It wasn’t too long ago that we started this new year, and now we are into our second month—well on our way into 2013!
I hope you’ve kept your New Year’s resolution so far. But maybe, if you are like a lot of people I’ve met, you have let a few of them slip. If you are already feeling discouraged this year about falling short of your goals, I want to let you know today that God’s mercies are brand new every morning.
You might say to me, “Riley, my mercy tank is on E.” Well, guess what? Every morning your mercy tank gets a fill-up! Glory to God! No matter what your yesterday looked like, today all things are made new!
I want to encourage you: I have heard it said that 2013 will be a year of great grace. If you have fallen at the very beginning of this year, get back up and start again. All you have to do is to receive God’s grace by faith! Every day when you wake up, say, “Lord, I thank You that I have all the grace I need for today.”
Do you want God’s favor in your life in the coming year? If you do, let the beginning of your year rest in Jesus. Jesus says, “I am the Alpha and the Omega—the beginning and the end” (Rev. 1:8, NLT). And in John 1:1 it says, “In the beginning was the Word”—the Word being Jesus. Don’t focus on your mistakes—find out what Jesus wants you to do today, and do it.
If you want to keep Jesus first throughout your year, put Him first at the beginning of every day. We should begin each day with the Word of God. As you take the time to pray and read your Bible at the start of every day, your mercy tank will overflow, and you will watch God’s favor manifest in your life in this year of great grace.
Great grace spiritually! Great grace in your soul and body! I’m standing in faith with you for 2013 to be a year far beyond all you could ask or think!
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