KCM Disaster Relief Team Surprises Partners With Personal Visit - KCM Blog Skip to main content

KCM Disaster Relief Team Surprises Partners With Personal Visit

KCM Disaster Relief Team Surprises Partners With Personal Visit

Little did 20-year KCM Partner Hattie Irving know when she called KCM for prayer prior to a tornado devastating her town of Wichita, Kansas, that Outreach Manager Steve Poteet and Outreach Minister Riley Stephenson would show up at her door just days after her area was hit!

Steve and Riley arrived to survey the damage finding 155 homes destroyed, approximately 3500 people affected and six people killed.  After speaking with local firefighters and locating KCM Partners, they were able to write personal notes of encouragement and enclose cash donations to help those who desperately needed both. Through KCM’s Partners Helping Partners program, Hattie received enough money to cover repairs, deductibles and more.  She shouted the victory that KCM partnership brings hope and together, she and many others kicked the devil in the teeth!

Click here to learn more about KCM Disaster Relief efforts.

Relief Team, Outreach