Is changing your life in 2020 as simple as speaking these phrases? We think so.
Are you expecting big changes, breakthroughs and manifestations in 2020? (Hint: Your answer should be YES.)
Here’s the deal.
You can actually choose what kind of year you’re going to have!
By choosing how you think and the words you speak. The Bible is full of scriptures instructing us to choose our words wisely. And James 3 tells us we steer the direction of our lives with the words we speak. (Find out if you’ve been sinking your own ship with your words HERE.)
The key to speaking life-changing words begins with your BELIEVING (Matthew 12:34). As you speak right words, you will renew your mind to truth and your right believing will become the driving force behind your results.
According to the word of the Lord through Kenneth Copeland, 2020 is a year of new visions, manifest power and great change. You can experience great change when you choose to harness the power of your words!
But you must make a decision—and a plan.
If you don’t have a plan, fear not—we have one to help you get started, so you can harness the power of your words! Here are 10 Things You Should Say Every Day for Great Change in 2020.
Read. Speak. Change.
1. “I Can Do All Things Through Christ Who Strengthens Me”
Philippians 4:13 is perhaps one of the most quoted Bible verses of all time among Christians. This uplifting, spirit-strengthening, world-conquering promise is what so many believers crave, but so few truly believe.
What does it say can you do through Christ? All things. Think about that. You can do anything and everything with the help of Christ, the Anointed One and His Anointing. Does that mean anything and everything that’s just possible in the natural? Of course not! All things, which include the impossible, too.
What are some examples of all things?
- Getting a job for which you are not qualified
- Getting a raise when the company you work for never gives raises
- Receiving healing
- Defying doctors’ reports
- Enjoying a lifelong marriage, a secure family and godly children
- Overcoming an addiction, such as drugs, alcohol, pornography or overeating
- Getting out of piles of debt
- Overcoming seemingly insurmountable obstacles.
And anything else you can think of. “All things” means just that! Are you thinking of it that way and speaking it regularly over your impossible situations?
Norman Vincent Peale, minister and champion of positive thinking, said of this verse, it is “the most powerful antidote on earth to inferiority thoughts.”
When should you say this phrase?
- When you feel like you’re not good enough
- When you feel like you’re not qualified
- When circumstances seem impossible
- When others speak against your success
- When the devil is whispering in your ear that it’s impossible.
Get in the habit of saying this phrase many times each day. “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” It will bring great change to your life in 2020—guaranteed.
2. “If God Is For Me, Who Can Be Against Me?”
Another verse that is often quoted, but rarely allowed to take root, is found in Romans 8:31. It isn’t just a nice thought or an idea too far out of reach, it is a truth and should be lived out as a lifestyle.
Repeating this phrase, again and again, will bring great change to your life in 2020. When the truth that God is for you gets down in your spirit, you’ll never fear again. You’ll never be discouraged again. You’ll never slip into unbelief again.
If God is for you—no one else has a chance against you. Nothing the enemy has planned to defeat you will work. God is undefeatable. So, if God is for you, then your boss can’t be against you, your physical symptoms can’t be against you, creditors can’t be against you, family members can’t be against you.
Watch Gloria Copeland teach you how to replace fear with faith.
Get in the habit of speaking this phrase every day about every situation. “God is with me. He is helping me in every situation. If God is for me, I can be promoted. If God is for me, I will have a successful marriage. If God is for me, no sickness or disease can conquer me. If God is for me, I can make this sale.”
Keep saying it and keep saying it. Make it part of your day until it becomes part of your spirit man. God is for you. Let that sink in and say it out of your mouth. It’s a powerful truth that will bring great change to your life in 2020 and forever.
3. “This Is the Day the Lord Has Made—I Will Rejoice and Be Glad in It”
Believe it or not, this phrase from Psalm 118:24 will change the whole course of your day. If you wake up saying things like, “Oh no, it’s Monday,” or, “Oh great, I have to go to that meeting today,” guess how your day is going to end up? Just like you expected.
But…if you can take charge of your day before it even has a chance to get underway, you put yourself in the driver’s seat, which is precisely where you want to be. So, when you wake up in the morning—before any other thoughts come into your head—say, “This is the day the Lord has made. I will rejoice and be glad in it. Thank You, God, for another day. I praise You and thank You that today is going to be a great day!”
4. “I Am Healed”
Don’t wait until you’re sick or receive a bad report from the doctor to say this phrase. No. You should be speaking this—All. The. Time.
Isaiah 53:5 said it, 1 Peter 2:24 confirms it—you are healed by the stripes of Jesus. It doesn’t matter how you feel, what your symptoms say, or what the doctor says—Jesus says, “It is finished.” You are healed.
Don’t wait until you’re facing sickness or disease to build up your spirit in this area—speak words of healing daily. Say, “I am healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. Jesus paid the price, and He says I was healed, so I am healed now. I believe it. I receive it. No weapon formed against my body will ever prosper in Jesus’ Name!”
5. “I Don’t Believe in Defeat”
How is this one for bold? It might be tough to get it out the first few times. You may not have ever thought these words before, let alone spoken them. But, let’s look at how this is 100% biblical.
- If you can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13), you should not expect defeat.
- If you are more than a conqueror (Romans 8:37), you should not expect defeat.
- If Jesus gave you the victory (1 Corinthians 15:57), you should never expect to be defeated.
- If He always causes you to triumph (2 Corinthians 2:14), you should not expect defeat.
Will you face trials? Yes. But you should always expect to come out on the other side victorious. You should not believe in defeat.
Next time you are tempted to accept defeat in your health, finances, marriage, children, job, ministry or anything else—remind yourself of the truth and speak this life-changing phrase: “I do not believe in defeat.”
6. “I Have the Mind of Christ”
This phrase, based on 1 Corinthians 2:16, is a powerhouse. This is chock full of revelation most Christians have never tapped in to. Don’t let that be you.
This phrase, just like the others, will change your life. Why? Because it takes your own ability out of the equation. It means you don’t have to be a genius to have triumphant success. You don’t have to have 10 college degrees hanging on the wall to be wealthy. You don’t have to know how to handle difficult circumstances in front of you—you just have to be tuned in to the Holy Spirit.
Watch Kenneth Copeland and Dr. Don Colbert teach you why you have the mind of Christ.
Is there something in your life you feel is too hard for you right now? Say, “I have the mind of Christ.” That’s a game changer, isn’t it?
If you have the mind of Christ, you will be wise with all spiritual wisdom, and you’ll always know what to do and even have sudden information you’ve never known before. That is something that is guaranteed to bring great change to your 2020.
7. “I Am Blessed”
This phrase will change your life because it will keep you out of the danger zone. If you’re already speaking, “I am blessed,” you won’t have time to complain or speak fear and doubt. It will keep you on the faith side—the winning side.
Make a habit of speaking this life-changing phrase every day and in every situation. No matter what circumstances you’re facing, there is always some form of blessing operating in your life. And when you aren’t feeling so blessed? Speak it by faith. When people ask you how you are—get in the habit of saying, “I am blessed.”
8. “I Am a Blessing to Others”
The way you live will honor and please the Lord when you live with spiritual wisdom and do good and kind things for others (Colossians 1:9-10).
Keith Moore leads his congregation in a set of confessions that includes the phrase, “I am a major blessing to others.” That’s what we’re called to, isn’t it?
It can be easy to spend more time focusing on our own healing, finances and family and forget the importance of sowing into the lives of others. But if you make a daily habit of speaking the phrase, “I am a blessing to others,” it will bring great change to your life in more ways than one.
You’ll find yourself being more in tune with those around you and finding more ways to be a blessing. Your sowing will increase, which means your reaping will go through the roof!
9. “Everything I Do Prospers”
Are you a win-some, lose-some kind of person? Someone who expects to have some hits, but also some misses? If so, this one’s for you.
Look long and hard in the Bible, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a verse that supports the idea that you should expect to live a life of hits and misses. It’s not in there. That’s because God has declared THE BLESSING over our lives. He says you’re the head, not the tail, above and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13)—not sometimes, all the time. It also says you will always be on top, never on the bottom.
Even better? Everything you put your hands to will prosper (verses 8-9)!
Now, that doesn’t mean you’ll be offered every job you apply for or win every game of ParcheesiTM you play. It does mean you can expect what you put your hands to—in accordance with the will of God—will bring prosperity to your life. Verse 8 says, “The Lord will guarantee a blessing on everything you do.”
Glory to God! Your life has a stamp on it marked “Guaranteed Blessing.” Hallelujah!
Are you expecting a guaranteed blessing every time you go to work, minister to someone, open a business, take a test, buy a home or anything else? You should.
If that revelation isn’t real inside you, speaking, “Everything I do will prosper,” is a good start. It’s a phrase that will assure great change in every area of your life in 2020.
10. “No Evil Can Touch Me”
Do you believe this phrase? No evil can touch you—that’s a promise in Psalm 91:10 for those who live as the verse describes. But you put this promise into effect with your faith. No evil can touch you—not your body, your health, your family, your money, your property or your relationships. (Learn more about applying Psalm 91 over your life HERE.)
When you make a habit of declaring Psalm 91 over your life and family every day and in every circumstance, it will change your life. People around you will report bad things, and you’ll find it odd because those things don’t come near you, nor are you expecting them. Why? Because “no evil can touch me” is a phrase that will ensure great change in your life.
These 10 phrases you should say every day for great change in 2020 may be new to you, or maybe you’ve known them for years, but haven’t applied them in this way. As you build your faith and develop this new habit, write them down on a 3-by-5 card and take it with you wherever you go or place it in your Bible where you’ll see it every day. It won’t be long before you find yourself speaking them out of your heart without even thinking about it and seeing the great change you’ve always wanted.
Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you how to see victory with your words.
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