We’re taking back what the devil stole from us in the 2021 through a major winter storm! With the help of our Partners and Friends, we are moving forward with a complete renovation of KCM’s World Headquarters Building. Read our entries below for the latest updates on our progress!
by Pastor George Pearsons
We knew we were in for a very cold, snowy Sunday on Feb. 14, 2021.
Preparations were made in advance to cancel church services. Pastor Terri and I and our team prerecorded our Sunday church service in the Believer’s Voice of Victory Studio on Saturday. That would ensure that EMIC would be on the air the next morning.
We all thought we would simply experience a nice blanket of snow, then head back to work on Monday or Tuesday. What we did not know at the time was just how severe that Valentine’s Day weather would turn out to be.
A Major Winter Storm!
Snow, sleet and freezing rain began to move into southeast Texas Sunday afternoon. By the end of day, every square inch of Texas was under a winter storm warning. What was unfolding would very quickly turn out to be a historic winter event.
Roads became impassable throughout the region Sunday evening, due to ice and snow. Temperatures plunged Sunday night into the teens and single digits. Wind chills lowered temperatures to below zero.
“Hard freeze” and “Wind chill” warnings went into effect Sunday night into Monday morning. A combination of the icy conditions and extreme cold temperatures caused widespread power outages.
I remember being snug in my bed when the power went out at 2 o’clock on Monday morning. I thought power would be restored within a few hours. I did not realize that the power, both in our home and at the ministry, would be out for several days to come.
Our KCM head of maintenance and construction called Monday morning. It was not a good report.
The cooling towers that provided heat and air to the church, Student Life Center, Partner Service Center, power plant and our headquarters building had experienced severe freeze damage. All four generators at the power plant had been destroyed. The heads on the water wells were frozen, as well as many above-ground pipes.
An Immediate Evacuation!
Fire sprinkler heads and pipes in the headquarters building had burst because of the extreme cold. All three floors on the north side of the building were completely flooded. Water cascaded from the ceilings and down the walls. Desks, chairs, filing cabinets, carpet and walls were all ruined.
As a result, the building had to be closed.
I am so thankful for our ministry staff and church pastoral team. For the next several days, they checked on our staff and congregation. We relocated families needing safe shelter. Pastors hosted individuals in their homes. Wellness checks were made by staff and volunteers. They dispatched and supplied needed items to people who were unable to leave their homes.
The staff stayed in faith and did everything it took to “right the ship.”
Our TV department kept VICTORY Channel on the air. Gene Bailey’s house was used as a studio to keep VICTORY News on the air! The IT department kept the ministry connected to our Partners. The security department braved the freezing temperatures to protect the ministry property.
Our maintenance team was heroic and self-sacrificing. They stood in faith over every challenge. They held blowtorches to pipes in minus 5-degree weather to prevent millions of dollars of loss. Being led by the Spirit, they would walk into a building or area at the very moment a pipe burst, allowing them to minimize the damage.
By the next week, we successfully evacuated the headquarters building and began relocating 250 staff members to every open usable space around the campus. Even with this enormous upheaval, we never stopped preaching the uncompromising Word of Faith from the top of the world to the bottom and all the way around the middle. And we never will! No matter the challenges! Glory to God!
A Plan To Rebuild
On that first full day of the freeze, The LORD gave Terri a word about the situation.
He told her, This is your Golden Gate Bridge of opportunity! You are not only to repair and replace, but to expand for the future.
The LORD impressed on her that it was not an option to just restore the building to its previous condition. It was time to improve and upgrade everything on campus—including the headquarters building.
This was our opportunity to believe God and use our faith. It was our opportunity to believe for newer, better-performing equipment with updated, cutting-edge technology. This was our opportunity to repair what needed to be repaired, replace what needed to be replaced and expand what needed to be expanded.
The LORD told us to Repair, Replace and Expand!
So, that’s where we began. Repair.
It wasn’t as simple as it sounded.
The age of the headquarters building presented another set of problems. Major infrastructure needed replacing. This included water and sewer pipes, electrical wiring, HVAC units (all 110 of them!), security and data systems. They all needed to be replaced. Of course, that was in addition to the destroyed furnishings, carpet and equipment. Much of that seriously needed to be updated anyway. The building is almost 40 years old; a full renovation might better describe what we were looking at.
Repair. Replace. Expand.
If The LORD had only said, Repair, we would have started immediately to do that. But just what did He mean by replace and expand for the future?
We had to expand our capabilities as well as our vision for the future. Terri challenged us to stop and rethink the way we do business. That’s why she’s our Chief Visionary Officer! How can we be more effective and efficient in getting The WORD out? The staff can no longer fit in the headquarters building. There are another 200-plus staff members in several locations around the campus. How can we optimize every inch of our current space and also plan for our continually expanding vision and staff?
We purposed to make the simple repairs to the least-affected side of the headquarters building. Somehow, we managed to pack about two thirds of the HQ staff into that space. Hallways and executive offices were filled with cubicles—and to this day, no one complains!
While that was being done, our executive team worked with a marvelous team of experts to assess everything from office procedures to desk locations. The design team evaluated workflow needs and space for our 50 departments. It took us a while to pray through, think through and determine how the new interior should function.
After nearly a year of in-depth studies and department evaluations, the reengineering process began.
The new design will take KCM, EMIC, KCBC and VICTORY Channel well into the future.
During the remainder of 2021, the funds came in to repair the campus utilities and all systems essential to continue operations. But, of course, this major renovation will take considerably more finances than were received in 2021.
You might be wondering, Didn’t the ministry have insurance?
And that was a help.
But insurance only covers damage specific to the ice storm. It doesn’t cover replacing anything with upgrades.
However, we know The LORD is our Source, not insurance. This ministry, as you know, tithes and gives, so our faith seed is sown.
The plans for the newly designed World Headquarters of Kenneth Copeland Ministries are done and we have made some progress. But it was too slow to please The LORD.
A few months ago, I was praying over the headquarters building. You see, many of the staff members remain squeezed together in other buildings. They are still working in the conditions brought on by the 2021 storm. We had inadvertently acclimated to our “squeeze.”
Clearly, The LORD told me to begin renovating the building.
This is a faith project and you need to activate your faith to get it done! Now!
Apparently, we were so busy keeping The WORD going out that we had allowed the situation to “normalize.”
Thank God, He woke us up!
He then said, The devil kicked you out of that building. It is time to TAKE BACK WHAT THE DEVIL STOLE FROM YOU!
This is the scripture The LORD led me to read.
Joshua 18:1-3 says, “And the whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of the congregation there. And the land was subdued before them. And there remained among the children of Israel seven tribes, which had not yet received their inheritance. And Joshua said unto the children of Israel, How long are ye slack to go to possess the land, which the LORD God of your fathers hath given you?”
How long are you slack to possess that headquarters building?
The word slack in the Hebrew means, “idle, slothful, lazy, slow to move and negligent.” Wow! I don’t want to be described as any of those words.
Verse three in The Message says, “How long are you going to sit around on your hands, putting off taking possession of the land that GOD, the God of your ancestors, has given you?”
See our progress and hear a Word from The LORD spoken to Pastor George regarding the vision for completion below.
Taking Back, Moving Forward!
By faith, we are going to take back the World Headquarters of Kenneth Copeland Ministries! We are going to aggressively take back and possess what originally belonged to us.
I am very pleased to report that the new parking lot and grand entrance have been completed. And it is beautiful! Praise God! In addition, we are rejoicing that we have the finances to pay for the next phase of the interior. Glory!
So, work recently began on the north side of the second floor. Walls have come down and the old is being torn out. Hallelujah! Seventy staff members will be in their new “home” by the end of the year! After that, we have five more phases to go and our HQ project will be completed.
We are prepared to complete this building one phase at a time. But by faith, we are calling the entire building complete in Jesus’ Name! With enough finances in hand, we can work on more and be done sooner.
Here is the scripture we are standing on for the seven phases.
Proverbs 6:31 in the Amplified Bible, Classic Edition says, “But if he (the thief) is found out, he must restore seven times [what he stole]; he must give the whole substance of his house [if necessary—to meet his fine].”
We are taking back what the devil stole from us. And he has to pay us enough to totally complete the seven phases (exterior and six interior phases).
We are possessing our land…and so are you! What has the devil robbed from you? What land do you need to go in and possess? What has the devil “kicked you out of” that belongs to you? Whatever it is, I encourage you right now—get aggressive with your Bulldog Faith and take back what the devil has stolen from you!
Join us, and together we will take it all back—in Jesus’ Name!
George Pearsons is the CEO of Kenneth Copeland Ministries and senior pastor of Eagle Mountain International Church, located in Texas. For information or ministry materials, go to emic.org
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Update From the Revival Capital of the World® — Repair, Replace, Expand! – KCM Blog