Ministry Minute: Simple Stress Relief - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Ministry Minute: Simple Stress Relief

Got a minute? In this Ministry Minute video teaching, Kenneth Copeland explains how to reduce stress when problems come by focusing on the answer and not the problem. …all in about a minute!

We all face problems, which can cause stress if not handled correctly. Satan will try to plug scenarios in your mind that will cause you to worry and stress, which only works to bring the things you’re worrying about to pass. Stop allowing the enemy to have your innermost counsel and thought life! Instead, allow God to counsel you through that problem, and invite the power of God to help. Then, sit back, rejoice and watch Him work everything together for your good. Kenneth Copeland explains more about how this simple stress relief strategy will relieve stress and help solve your toughest problems in this Ministry Minute teaching.

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