True Pursuers of Faith– A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry - KCM Blog Skip to main content

True Pursuers of Faith– A Tribute to Kenneth and Gloria for 50 Years of Ministry

Mac Hammond congratulates Kenneth and Gloria on 50 years of ministry!



Dear Kenneth and Gloria,


On behalf of our entire family and the congregation of Living Word, congratulations on 50 years in ministry! What an amazing accomplishment! Your faith, patience and perseverance in pursuing the Lord has truly blessed the Body of Christ. People around the world have had their lives changed as they have learned from your teaching and followed your godly example.


Lynne and I are both truly grateful for your friendship. Your commitment, integrity and honor inspire us regularly. In fact, it is impossible to adequately express our heartfelt gratitude or the significance of your ministry to us, the congregation at Living Word and the Body of Christ.


Your faith and joy have encouraged and strengthened the Body of Christ in ways that we will never fully know. May everything you have seen during 50 years of faithful service serve as inspiration as you continue to “press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.”


Know that the best is yet to come. You haven’t even begun to imagine the future God has in store for you and your ministry. Keep pursuing Him and we know the rewards will be great.


Congratulations again on such a milestone. We remain grateful to God for your lives and ministry.


In Him,

Mac and Lynne

For more about Mac and Lynne Hammond, visit


