God has dealt to every person a measure of faith (Romans 12:3, NKJV). But as a Christian full of faith, God doesn’t want you to become stagnant. He wants you to GROW in Him! Growing in Him means growing from faith to faith (Romans 1:17, KJV). It means getting to know Him better, and getting to know Him more this week than last week, and more today than yesterday. Below are four ways you can grow in your faith.
Grow Through Hearing the Word
“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Romans 10:17, NKJV).
If you want to grow in your faith, it starts by hearing, and that means feeding yourself with God’s Word. When you hear God’s Word, it changes you. It affects your worldview and alters the way you think. Is this talking about brainwashing? Yes—if brainwashing means washing your brain with the Word of God!
We want to see things the way God sees them, and we want to think the way He thinks. The good news is, there’s an entire book filled with the way God thinks: the Bible. Open your Bible and begin to read. Get an audio recording of the Bible, and listen to it as you go to sleep, as you get ready in the morning, or as you drive in your car. Get audio and video teaching from Bible teachers you can trust. We have hundreds of teachings and media resources available to you for free on our website in the Watch section. Additionally, you can subscribe to our podcast and listen to faith-filled teaching on the go. It’s a great way to start your growth.
Grow Through Believing the Word
It’s one thing to hear the Word…it’s another to believe it. You may have heard for years that Jesus is Lord. You may have grown up in a Christian home and been taught that since you were old enough to understand what your parents were saying. But something happened the day you believed it. Everything changed. “The old passed away and everything became new.”
Romans 10:9-10 says, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved” (KJV, emphasis added). You became a Christian from hearing—and believing—God’s Word. That goes for every part of your Christian life. When you read God’s Word, don’t hesitate to believe it. If God said it, it doesn’t matter how you feel about it. If God said it, it doesn’t matter what you’ve heard that’s contrary to it. God’s Word trumps everything else. You may be struggling with your health. You may feel sick. You may have gone to a church that says God doesn’t heal today. What does God’s Word say? It says:
- “I am the Lord who heals you” (Exodus 15:26).
- “By his wounds you are healed” (1 Peter 2:24).
- “[Jesus] healed all the sick among them” (Matthew 12:15).
If God’s Word says it, the matter is settled. It’s time to believe it.
Grow Through Taking God’s Word
“But I’m still sick!” you may say.
Once you’ve heard God’s Word and made the decision to believe it, you need to make the decision to take it. Take hold of the truth and never let go.
Taking it means putting God’s Word before your eyes and keeping it before your eyes. Every day, speak that truth. When you want to receive your healing, search through God’s Word and find verse after verse after verse about how God wants to heal you. Highlight those verses. Print them out. Tape them on your mirror. Add them as the home screen on your smartphone. Speak them every day.
When you take God’s Word, the world may be playing tug of war with you, but you won’t let go of that truth! Read it, believe it, take it and never let go no matter what comes your way!
Grow Through Acting on God’s Word
“Faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead…. Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works” (James 2:17-18, NKJV).
It’s one thing to read, believe and take hold of something. It’s another to act as though you believe it.
When you know that you know God has healed you—because that’s the loving God He is—it’s time to act like it. Wake up in the morning and thank God for your healing. You may feel sick; you may feel like not moving a muscle. But don’t let your feelings stop you from acting on God’s Word. You may not be able to do much yet, because sometimes it takes time to get the natural in line with the supernatural. If someone tells you, “You look sick,” reply, “No, I’m doing great because by His stripes, I am healed!”
As you act upon His Word, you’re allowing it to grow in you, settle in you, become active and strong in your life.
Hearing. Believing. Taking. Acting. When you listen to the Lord, believe what He says, take Him at His Word, and act on it, you’ll find yourself growing in your faith like never before. Then, God’s Word will be working in your life in a way like nothing else can. It’ll be working in a life full of FAITH!
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