4 Keys To Supernaturally Eradicating Debt - KCM Blog Skip to main content

4 Keys To Supernaturally Eradicating Debt

Debt seems to be a way of life in this world, doesn’t it? Before you know it, it’s all too easy to find yourself buried in a mountain of it with no possibility of it ever getting out of sight. If that sounds familiar and you’re looking for a way to get out of debt, we have good news!

As believers, we have available to us a completely different financial system than what the world offers. We are children of the Most High God and citizens of His kingdom; therefore, we can operate in God’s financial system, where He supplies all of our needs and desires with His wealth (Philippians 4:19). As you can imagine, since God is the very Creator of this world, He has a lot of wealth at His disposal, and He wants to spend it on you.

As you read these 4 Keys To Supernaturally Eradicating Debt, you will gain the spiritual tools to rid yourself of debt and live financially free. No matter how much debt you’re in, God will lead and guide you to become debt free and highly prosperous. You can live on this earth with God as your sole Supplier!

1) Become God-Is-My-Source Minded

“And my God will liberally supply (fill to the full) your every need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:19 (AMPC)

Have you ever kicked a bad habit…like eating too much sugar or drinking soda? When you decided to give up that habit, you had to turn your back on it, didn’t you? Well, to live debt-free, you will need to do the same—which will involve buying without borrowing money. No matter how hard it may seem, the first key to supernaturally eradicate debt is to make the quality decision to stop borrowing money and become debt free.

This is what Kenneth and Gloria Copeland decided early in their marriage. They didn’t waver or wait for “the right time.” They made a quality decision to turn their backs on borrowing money. They no longer considered it an option, because debt would no longer be the way they obtained things. From that moment on, they decided to solely depend on God for everything they needed and made Him their sole Supplier. Eleven months later, they were completely out of debt and have continued to live debt free to this day.

You may be thinking, That sounds great, but how did they get out of debt so fast?

They became God-is-our-Source minded (1 Corinthians 8:6). No matter what they needed, from meeting payroll in a growing ministry to purchasing a jet airplane, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland depended on the Lord to supply ALL their needs. He became their only Source, and He still is today.

Since God is no respecter of persons, He’ll do for you what He did for Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Need a new car? Let the Master Financier fund that for you. What about a new home? He can supply what you need far beyond anything you could ever hope for, but you have to trust in Him (Ephesians 3:20).

Settle in your heart today that God is your Source. Meditate on His Word continually and say repeatedly: “God is my Source.” Let it become so real in your spirit that you no longer think of

your income, your job, your bank account or a loan as your financial supply. God longs to be your one and only Financial Supplier. And as soon as you let Him, your finances will soar.

2) Receive His Power To Be Debt-Free

“The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows).” –John 10:10 (AMPC)

When our bills become overwhelming, it can feel like money controls us, instead of us controlling our money. But the truth is, we have the supernatural authority to regain control over our finances and become completely debt free. After all, through Jesus Christ, we have been given dominion over this earth—and that includes our finances, which are under our authority.

You have the power to say, “Enough!” and claim your rights and promises through Jesus Christ. As you operate in faith and keep speaking His promises, you will be able to stand on your quality decision to become debt free. As you apply His power to your debt, you’ll find that a large part of that power is in receiving God’s wisdom on how to move forward. Consider these promises from God’s Word:

• God has a Spirit-led debt-cancellation plan for me (Jeremiah 29:11).
• I receive God’s plan by faith—and I do not doubt (James 1:5-8).
• God’s plan comes out of the realm of the spirit—not the natural (1 Corinthians 2:9-10).
• I have the ability to hear God’s plan (Psalm 85:8).
• I am obedient to God’s plan. Whatever He tells me to do, I will do it (Isaiah 1:19).

As you move in obedience to the Lord, your debt-cancellation plan will be wrapped in God’s wisdom, and will never create unnecessary pressure on you. If pressure starts, press toward peace, and refuse the temptation to become impatient and borrow. You will be surprised how quickly your debts start to diminish when you stay in faith and give your care over to God.

Looking for practical steps to pay down your debt fast? See 10 Steps to Debt Freedom – Kenneth Copeland Ministries Blog (kcm.org)

3) Seek First the Kingdom

“Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…and all these things shall be added unto you.”- Matthew 6:33 (KJV)

When you need money, it seems rational to follow what the world does: Work more and spend less. Yet the Bible is very clear where everything originates—from the kingdom of God. Therefore, it makes even greater sense, especially while paying off debt, to seek the kingdom of God.

As you may already know, one of the best ways of seeking the Kingdom is not only through prayer, but by sowing and giving into God’s kingdom. Just as tithing protects what you currently own, giving will exponentially grow your finances as the laws of sowing and reaping ensure your own financial harvest (Mark 4:30-32). In the natural, spending more money by tithing doesn’t seem like a workable plan, but with God, you can give your way out of debt. Many people make the huge mistake of discontinuing their tithing and sowing when trying to get out of debt, but not tithing doesn’t work. It may seem logical to our natural minds, but the quickest route to supernatural debt freedom is dependent upon staying in a continual state of sowing and reaping (Proverbs 3:9-10).

As you set out to become debt free, open your spiritual ears to hear where and how much God wants you to sow for your harvest. As Jerry Savelle says, “When you talk to the Lord about your need, He will talk to you about sowing seed.” This is a spiritual law, and a critical step to take if you want to live a debt-free life. His plan is perfect, so tune in and listen to His instructions. Rather than assume what you should do, lean on and rely completely on the Lord. He knows how to get you debt free in the best way possible. He not only wants to bless you far beyond your income in the natural realm, He’s promised in His Word to bless you beyond anything you’ve ever known (Ephesians 3:20). If you stand on the Word and hold fast, you will see His hand bless your financial situation immensely.

4) Enter His Rest

“There remains therefore a rest for the people of God. For he who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his works as God did from His.” –Hebrews 4:9-10 (NKJV)

The moment you made the quality decision to get out of debt, God saw you as debt free. As you’ve built your plan, and followed His wisdom and direction, allow His mighty hand to move on your behalf. This doesn’t mean that you stop making payments and meeting your obligations. No, not at all. It means that you enter His spiritual rest as you cast the care of your debt on the Lord. When a situation arises, the debt becomes overwhelming, or you think you may need to borrow money again, that’s the time to pray and give the situation to the Lord and leave it with Him. It’s the time to enter into His rest.

If you aren’t sure how to do that, pray like this:

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I throw the care, weight, anxiety, worry and concern of that debt load over onto You. I refuse to carry the care of that debt any longer. I refuse to borrow any more money. You are my Supplier, and You are well able to provide whatever I need. According to Hebrews 4:3, 9-11, I enter the rest and peace of God concerning my finances. I believe it, receive it and walk in it. I am free! My days of worry and anxiety, pressure and stressing over finances are over forever! I refuse the pressure and stress—I choose instead to enter Your rest.

Then, leave the care with the Lord and let His love guide the rest of your day. Don’t keep going back over and over it, worrying, and talking about it with your family or friends. Instead, leave it in His loving hands. If worry tries to take over your heart and mind again, speak His financial promises and rejoice in His goodness.

As you follow these 4 Keys To Supernaturally Eradicating Debt, you will be well on your way to living debt free and in a position to bless others. As Pastor George Pearsons has said, “There are streams of income and supernatural manifestations of the glory of God removing debt from our lives.” Receive that word today, and know you are redeemed from the curse of poverty and lack, and are now, in God’s eyes, debt free!

Download Pastor George Pearson’s FREE study notes on debt freedom:
