Twenty-one days of stirring up mountain-moving faith. How did you do? Has anything changed in your life? Let us know in the comments below. You can choose to work through this 21-Day journey a second or third time to renew your mind and make living a life of faith one that is second nature, and more and more victorious. Whatever you do, stay the course and run your race with perseverance!

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach about the force of mountain-moving faith.

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