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Why Do We Support Israel?

Israel and the war against Hamas terrorism has taken over the world stage since the horrific attacks by Hamas in October 2023. History shows that this, however, is not the first time the Jewish people have been center stage in world events. In fact, the Jewish people have never been far from that stage. The Bible proclaims them as God’s chosen people. “For you are a holy and set-apart people to the Lord your God; the Lord your God has chosen you to be a special people to Himself out of all the peoples on the face of the earth” (Deuteronomy 7:6, AMPC). Sadly, instead of turning toward God’s chosen people, the world has often turned against the people of Israel. From the time of their enslavement by the Egyptians in biblical times, to the horrors of the Holocaust of World War II, to today’s brutal attacks by Hamas and other terrorist groups, many have not reached out their hand in friendship toward them. Instead, they have ignored the Jewish people or blatantly declared that they have no right to defend themselves.

So, why does Kenneth Copeland Ministries love and support Israel?

“I will bless those who bless you (Israel), and whoever curses you I will curse” (Genesis 12:3, NIV).

Choosing a Side

Essentially, God has challenged the world: “Take your stand; these are My people.” What side will you be on? The choice should be easy. KCM desires to walk in the ever-present blessing of the Lord. It is important not to bring harm to those whom God specifically and consistently calls His own. KCM wants to obey His Word in this, as in all things.

Think of it this way, “For thus said the Lord of Hosts, after [His] glory had sent me [His messenger] to the nations who plundered you—for he who touches you touches the apple or pupil of His eye” Zechariah 2:8 (AMPC). Has anyone ever poked you in the eye? Ouch, right? Well, in this verse, God is saying that if anyone messes with Israel, they are messing with the apple of His eye! He will be acutely aware of any attack on them, because touching the eye causes an instant, automatic reaction. God uses the illustration of the eye to let the world know that He is watching. He promises that He will protect Israel. “I will be a fierce enemy to your enemies” (Exodus 23:22, CEV). Becoming an enemy of Israel is a very dangerous thing.

The Nations Are Warned

This is not only a warning to us personally, but it is also a warning to the nations. The treatment of Israel is a foundational thing. One example of this importance occurred in 2005 when the United States experienced a direct connection between natural disaster and the way our country chose to treat Israel. In 2005, the United States pressured then-Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon to give up the area of Israel known as the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians in hopes of establishing peace. Pressure was applied, despite history demonstrating that no land for peace deal had ever succeeded.

On Wednesday, Aug. 17, 2005, Sharon authorized the forced evacuation of Israelis from the Gaza Strip. The day after, a tropical depression developed into what we remember as Hurricane Katrina. When Hurricane Katrina made landfall in Louisiana, 1 million Americans were evicted from their homes only hours after 9,000 Israelis were evicted from theirs. The U.S. poked its finger in the pupil of God’s eye, when pressure was applied to force Israel to give up what God had already declared was theirs. The response was swift and automatic.

Bless Israel and Be Blessed

“And I will bless those who bless you [who confer prosperity or happiness upon you] and curse him who curses or uses insolent language toward you; in you will all the families and kindred of the earth be blessed [and by you they will bless themselves]” (Genesis 12:3 AMPC).

Supporting Israel is connected to our prosperity. The word bless in this passage indicates the ability to prosper, not only financially, but in every area of life. If you or someone you know has ever traveled to the land of Israel, the declaration of the Israeli people being God’s people is true. The land is beautiful to see, and the people possess a clear spirit of prosperity. Israelis think about and see things differently. A quick look at the facts demonstrates that the blessing of the Lord is upon them. Jews make up only 2% of the world’s population, yet they are known to have the highest rate of entrepreneurship on the planet, with over 6,000 start-up companies and 22% of all the Nobel Peace Prize winners in history coming from Israel. The innovations they have provided the world include things we use every day, including the USB flash drive, voicemail, the camera on the end of endoscopes, vaccines, drip irrigation, Watergen (creating drinking water from air!) and many others.

We want to be connected to people like them. They continue to demonstrate what Daniel did. “Whenever the king asked them about the things that required wisdom and insight, he found that they knew ten times more than all the magicians and psychics in his whole kingdom” (Daniel 1:20, GW). Linking with the people of Israel will allow THE BLESSING and anointing to come upon us!

Pray For Israel’s Peace

“Pray for the peace of Jerusalem! May they prosper who love you [the Holy City]! May peace be within your walls and prosperity within your palaces! For my brethren and companions’ sake, I will now say, Peace be within you! For the sake of the house of the Lord our God, I will seek, inquire for, and require your good” (Psalm 122:6-9, AMPC).

Blessing and praying for Israel will bring peace and prosperity to you! That peace and prosperity comes as we allow God to reveal His thoughts and His ways to us. When God commanded Abraham to teach his children and his children’s children about the Mighty One of Israel, He was providing a doorway for the people of God to bless the world. Thus, we need to continue to pray and bless them. They are not only a blessing in that they are God’s people, but they are a blessing to the world. Through them, God has provided cures for sicknesses, preventatives for diseases and answers to technological problems. May God continue to be glorified through His people Israel!

We Support Israel

Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Eagle Mountain International Church have seen the blessing of the Lord throughout their ongoing support of Israel. In recent years, they have participated in supporting many as they have made Aliyah (returning to the homeland of Israel) throughout the acclimation and integration process for an entire year in Israel. During the ongoing war with the Hamas terrorists, KCM has supported Israel outreaches to enable the safety of Israeli citizens and provide for their immediate needs. This stems from a love for Israel that is not momentary, but is long-lasting. Why do we support Israel? This is a foundational principle in the Bible, and we have made it a foundational principle in our ministry. Join us in supporting Israel with your prayers today!

For the latest news from Israel, click here:

Israel News Archives – Victory News

For more about why we support Israel, see these EMIC services:

Sunday – 11/07/21 – Why Do We Support Israel? – Eagle Mountain International Church

Sunday – 03/06/2022 – The Value of Blessing Israel – Eagle Mountain International Church

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