Reaching Milestones-Reaching More People in Europe - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Reaching Milestones-Reaching More People in Europe

Jesus ist Herr! That’s German for Jesus is Lord. And it’s the tag line for the next milestone KCM Europe has set to accomplish in its outreach to the people of Europe through the airing of the Believer’s Voice of Victory television broadcast in the German language.

KCM Europe Executive Director Martin Hawkins and his ministry team have taken major steps in 2011 toward that goal.

On May 7, BVOV made its English language debut on the German television station Das Vierte. The program airs weekly on Saturday and is repeated on Sunday. The KCM Europe staff has worked alongside the U.S. television production staff to supply content that will bring the life-changing message of Christ to the German language airways.

Ultimately, the goal is that the broadcast be aired not only in Germany, but also in other German-speaking areas of Europe.

Hawkins says, “We are grateful to God for this new outreach opportunity and give glory to the Name of Jesus that KCM has begun a new phase of ministry to German-speaking people. Thanks to all our KCM worldwide Partners and Friends for standing with us as we complete what God has called us to do to reach this milestone.”

KCM Europe’s first step in reaching German-speaking people has been mailing BVOV magazines in the German language—bimonthly since 2002, and monthly since February 2006. Over 70 KCM titles have also been translated into German and a new website launched——where everyone can access the basic elements of KCM’s ministry, the BVOV magazine in both German and English, and partnership information.


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