Share the Power of Love! - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Share the Power of Love!

The Body of Christ is discovering the power of love like never before. When you learn how to live a life of love, nothing is impossible! This month, share some of the Copeland family’s best-selling study materials on love and relationships, including:

  • A Lifestyle of Love—In this DVD teaching, Kenneth Copeland shares that when you plant God’s love commandment deep into your heart, strife, anger and offense will fade away.
  • Enemies of Love—Recognize and defeat the enemies of love—strife, envy and jealousy—so you’re always ready to give to others and receive from God. Available on CD from Gloria Copeland.
  • When Love Comes to Town—In this CD set, George Pearsons explores what life was like before Jesus brought life and love…and reveals how radically different the world would be if He had not come.
  • Love Life—In this CD teaching, Jeremy Pearsons provides “not just another dating message,” but rather instructions on how to fall in love with life while you learn how to relate to others.
  • Love Songs for the King—In this debut worship project from Sarah Hart Pearsons, you’ll enjoy 12 original songs that will ignite the heart of worship within you.

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