Vision Part 1: Write Your Vision Ministry Minute - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Vision Part 1: Write Your Vision Ministry Minute

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God has given us specific instructions for how to pursue the vision He has given us for our lives. Habakkuk 2:2 tells us to write it down. Learn more about how to write your vision in this Ministry Minute featuring Mac Hammond. 


When God puts an idea or a direction in your heart for your life, it isn’t always clear what your next step should be. When you write your vision down and meditate on it every day, God will begin to expand the vision and give you instructions. Listen in as our good ministry Partner Mac Hammond and  KCM team member Jessica Mittnight explain more.



So, write down your vision! Put it somewhere you will see it, and then, read it every day. Talk about it. God will add to it, and it will begin generating a momentum and direction toward that vision in your life and in your ministry. That is the first step toward walking in God’s plan for your life.


Thank you for joining us for this Ministry Minute about how to write your vision. Next week, we’ll talk about how to make a plan for your vision. Until then, have faith in God, and remember, Jesus is Lord!


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