The Official Blog of Kenneth Copeland Ministries Skip to main content

A Historic Moment: JESUS IS LORD!

If you were to go back and read past issues of the Believer’s Voice of Victory magazines, watch all 28 years of BVOV broadcasts, or review recordings from all the KCM meetings, you would lose count of the times Kenneth Copeland proclaims, “Jesus Is Lord!” Throughout the years, Brother Copeland has declared “Jesus Is Lord!”…


Facts About Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Internet Outreach

Today, Kenneth Copeland Ministries, with the help of our Partners, is communicating with more than 250,000 people (many of whom are on the other side of the globe) daily by way of the Internet. Taking full advantage of the Internet is part of Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ vision to “preach the uncompromised Word of God on…


Mission #2: Operation HD

In 1991 KCM purchased its first mobile video production facility consisting of a TV truck, cameras, switcher and audio gear, which has supported the production of well over 5,000 hours of on-location footage at meetings. The equipment has been used also for all studio taping of over 4500 Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcasts. With over…

Elite CX Team

Citation X Delivered!

Mac Gober began the Elite CX team to stand for a new Citation X airplane for Kenneth Copeland Ministries, so we could preach the uncompromised Word of the Lord around the globe without hindrance. The goal has been met and travel times are significantly decreased—making our ability to physically preach the Word easier than ever.…

Elite CX Team

Mission #1: Citation X Airplane

Hello. I’m Mac Gober with Canaan Land Ministries, but today I’m coming to you as a Partner of KCM. God has put something on my heart, and I have a mandate from Him to share it with you. One night while I was having dinner with John Copeland, I asked him, “John, just how many…

Elite CX Team

The Elite CX Team Is Born

“TEAM: Together Everyone Accomplishes Much!” – Mac Gober, founder of the Elite CX Team The Elite CX Team vision was validated in the prophecy given by Keith Moore on Sept. 20, 2002, to Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. As you read, you will see that it explains the purpose of the Elite CX Team. We are…

Elite CX Team