An Unseen Hand Was Protecting Me - KCM Blog Skip to main content

An Unseen Hand Was Protecting Me

One Partner decided to go down to the basement to pray. “It sounded like softballs pounding on the roof,” he remembers. “The wind was so fierce it tugged on my body, but an unseen hand was holding me down. I believe I was protected by angels and the hand of God was upon me through this whole thing.”

This Partner had listened and taken to heart the teachings of Kenneth and Gloria about refusing fear. Even in this life-threatening situation, he continued to pray with no fear and commanded the wind to stop in Jesus’ Name. When it was all over, magazines, books, tapes and videos from Kenneth Copeland Ministries were found in the house that miraculously survived the twister.

He thanked the Kenneth Copeland Ministries Disaster Relief team for the help and encouragement they brought. “Kenneth and Gloria, because of your teaching and your love for people, I’m standing here today, able to praise God. Thank you!”

Click here to learn more about KCM Disaster Relief efforts. 

Relief Team, Outreach