3 Ways to Bless Soldiers This Christmas - KCM Blog Skip to main content

3 Ways to Bless Soldiers This Christmas

You can bless a military family this Christmas! Share the love of Jesus and learn 3 ways to bless soldiers this Christmas season.


Our military today is the most outstanding United States military in the history of this nation. There’s never been another corps like them anywhere, anytime. They’re tough, and they’re committed. More importantly, they need our support.


Military families face unique challenges every day. Multiple lengthy deployments, relocations, financial pressure and the strain on families are all often compounded by a lack of community support. As Christians, we have the opportunity to be a light to this special group of people who serve us, protect us and defend our freedoms.


Perhaps, you’ve had a desire to step in and help our military—to give back in some small way to honor their sacrifices. There is no better time than during this holiday season to include military families in your Christmas planning. Here are three ways to bless soldiers this Christmas that will make a lasting impact on their lives.


1. Pray for Soldiers

Often in harm’s way or facing trying obstacles, our military men and women need regular prayer support. It’s the most powerful thing you can offer from a distance. A soldier’s life can be lonely and dangerous, and the power of the Holy Spirit brings a comfort unmatched by any human effort. Here’s how you can pray:


  • Pray for Psalm 91 protection.
  • Pray that they will have courage and supernatural strength.
  • Pray that they will have favor and victory in every situation.
  • Pray for their families at home and that their relationships will remain strong.
  • Plead the blood of Jesus over their minds and bodies.


Learn more about the power of Psalm 91 here.


2. Give Toward the Needs of Soldiers

When soldiers are deployed, it can be difficult to know how to make a difference. But don’t let that stop you! There are many ways that you can bless soldiers this Christmas by meeting their tangible needs. Jesus always met needs before He shared the gospel. It is a powerful witnessing tool and an important way to shine His light at Christmas! Here are some ideas to consider:


  • Send a card or care package to a soldier. (There are several organizations that facilitate this.)
  • Volunteer or donate to an organization that serves deployed soldiers and their families.
  • Many military men and women face financial struggles. Bless a member of our military with a gift card that will help meet his or her needs this Christmas.
  • Purchase Christmas gifts for their children.
  • If you see a member of the military in a restaurant—never let them pay for their own meal! Take the opportunity to bless them and thank them for their service.


3. Stand With Their Families

Military families face unique challenges. Deployments mean separated families and a spouse who is alone in caring for the needs of children. You can come alongside and support families and ease the mind of a soldier overseas. This Christmas, many military families will spend the holidays alone. Your act of reaching out in love will be a blessing.


What can you do? Don’t ask what they need—simply serve. Often, when asked if help is needed, people feel obligated to say no to avoid inconveniencing others. So, instead of asking, if you feel led to serve and give to a military family—just do it!


If you know a family at church or at your child’s school, there are many ways you can offer to help. Sometimes, if you listen when people talk, you can pick up on clues to where their greatest needs lie. Just be sure to ask permission. They will appreciate it more than you will ever know. Some ideas include:


  • Stop by with a meal.
  • Offer to take the kids to the zoo.
  • Lend a helping hand with household repairs or yardwork.
  • Take them out to lunch or dinner.

When you use these three ways to bless soldiers this Christmas, you will make a difference in our nation, our world and the kingdom of God. Add military families to your Christmas list this year, and spread the love of Jesus in your community and your world.


Watch as KCM Partner, Sgt. 1st Class Tracey Baker shares his testimony of Psalm 91 protection during his tour in Iraq.



