Urgent Prayer Request: Prayer for IDF Troops in Lebanon - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Urgent Prayer Request: Prayer for IDF Troops in Lebanon

By Pastor Terri Copeland Pearsons

Pastor George and I were driving earlier, and received a text from our Jewish friend, Ze’ev Orenstein.

He sent this headline from Jewish Breaking News: “Pray for the IDF troops on the front lines as the ground assault into Lebanon begins.”

He shared the prayer below, asking us to pray:

May He Who blessed our forefathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, bless the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God, from the border of Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea to the approach of the Aravah, on land, in the air, and at sea. May the Lord cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the Holy One, blessed be He, protect and deliver our soldiers from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessing and success in all the work of their hands. May He subdue our enemies beneath them and crown them with salvation and victory. And may it be fulfilled for them the verse: “For it is the Lord your God Who goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you.” And let us say, Amen.

Pastor George and I immediately pulled over and prayed, adding our faith to this prayer of agreement.

My dad, Kenneth Copeland, sent us this verse in addition to Psalm 91:

“Then Moses said to them: “If you do this thing, if you arm yourselves before the Lord for the war, and all your armed men cross over the Jordan before the Lord until He has driven out His enemies from before Him, and the land is subdued before the Lord, then afterward you may return and be blameless before the Lord and before Israel; and this land shall be your possession before the Lord.”—Numbers 32:20-22 (NKJV)

He especially stands on it for soldiers to come home without trauma or guilt.

We also want to lift up the U.S. military in the region, believing for their safety and for angelic assistance.

Stay Very, Very Alert

Yesterday, at church, the Word of the Lord came to me: “Stay very, very alert. Stay very alert. Pray in the Spirit a lot as you go. Stay very, very alert. As you go through your day, you stay very, very alert.”

So, pray in the Spirit much. Thank you for bringing your supply of faith and prayer!

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