KCM Disaster Relief – Established in 2005 and growing strong! - KCM Blog Skip to main content

KCM Disaster Relief – Established in 2005 and growing strong!

Everyone remembers Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Many of us sat in our homes and watched devastating images of people stranded and being rescued from horrible conditions.

We all wanted to help.

Seeing that devastation drove many people in the U.S. and around the world to give, and the Partners of Kenneth Copeland Ministries were no exception. In fact, we had so many Partners inquiring about helping the victims of Hurricane Katrina that Brother Copeland decided to start the KCM Disaster Relief Fund.

Watch this video to see how you have touched the lives of so many people:

We’re making a difference, and people are praising God because of these efforts (Matthew 5:16)!

If you would like to find out how you can be a part of KCM Disaster Relief click here.

Jesus Is Lord!

Relief Team