KCM Supports International Fellowship of Christian Jews - KCM Blog Skip to main content

KCM Supports International Fellowship of Christian Jews

Anytime you give a gift to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, a tithe is taken from your seed and is sown again into various ministries across the world. It’s because of your faithful seeds sown into our ministry that you are also partnering with the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews (The Fellowship) and impacting the nation of Israel with the love of Christ.

In 1983, Rabbi Eckstein founded The Fellowship from an extraordinary God-given vision: build bridges of healing and reconciliation across the gap of hostility and misunderstanding that separated Jews and Christians for more than 2,000 years.

Today, The Fellowship is the largest Christian-supported humanitarian non-profit working in Israel.

Not only are they providing resources and continuing to bridge relationships between Christians and Jews, but The Fellowship also provides humanitarian aid for the elderly, the children and the most vulnerable living in Israel as well as Jews living in other parts of the world.

Watch the video above and join us as we pray over the Jewish people. As it says in Psalm 122:6, let’s pray for peace in Jerusalem and intercede for the Jews across the world.

Click here to learn more about the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews and Rabbi Eckstein’s book, The Bridge Builder.

Jesus Is Lord
