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The Keys That Unlock Healing

Does trying to figure out healing feel like fumbling around with a giant wad of keys to find just the right one? Call off the search! The keys that unlock healing are right here.

If you’ve ever lost your keys, you know one thing—it can be frustrating! You can’t open the door to your house, you can’t start your car, and you can’t get your mail. You’re locked out and have no access to what belongs to you.

Sometimes, we can feel the same way spiritually when it comes to healing. We know healing belongs to us. We know abundance, peace and joy are rightfully ours, but we can’t seem to find the keys. We get down on the spiritual ground looking this way and that way and think, Maybe if I pray harder and longer, maybe if I say a few more confessions, I will get my healing. Or we might even get off course enough to think, Maybe it isn’t God’s will to heal me.

Stop right there.

If you’re in the place where you’re going through a wad of spiritual keys the size of a janitor’s key ring, and questioning if a key even exists—it’s time to take a step back and look to the Master Locksmith. He has the master key that opens every door to your blessing, your healing and your victory—it’s the Word of God. You don’t have to fumble around looking for the keys to your healing anymore. You don’t have to keep trying one key after another on that giant key ring. The life and healing ministry of Jesus takes the exact keys you need off the ring and places them right in your hands.

If you’re ready to stop fumbling around with that giant key ring, here are five keys that unlock healing:

Key No. 1: Meditate on God

“My son, give attention to my words; incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; keep them in the midst of your heart; for they are life to those who find them, and health to all their flesh.” –Proverbs 4:20-22 (NKJV)

One of the keys to unlocking healing is found in the hands of the woman with the issue of blood (Luke 8:43-48). We don’t know much about this woman—we don’t know her name, her family background or what may have caused her ailment. We don’t even know if she’d ever met Jesus before. But we do know this—she got healed.

How? Well, it was a long process for her. She had been struggling with her ailment for 12 long years. She’d spent every dime she had trying to get better, but instead was worse. She was also not allowed to walk the streets, so she had been shut in her home for all these years—until now.

What would cause someone to take such a leap of faith and leave her home to walk the streets (illegally) and ask a man she may have never met to heal her?

The answer is simple: faith.

How did she come by such bold faith? By meditating on Jesus. Though she was shut in, she had clearly heard of Him. She had heard of His miracles, His compassion, His healings. She had meditated on these things in her heart long enough for faith to rise up within her. She was already believing for healing before she ever stepped onto the street.

She thought about it and thought about it until faith came, and then it came out of her mouth as she said, “If I may touch but his clothes, I shall be whole” (Mark 5:28). And what did Jesus say? He said, “Your faith has healed you” (Mark 5:34; NIV).

That same key will work for you. Start meditating on the Word. Meditate on Jesus instead of thinking about what the world has to say or what your symptoms or your feelings tell you. Turn off the television for a while and keep your focus on Him. If you do see commercials for pills and drugs for diseases—talk back! Say, “There’s healing for that. I don’t need your pills. Glory to God.” Talk back or don’t watch it. Keep your consciousness from having access to anything but Jesus until faith comes and gets in your mouth, and you start speaking faith. You’ll know when it comes—when you start to get excited about it!

Mark 11:23-24 tells us that whatever we desire, when we pray, we should believe we receive it. So when you pray, start believing while you’re praying—not after. The woman with the issue of blood didn’t just jump onto the street that day and get healed. No. She spent enough time meditating on these things to become fully persuaded, and that time meditating on Jesus unlocked her healing.

Key No. 2: Clothe Yourself in Bible Humility

“Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” –Hebrews4:16 (NKJV)

You may not have checked your key ring for this key to healing, but it fits the lock and

opens the door. What is it? Humility.

The Bible definition of humility is “boldness”—coming boldly to the throne of grace to find mercy and help. Andrew Murray defined humility as “the place of entire dependence on God.”[1] In other words, when we don’t think we need God’s help, or if we’re trying to solve all our own problems, we’re knee-deep in the sin of pride.

How do you know if you’re operating in pride?

Pride says, “I’ve got this.” Pride stays up all night trying to fix it. Why won’t God come and fix it for you? Because He can’t. You’re holding it. On the other hand, humility is acknowledging that God is greater than we are. We are told to be clothed and covered with humility (1 Peter 5:1-5), and that includes casting our cares upon God (1 Peter 5:7).

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach more about Bible humility.

That means get rid of your cares—all of them! God doesn’t want you to carry a single care. He wants you to live a carefree, Holy Ghost-empowered life. Remember the Syrophoenician woman who asked Jesus to heal her demon-possessed daughter (Matthew 15:22-28)? He answered and said, “I was not sent except to the lost sheep of the house of Israel” (NKJV). Then she came and worshipped him. She called Him, “Lord.” She called Him, “Son of David.”  She cried out for mercy saying, “‘Lord, help Me!’  But He answered and said, ‘It is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.’” (Make good note of that. Healing is the children’s bread.)

We are the family of God. She, at that time, was outside the family of God. That’s why Jesus said this. She could have easily been offended here. But instead, she humbled herself and said, “Yes, Lord, yet even the little dogs eat the crumbs which fall from their masters’ table.”  Then, Jesus answered and said, “Great is your faith! Let it be to you as you desire.”

She had no pride. She came to get her daughter delivered, and she humbled herself before Jesus. That’s the great faith Jesus was talking about.

When you cast your cares and get rid of your fear, you are walking in Bible humility. The Bible tells us it is perfected love that will cast out our fear (1 John 4:15-18). So, practice God’s love, and let it develop and grow in you. His perfect love in you will cast out fear and allow you to walk in the kind of humility that unlocks healing.

Key No. 3: Don’t Be Touchy

“Love…is not touchy.” –1 Corinthians 13:5 (AMPC)

Whenever you are in need of receiving something from God or walking in His perfect

will, there is one master key that always fits the lock—LOVE. God is Love (1 John 4:8).

And He has commanded us to love Him and one another (Matthew 22:37-39). So,

anytime we are out of step with love, we are out of step with His will and out of alignment to receive any part of THE BLESSING, including healing.

First Corinthians 13 gives us the full picture of what love looks like, and one characteristic is that love is not touchy.

Here are the symptoms of touchy people:

  • They are unteachable and easily offended
  • They are quick to anger and slow to repent
  • They think they are never wrong
  • They seem to always be getting their feelings hurt about something.

If any of these sound like you, there is a solution. Walk in love and stay in love all the time. That sounds simple, but as we all know—it takes work! Love is a decision. The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts (Romans 5:5), and that means we have what it takes. We simply have to be willing. To walk in love is something that has to be developed and maintained—but the reward is worth it!

There are two practical ways you can start building your love walk and responding to life situations with wisdom:

  1. Study the characteristics of love in 1 Corinthians 13:5. Write this verse on a 3-by-5 card and read it aloud daily.
  1. Read one chapter from the book of Proverbs each day.

Make walking in love a major focus in your life. Don’t be touchy, and don’t judge anyone.

Have a teachable spirit. (If a person is unteachable, he can’t be corrected or directed. Then the Holy Spirit cannot protect him.) Walk in the love of God, and you will activate THE BLESSING all the time.

Key No. 4: Walk Free of Offense

“When you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against.” –Mark 11:25

When you find your healing is hindered, you may feel like you’re putting a square key in a round keyhole. If you’re trying to unlock healing without love, your key won’t fit. You can jiggle it around all you want—the door won’t open. That’s because staying out of  both offense and unforgiveness, is a prerequisite to receiving.

How do we know?

Mark 11:24 is the faith verse referred to so often, which says, “Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (NKJV).

What many people seem to skip over is the verse immediately following, which continues, saying, “And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses” (verse 25, NKJV).

Make sure you get this key to your healing in your hand. Take some time to sit down with the Lord, and ask Him to show you if you’re in strife with anyone or if you’ve taken offense. If you have, the devil can come in and trip you up. Mark 4:17 tells us the devil uses those kinds of offenses to steal the Word from our hearts. If he can get us offended, he’s able to pull the plug right out of us and drain the Word like water from a bucket.

So, reject those feelings of offense. The God kind of love forgives and doesn’t hold on to grudges.

And don’t forget to forgive yourself. If you’re holding on to a past failure, you’re still blocking your healing by refusing to forgive. Remember, once you confess and repent, God is faithful to forgive you and cleanse you (1 John 1:9). Now, you must receive your forgiveness and move on, or you’ll be missing one of the important keys that unlocks healing.

Key No. 5: Take Authority Over Your Words

“Then he said to the tree….”—Mark 11:14 (NIV)

There is one of the keys that unlock healing that you’ll find in an interesting place—your mouth. Jesus demonstrated this truth when He spoke to the fig tree. He used it as the foundation for Mark 11:23-24, where He said, “Those things he says will be done.” In other words, what we say is what we’ll get.

We live in a word-dominated environment, and our entire lives are the result of what we have been saying. That’s why Scripture tells us to attend to God’s Word, make it first place, put it in our hearts, mediate on it, and speak it out of our mouths (Proverbs 4:20-22).

Find out more about Words—The Start Button to Everything You’re Believing For.

You were given the ability to speak like God for a reason. You have the right to choose what words you speak. But to unlock healing, you must take authority over your words.

If you want to receive healing by faith, instead of talking about how miserable you feel, make a declaration from Isaiah 53:5 (NKJV). Say, “Jesus was wounded for my transgressions. He was bruised for my iniquities. The chastisement of my peace was upon Him; and with His stripes, praise God, I was healed!”

If you’ll continue to meditate on those words and continue to say them, the truth in them will begin to sink in. They’ll take root in your heart and begin to grow. And eventually, you really will be speaking from the abundance of your heart.

Now that you know these five keys that unlock healing, spend time meditating upon these truths and putting what you’ve learned into practice. Be a doer of the Word. Spend time reading healing scriptures, and believe and know God’s will for you is healing. Take these keys, walk boldly to the door of blessing, and unlock your healing today!

[1] Humility, Andrew Murray, 2001, Bethany House Publishers

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