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Government Corruption Exposed

David Chandler ran for office in his local government. He discovered that some African Americans were denied their vote, so he exposed the corruption. Read this account of what happened next…

David Chandler held a high-profile job in his local county when he felt the Lord leading him to run for office. He obeyed that prompting from the Lord; however, David lost the election by three votes. He didn’t know it at the time, but he now believes the Lord led him to run for office so he could help expose corruption within the local government.

During the election process, he discovered there were about eight African Americans who were denied a vote. Knowing this was wrong, David went to the local newspaper and shared what he had discovered. As a result of him boldly speaking up, some individuals tried to find fault with him. “They investigated him for two years,” stated his wife, Wanda. “They could not find anything. When they can’t find anything…they will make something up.”

“Worst Day of My Life”

What they made up were false accusations against Chandler, which led to a five-year battle with the federal government. The Chandlers went to court, and despite the situation, Wanda felt peace walking into the hearing. The U.S. attorney asked the judge to grant David probation; since Wanda knew that her husband was innocent, she sat there confidently as she waited for the judge to agree to the attorney’s request. However, the judge wouldn’t even look at David, and sentenced him to 15 months in federal prison. “I just never thought I would have to drop my husband off at federal prison,” said Wanda, somberly. “Worst day of my life,” chimed in David.

Favor With the Guards

In Genesis 39, we find the account of Joseph being falsely accused, then imprisoned because someone was upset with him. However, Genesis 39:21 states the Lord was with Joseph and made him a favorite with the prison warden. Much like the account of Joseph, Chandler’s story is a modern-day example of a man trusting the Lord and finding favor, even in less-than-ideal circumstances. Said Wanda, “He found favor with every group in there. We just had so much to be thankful for.”

Have you ever been hurt by false accusations or been mistreated by others because you stood for what was right? Check out these resources to help you maintain victory!

The Believer’s Voice of Victory

While David was imprisoned, he was able to utilize that time behind bars to minister the gospel and encourage the men surrounding him. Wanda continuously sent him the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine, including older copies they had at their house. David was then able to share those magazines and stories with the other inmates. “They love to read,” shared David. “So, I filled them with stuff from Kenneth Copeland.”

The Power of Partnership

According to the Webster’s 1828 dictionary, a partner is “one who partakes or shares with another.” When you partner with KCM, you step into a covenant relationship that benefits you, your family, your relationships, your work, your increase and your ministry—because it’s a covenant relationship with great exchange that lasts for generations.

The Chandlers know firsthand that partnership is a powerful component of their walk with the Lord, and they believe that partnership with KCM was vital in helping them get through such a difficult season. “God plainly directed us to be part of KCM as Partners because He would bless us through it. There’s such an anointing on this ministry,” said Wanda. In the 36 years the Chandlers have been KCM Partners, they have grown significantly in their faith because of the things they have learned. “We’ve had miracles of healing; we’ve had financial miracles; we’ve just had blessings, and it’s a part of us.”

For the Chandlers, life may have seemed dark for a season, but their story is a shining example of the faithfulness of God to protect His children when they stand up for what’s right, even when it seemed like their world was falling apart and it didn’t look like the outcome was what they were hoping for.

What the Enemy Intended for Harm

In the account of Joseph, Genesis 50:20 states that what was intended to harm Joseph, the Lord was able to turn around for good. David Chandler is a firm believer that God helped them get through such a difficult season of their lives. They were able to stand in faith, keep a soft heart toward God and minister to the other inmates throughout those tough months of incarceration.

Despite the disappointing outcome of the court hearing, and David’s subsequent time in prison, the Chandlers know there is never a reason to be afraid. “You don’t have to fear,” stated Wanda. “The peace that He gives you—the peace that passes all understanding, it truly does guard and keep your heart and mind in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:7). That is the only way that we have survived.”

The Great Exchange

Partner, perhaps you’re in a season of life in which you’re tempted to be afraid or discouraged due to circumstances surrounding you. Know this, as your partner we are praying for you every day. Partnership means you’re not alone, no matter what comes your way in life. The Chandlers’ story is just one example of this beautiful exchange. Watch the Chandlers’ full video here:

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