Voice Activate Your Faith with Amazon’s Alexa! - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Voice Activate Your Faith with Amazon’s Alexa!

Voice activate your faith with Amazon’s Alexa! Currently, Alexa can read the From Faith to Faith daily devotion, play the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, or read specific prayers and confessions from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.


As you may know, our top two missions at KCM are to help you activate your faith in God’s Word and to make the gospel of Jesus Christ accessible on every available voice—from print and television, to the internet and radio, and even on other more-advanced technologies. That’s why we’re excited to share the latest voice (and one of the more technologically advanced) on which we’ve made the good news available—Amazon’s Alexa.


What Is Amazon’s Alexa?

You’ll appreciate this—Amazon’s Alexa is literally a voice-powered virtual assistant accessible on tens of millions of electronic devices. (So, this is truly a voice!)


You’ve probably heard Alexa, or her counterpart Siri, talk to you on your smart phone. In short, Alexa allows you to interact with technology in a more intuitive way by speaking, rather than typing or tapping. When you use your voice to ask a question, she answers. When you give a verbal command, she gives you a result.


We’ve created the KCM Skill for Amazon Alexa devices, so you can enjoy the convenience of activating your faith using this new technology. Plus, it is one more available voice where lost and hurting people can find the life-saving message of Jesus Christ. It’s a win-win!


How Do I Get It?

While KCM is not on every Alexa-enabled device, we are on some of Amazon’s Echo and Alexa devices, which are as follows:

  • Echo Dot
  • Echo
  • Echo Plus
  • Echo Spot
  • Echo Show
  • Echo Look
  • Amazon Fire TV & Fire TV stick
  • Amazon Fire Tablets

Click here to learn more and purchase these devices.

How Does It Work?

Once you have your Amazon Echo product set up, you will need to add the Kenneth Copeland Ministries “skill” (or app). Then, you will be able to speak to and hear Alexa!

Currently, Amazon’s Alexa can read the From Faith to Faith daily devotion, play the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, or read specific prayers and confessions from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland.

Activate Alexa by saying phrases like:

  • “Alexa, ask KCM to read today’s devotion.”
  • “Alexa, ask KCM to play today’s BVOV program.”
  • “Alexa, ask KCM to pray with me.”
  • “Alexa, ask KCM to play Kenneth’s healing confessions.”
  • “Alexa, ask KCM to play Gloria’s healing confessions.”
  • “Alexa, ask KCM to play Brother Copeland’s prayers.”
  • “Alexa, ask KCM to play Sister Gloria’s prayers.”

In addition, we will continue to update our skill with new content, so be on the lookout! To stay updated on everything Alexa can do, please visit our skills page. Oh, and feel free to leave us a review there as well!

If you have questions about our skill, or suggestions for what you’d like to see Alexa do, please email us at social@kcm.org.

We sincerely hope you will use and enjoy Amazon’s Alexa to activate your faith in the Word of God. Please join us as we pray that Amazon Alexa’s voice will be used for the glory of God and that many lives will be impacted for His Kingdom!


For more ways to watch or listen to the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, visit www.kcm.org/ways-to-watch.
