When you uncover these 5 Hidden Truths About Healing, you will recognize the devil’s lies, put him on the run, and receive your healing!
When you were a child, you probably played the game of hide-and-seek. Hide-and-seek is a popular children’s game that involves at least one player hiding themselves in a certain place with the goal that the second player find them. As a child, it was fun to stay hidden, hoping that the person looking for you didn’t find you.
The devil operates exactly the same way; he is hiding and hoping you don’t come looking for him. He is hoping you stay in the dark, unaware of his lies and deception. He is hoping—counting on, actually—that he can convince you that healing is not God’s will for you today. If he can get you to believe his lies, he can keep you sick. If he can keep the truth of healing hidden from you, then you have no way of applying it to your life and seeing the benefits.
Jesus said, “And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). In order to walk in freedom, you must know the truth. Don’t let the devil hide himself any longer―walk in freedom today by shining the light on these 5 Hidden Truths About Healing!
Truth #1: Healing has not passed away.
“I am the LORD, and I do not change.” –Malachi 3:6
God has always provided healing for His people. It’s not something He started doing in the ministry of Jesus. It’s something He started doing the moment man fell and became subject to sickness and disease in the Garden of Eden.
When Moses was in the desert with the Israelites, God established Himself as the Healer when He said, “For I am the LORD who heals you” (Exodus 15:26). He has never changed. He is still the same Lord.
Jesus demonstrated healing to all those who would believe Him when He walked the earth. He is still the same Jesus today because Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” Healing has not passed away and is still available for you today.
Watch Kenneth Copeland share his message, “It’s Always Been God’s Will To Heal” in the video below.
Truth #2: God did not put sickness on you to teach you something.
“All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right.” –2 Timothy 3:16
Does 2 Timothy 3:16 say, “Sickness and disease teach you”? No, it clearly says it is the Word of God that teaches you to do what is right. Cancer is not your teacher. Diabetes is not your teacher. The Word of God teaches you, and the Spirit of God leads you into all truth (John 16:13).
God did not put sickness on you to teach you something. If Satan can sell you this lie, you won’t resist his work of sickness and disease. After all, how could you resist something you think God put on you?
Jesus unveiled the truth when He said about Satan: “The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy” (John 10:10). Jesus came so you would have a “rich and satisfying life,” free of sickness and disease. Settle this once and for all…sickness is not from God and is not there to teach you something!
Truth #3: God does not get the glory when you bear sickness and disease.
“But if you remain in me and my words remain in you, you may ask for anything you want, and it will be granted! When you produce much fruit, you are my true disciples. This brings great glory to my Father.” –John 15:7-8
Thinking that God gets the glory from the way you bear sickness and disease is a lie that has blinded many believers’ minds, preventing them from believing the truth and receiving their healing. John 15 reminds us that God gets glory when you bear much fruit; for example, when you command cancer to depart from someone and it leaves!
In one of the KCM meetings in Australia, a man who was almost devoured by cancer had his life completely changed in one day! One Saturday, he left the hospital, came to the meeting where he heard the Word, gave his life to the Lord, and was completely healed of cancer. He believed the Word that he heard, was converted in his thinking, and was healed. Not only that, but he was separated from his wife and reconciled with her on that same day! God completely turned this man’s life around in one day, and He can do the same for you! Open your eyes to the truth that God does not get glory when you bear sickness and disease; He gets glory when you are set free!
Truth #4: Not ALL things in your life work for your good.
“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy.” –(John 10:10)
Everything in the world that comes your way is not for your good. Why is that? Satan, who is the god of this world, comes to steal, kill and destroy; and everything the devil does is working for bad in your life. As a believer, you are told to resist him (James 4:7).
This truth is hidden from many believers because of a scripture, Romans 8:28, that is taken out of context. Some people say, “Well, I had this car wreck, so I guess God is using this car wreck to work good in my life.” If you read Romans 8:28 in context, you will see that it is not talking about the plans and purposes for your life; it is talking about intercessory prayer. When you and others in the Church take their place in prayer by praying out the plans and purposes of God, God is able to work good in the people’s lives for whom you pray. In your own life, realize that not everything that shows up is from God and is good.
Truth #5: Healing is always God’s will for you.
“Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that is was very good!” –Genesis 1:31
If you want to see the will of God, look at what He did in the Garden of Eden. God’s will was perfectly done in the Garden before the Fall of man, and His will includes healing for your body. When God made man and placed him in the Garden, death, sorrow, sickness, disease and lack were nowhere to be found!
When Jesus came, He continued demonstrating the will of God in the earth and even declared, “If you want to know God’s will, look at Me.” Jesus is the will of God in action. He said, “For I have come down from heaven to do the will of God who sent me, not to do my own will” (John 6:38). Everywhere Jesus went, He healed and delivered people, opening their eyes to see that God is good and desires His people to be well. Every good thing, including healing, is God’s will for you.
If you’re facing sickness or disease today, go ahead and shine the spotlight on the truth of God Word’s by declaring the following out loud: “I see that healing has not passed away. Healing is for me today. God did not put this sickness on me; not everything that comes to me is from God. It is the devil who brings sickness and disease. God does not get glory from my sickness, but gets glory when that sickness leaves and I am free. Healing is always God’s will for me because God loves me. I agree with God’s Word and I receive my healing that Jesus has provided for me today!”
Read more about how to get and keep your healing HERE.
Now that you know these 5 Hidden Truths About Healing, you can be free from sickness and disease because of the reality that Jesus bore your healing on the cross. In the game of hide-and-seek, the one who looks for the hidden player calls out, “Ready or not, here I come!” After learning the truth about healing and revealing the lies that the enemy uses to keep you sick, you can call out, “Ready or not, here I come with the truth of God’s Word!”
Related Article:
How To Take God’s Medicine for Healing
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