How to Pray for the United States Post-Election - KCM Blog Skip to main content

How to Pray for the United States Post-Election

At the close of our live election coverage last Tuesday night, Kenneth Copeland and the America Stands team prayed for our nation and shared some powerful Words from the Lord concerning the future of the United States. As Christians, we must persist in prayer and continue to pray for our nation. The team discussed specific ways to pray concerning the United States and President-Elect Donald Trump, as we move forward in this new direction.

For our nation, earnestly pray and believe:

  • The greatest evangelistic sweep that’s ever happened in this country is happening now, and more people will be brought into the kingdom of God than ever before
  • Lost and hurting people all over the nation and world will hear and respond to the call of the Lord when He says, “Come to Me. I will give you rest, peace and life.”
  • The United States will reverse Roe Versus Wade
  • There will be a reversal of so many things that have gone wrong that the Church has let go
  • There will be a complete change (for righteousness) in the Church, Washington, D.C. and America
  • The awakening to God in this nation and our rebirth is now underway.


David Barton, with Wall Builders, made the following points:

For the next two months, Mr. Trump will be building infrastructure and choosing people for positions that surround him, including a small team on the inside, 19 Cabinet members, 4,000 appointees, Supreme Court justice candidates and more.

For Donald Trump, earnestly pray and believe he:

  • Will surround himself with the right advisors and counselors
  • Will have the right strategy, tactics and people to implement
  • Will have favor in D.C. to be able to make needed reforms that have deep-seated resistance to change
  • Will be strengthened spirit, soul and body
  • Will have the wisdom of God for all circumstances
  • Will have physical, mental and spiritual strength
  • Will have the insights and concepts he needs for political business and his personal life.
  • Will have the insight of where he needs to be in his own prayer life and in his commitment to God
  • And his family would be drawn to God and held close to Him. God will send people on assignment from Him to speak into their political and personal lives

Take your authority over evil spirits that have set themselves up in Washington, D.C. and against Donald Trump as president of the United States by:

  • Pleading the blood of Jesus over Donald Trump, all government officials and this nation
  • Praying against the attacks from evil spirits in heavenly places (principalities, powers and rulers of this dark world) that will attempt to assault Donald Trump and his purpose
  • Commanding Satan to cancel any assignments he has against Donald Trump because he belongs to God
  • Declaring that no wicked spirit shall thwart Mr. Trump from accomplishing that which he has been called to do


Thank you for standing in agreement with us for the United States of America!


-Team KCM
