One of the ways Kenneth Copeland Ministries is meeting practical needs during the COVID-19 pandemic is by partnering with The Joseph Storehouse.
Note: This video was filmed before social distancing guidelines.
Run by former marine, Tom Westberry and his wife Kim, The Joseph Storehouse is a non-profit grocery store located in Haltom City, Texas, where they serve people in times of need, whether it be those who have lost jobs, are homeless, or are facing a challenging time in their finances.
“I love this model because it offers people a hand up instead of a handout,” Tom explains. “Although you have to qualify to shop here, we help anyone who is struggling.”
Located in a 50,000 square-foot building, this non-profit grocery store is based on the model God gave Joseph in the Bible: Gather food during times of prosperity, and sell to those in need during times of famine.
“With KCM’s help, we’ve created a ministry that provides food at deeply discounted prices,” Tom says.
In addition to the grocery store, The Joseph Storehouse also has a church that meets on-site, as well as discipleship training, weekly chapel services and other programs. Last Sunday, more than 100 cars joined in for the Resurrection Sunday service, and 51 people prayed the prayer of salvation!
Additionally, The Joseph Storehouse is currently in the process of launching a transitional life center to train people in new careers. Of the more than 40,000 members who have come through the center, 30 percent no longer need their help within one year.
Tom says of why he thinks this is the case: “Our goal is to be a demonstrator of Christ’s love, not just talk about it.”
If you are a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, it’s because you pray and because you give that this partnership is possible. Thank you for helping us impact lives all over the world, and we pray that you will receive a hundredfold return on every seed sown!
Did You Know?
At least 10% of every donation received at Kenneth Copeland Ministries is sown into other ministries and outreaches around the world like The Joseph Storehouse. We call this twice-sown seed, and it’s powerful! If you’d like to learn more about partnering with us as we reach the world with the uncompromised Word of God, go to
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