Pray for America—National Day of Prayer 2017! [FREE PRAYER GIFT] - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Pray for America—National Day of Prayer 2017! [FREE PRAYER GIFT]

National Day of Prayer 2017

For Your Great Name’s Sake! Hear Us…Forgive Us…Heal Us!


We invite you to join Christians from all over the world as we pray for America on the 2017 National Day of Prayer—Thursday, May 4, 2017.

Thousands of individuals, churches and communities will be working to rally millions of Christians to once again heed the call to prayer, and we urge you to participate by attending your church’s event, organizing your own prayer gathering and/or praying on your own.

Let’s unite together as one nation, one Body, and declare that Jesus is Lord over America!

“The effective and fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.” (James 5:16 NKJV)

Here are some ways you can participate in the National Day of Prayer:


Make Your Prayer Life Come Alive With This FREE GIFT!

Praying With Power CD Series

Download our FREE gift to you, Praying with Power – The Two-Fold Key of Yielding and Persevering audio teaching by Terri Copeland Pearsons

If you’ve been longing for your prayer life to come alive with the power and presence of God, this teaching is for you! In it, Terri Copeland Pearsons opens the door of her personal prayer closet and shares the truths she has learned about—

  • How Jesus yielded to the Holy Spirit in prayer—and how you can, too
  • How to develop a hunger for God that will draw you to prayer and keep you there until the victory is won
  • How ongoing prayer can help you maintain the victory you gain.

Don’t mess around with dry, powerless prayers. Surrender to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Put the devil on the run. Learn to yield and persevere in prayer!


Click here to download this FREE gift now. (Note: Audio files are large files, so it may take some time for the files to download.
UPDATE: We have heard your concerns about mobile and tablet devices… To listen to the audio messages on mobile and tablet devices, please click the play button below. To download the audio files, please click here!)


