by Riley Stephenson, KCM Minister of Evangelism
When Pastor George Pearsons hired me in 2005, he commissioned me to do three things: win the lost, mobilize the congregation at Eagle Mountain International Church, and bring in the harvest. I had no idea at that time that the local congregation would become a global community, but that is what happened. So when Brother Kenneth Copeland prophesied that 2021 would be “the year of the local church,” I saw it as the year of the global church, each church around the world working together with one focus.
And that is what happened.
At the Southwest Believers’ Convention in August, our evangelism team trained 183 partners who represented sixty churches in twenty-nine states and three countries. We reported 514 salvations, 150 healings, and 103 baptisms in the Holy Spirit.

Every Saturday at Eagle Mountain, we take teams out into our local area. During our prayer times we ask the Lord to show us where to go and who to talk to. Jesus said, “I only do what I see the Father doing” (see John 5:19), and, “I only say what I’m commanded to say” (see John 12:50). So we’ve made it our mission to do and say what Jesus tells us. We have multiple testimonies of how the Lord has saved and healed through our partners.

One time the Lord impressed our team members to get a couple rolls of quarters, go to a local laundromat, and bless people with change for washing and drying their clothes. A girl named Patty walked up to a man doing his laundry and asked him, “When you get to heaven and God asks you why He should let you in, what would you say?” He didn’t have an answer, so Patty read the Scriptures from Romans 3, 6, and 10 and led him in a prayer to receive Jesus.
Here are a few other testimonies:
I asked the gentleman at a drive-through if he knew Jesus. He said yes. Then I asked him if he died today, where he would go. He said he hoped he would go to heaven. I told him that we could rectify that right now, and he prayed the prayer of salvation. (Steven Reed)
While working, I saw a guy I had asked to help out during our shift. He happened to be working right in my area, and I felt the urgency to witness. So I called him over to my work area and began to walk him through Romans 3:23, 6:23, and 10:13. His name is Samuel, and he gave his life to Christ. He said his family were Christians; however, he had backslid. (Daniel Moreno)
At Traders’ Village I went with Pastor Riley, and at least fifteen people were saved or healed. I was able to pray with a few young girls who didn’t know Jesus. This was an amazing time spreading the love of God to everyone! (Emmalee Buesinger)
This past year was truly unique for our evangelism teams. So many who attended our training sessions had never shared their faith, and we saw more than two thousand lives change from the experience. What will this year bring? We believe that our Partners have a new fire to revive their cities and ignite the world! Let’s do what Jesus did and say what Jesus said. Let’s continue to win the lost and bring in the harvest.
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