THE BIG ONE is here! Join us for the 2018 Southwest Believers’ Convention, July 30-Aug. 4, by attending in person or watching live!
Have you made plans to join us this week for THE BIG ONE? Happening this week, this is our biggest event of the year, and you won’t want to miss it!
Watch this video with Kenneth Copeland to see why you want to be a part of THE BIG ONE!
This is the meeting where faith and victory meet. Brother Copeland says, “It’s THE BIG ONE because JESUS is going to be there! Jesus always comes to the convention.” He’s always there, responding to the faith of believers just like you.
When you join us for the BIG ONE, you can expect…
- Dynamic speakers all week long
- Faith-filled programs for kids and youth
- Power-packed prayer meetings
- Miracle healings at Healing School
- And much, much, much more!
Are you longing for victory in your health, finances or your family? Then, join us and learn how to use your faith to bring victory to each of these areas. Here are five powerful reasons you should attend the 2018 Southwest Believers’ Convention:
1. You Need to Hear the Voice of God Above the Noise of Everyday Life
“Be still, and know that I am God.” –Psalm 46:10, KJV
Life is busy. It takes a lot of work, thought and planning. Each day seems to bring something new to sort through, and the hustle and bustle threatens to drown out the voice of the Lord, which we know we can’t do without. One thing remains true. It is in stillness, not busyness, that we tune our spiritual ears to hear the voice of God because He speaks in “a still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12 KJV).
Taking a week to clear the calendar and tune in to the voice of God at SWBC18 is a great way to press the reset button on a busy life. You’ve heard it time and again. The more time you spend in the Word, the clearer the voice of God becomes.
2. You Need a Miracle in Your Finances, Health or Family
“…all things are possible to him who believes.” –Mark 9:23, NKJV
How’s your faith-o-meter today? With trials tugging at you in one direction or another, it may be a bit low. That’s what SWBC18 is all about. It’s a total faith immersion designed to get you fueled with faith for the year ahead. You need your faith in tip-top shape to take on every attack of the enemy. He doesn’t seem to quit—so you don’t want to, either.
If you need a miracle in your finances, your health or your family today—this is your time. SWBC18 is the place. You don’t have to run this race alone! We are the Body of Christ, and we stand united for the promises of God!
This is a place where you can build your faith to believe the impossible. Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God (Romans 10:17). The uncompromised Word of God will be preached Monday through Saturday, with a total of five sessions per day (see schedule here). No matter what impossibility you need faith for, you’ll leave with faith to believe God for the impossible!
3. You Want to Put God First Place in Your Life
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and He will give you everything you need.” –Matthew 6:33
When you attend SWBC18, you are dedicating your time and resources to the Lord. As you set aside other pursuits to focus on Him, you prepare your heart to receive everything you need. SWBC18 is packed from beginning to end with powerful and dynamic speakers who will call your faith to the next level and bring revelation to your life.
Real, in-person, Word-based teaching is the inspiration for change—it’s the atmosphere of faith. When you attend SWBC18, the opportunity to learn and grow among like-minded believers is invaluable.
4. You Need a Fresh Anointing
“I shall be anointed with fresh oil.” –Psalm 92:10, KJV
In this verse, David is speaking about a fresh anointing—a renewal. When trials come and we fight spiritual battles, we often find ourselves needing our faith renewed and refreshed. It can be tiring standing alone, and sometimes we need the support of other believers or a fresh Word from God. When the Israelites battled the Amalekites, Moses held up his arms for victory during the battle, but when he became tired, others came alongside him to hold up his arms.
Getting alone with the Lord in prayer and studying the Bible can provide a refreshing of our spirits, but there is a special power in gathering together in an atmosphere of faith with other believers. It stirs our own faith, calls us higher, and holds up our arms with renewed strength for the battle.
In addition to powerful ministers preaching the Word day and night, Pre-Service Prayer is a special time during SWBC18 when we gather together in a spirit of unity and join our faith for what God has for each of us.
5. You Want Your Children to Experience an Atmosphere of Faith
“And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up.” –Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Let’s face it. The world isn’t the example our children need. True, uncompromising, no-matter-the-cost faith is rare and a valuable gem in our lives and the lives of our children. But for it to take root in their lives, they need to see it modeled before them—lived out in living color right before their eyes.
It’s important to instruct them at home, but like you, they need fresh anointing in an atmosphere filled with other like-minded believers their own age. This one week at SWBC18 is designed to ramp up their faith and create an excitement in their hearts to pursue God with their whole heart, mind and soul.
The 2018 Southwest Believers’ Convention will be an experience they’ll never forget!
We have two programs, based on age, available at SWBC18—Superkid Academy and 14forty. Superkid Academy is for ages 6-12, and 14forty is for ages 13-18. Visit and to learn more about these services.
Get a peak of last year’s 14forty services and see what people said about these dynamic youth services:
This is the year to attend the 2018 Southwest Believers’ Convention, even if you’ve attended in the past. We’re expecting a meeting filled with the Holy Ghost and fire. You’ll never regret attending! With so much for the whole family and a huge gathering of faith-filled ministers and believers—you won’t leave the same.
If circumstances prevent you from joining us in Fort Worth for the 2018 Southwest Believers’ Convention, please do tune in and watch us live on or VICTORY™ network (formerly BVOVN) via Dish Channel 265, Roku, Apple TV and Amanzon Fire TV. (click here for more ways to watch). We’re expecting miracles across the globe!
© 1997 – 2025 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All Rights Reserved.