It’s Time To Be a Praying Partner - KCM Blog Skip to main content

It’s Time To Be a Praying Partner

Since February 1986, Kenneth Copeland has spent hours in prayer each month asking God and receiving from Him what He wants Kenneth to write in each monthly Partner Letter. It’s a letter that always includes teaching, preaching, revelation, encouragement and understanding. It comes straight from Kenneth’s heart—and the heart of God—to his Covenant Partners around the world.

Kenneth’s monthly Covenant Partner Letter is his way of talking “face to face” with the hundreds of thousands of people who are joined hand in hand with Gloria and him in their journey of faith. Whatever personal challenges and victories Kenneth may be in the middle of, his Covenant Partners know about them. Whatever God is telling him, they are the first to know. In fact, Kenneth has said that more than 95 percent of what he preaches in meetings and on television comes out of the revelation God gives him in his monthly ministry letter to his Partners.

If you’re a Partner with Kenneth and Gloria, then you’ve received one of these letters—and you know the value found in every one of them. You’ve benefited from the revelation, the power and the anointing. You have shared in the understanding about sowing and reaping, about the Prophet’s reward, and the grace that comes with covenant partnership—all three powerful and specific messages God gave Kenneth about the value of partnership. And, you know the scriptures that always appear at the end of Kenneth’s letter that he, Gloria and the KCM and EMIC teams declare in prayer over you each and every day—and invite you to pray in agreement with them over the work of the ministry.

In a recent Partner Letter, Kenneth wrote about the importance of prayer and praying over all the offices involved in the upcoming elections. He took his Partners to the Word, as he always does, to show them in Scripture what to pray, how to pray it and when to pray it—which is NOW. He spoke of his own faith claim and petition for 1 million Partners in the United States by the end of this year, because there’s so much kingdom work left to do.

The Benefits of Partnership Include Prayer and More

When you partner in the work of the ministry of KCM and EMIC, you enter into a covenant relationship, and covenant relationships always involve an exchange—an exchange of strength, prayer, power, resources, faith, commitment, anointing and rewards. Everything one partner has is fully available to the other partner. It’s a relationship of mutual benefit.

We understand this from the life of Paul. When he wrote his letter to his partners in Philippi, he explained some very important spiritual principles where ministry was concerned. He explained the exchange, or two-way flow, of God’s grace and power in partnerships established for the purpose of ministry. Certainly, prayer is a major part of this partnership exchange, but it involves even more. “Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ: Even as it is meet for me to think this of you all, because I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace” (Philippians 1:6-7, KJV).

Paul was telling his partners, “Hey, we’re in this together. And the grace—or anointings—that God put on me, He has put on you by having joined us together. So expect every anointing and blessing that I have operating in my life to operate in yours as well!”

Paul also said to his partners, “For I know that this shall turn to my salvation through your prayer, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, according to my earnest expectation and my hope, that in nothing I shall be ashamed, but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ shall be magnified in my body, whether it be by life, or by death” (Philippians 1:19-20, KJV).

Paul earnestly expected his partners to pray and stand with him so he could do what he had been called by God to do. He expected his partners to covenant with him, to join with him and undergird him with prayer. It was those prayers that were so vital to Paul’s ministry because they were his connection to an even greater supply of the Spirit—a greater supply of anointing which was necessary to get the job done. The prayers of the believers who were Paul’s partners were his connection to their corporate anointings.

Consequently, if Paul’s partners did not pray and daily hold him up the way he was holding them up daily, then there was a definite possibility that failure could be at his doorstep. The exchange, or flow of prayer and anointing would be hindered.

            You mean to say that Paul could have failed?

            That’s right. Paul could have failed.

By writing what he did to the church at Philippi, he was acknowledging that without the prayers and support of his partners, he could be unable to complete all that he was supposed to do!

Everyone Needs Covenant Partners

Even when Jesus came to this earth to minister, He came needing help. He came looking for assistance and assistants. When Jesus of Nazareth came up from the waters of the Jordan River, having been baptized by John the Baptist, in that moment the Spirit of the Lord came upon Him and baptized Him for public ministry (John 1:29-34; Luke 4:18-19).

Jesus walked this earth bearing all the Anointings of God, being the fullness of God manifested in the flesh. Yet, when He went up from the banks of the Jordan and began His earthly ministry, He chose 12 partners with whom to get started.

Not only did Jesus need their partnership, but He also needed their prayers, just as we saw with the Apostle Paul’s ministry. In Matthew 26 and Mark 14, it is recorded that Jesus went to the Garden in Gethsemane, along with His disciples—His partners—to pray.

In perhaps His greatest hour of need, Jesus looked to His partners for their support. He needed their presence. He needed their prayers. Three different times during that spiritual night watch, He indicated that He needed their help. As it turned out, it also happened to be one of the disciples’ greatest hours of need, but they gave in to their flesh. They slept.

Today is no different. We in the middle of a night watch, waiting for the return of Jesus, and the Church is in perhaps its greatest hour of need. If Jesus needed the prayers and support of His partners, if the Apostle Paul needed the prayers and support of his partners, then Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Pastors George and Terri Pearsons, and the entire team at KCM, EMIC, and all the KCBC students need the prayers and support of Covenant Partners to complete what God has called us all to do.

The Bible says one of us can put a thousand to flight, and two of us, 10,000 to flight (Deuteronomy 32:30). Just imagine what 1 MILLION KCM Partners could be doing right at this moment!

Become a KCM Covenant Partner Today

The principles of partnership are just as powerful today as they were when Paul wrote a letter to his partners at Philippi, “I have you in my heart; inasmuch as both in my bonds, and in the defence and confirmation of the gospel, ye all are partakers of my grace” (Philippians 1:7, KJV). The principles of partnership are the key to victory in these last days. They relate directly to supernatural increase, maximum effectiveness in the end-time harvest, the coming together of the Body of Christ in unity and the full manifestation of the ministry gifts in the Church.

The Body of Christ will absolutely explode with power as believers walk in the resources and the power available to them as partners in ministry. As we take hold by faith of the anointings on a ministry with which we are partners, everyone involved in that partnership exchange becomes fully supplied, lacking nothing. Spiritually, we share the full scope of the Anointing of God. Materially, we receive exceeding, abundantly above what we can ask or think!

Every believer—every born-again child of God—has a voice in the earth today. It is not an echo! It is the voice of victory, the voice of faith, the voice of prayer. God has called each of us to ministry in our world globally and locally. We are called to minister together. God has places for us to go and people for us to reach. Together we are finishing the mission to which He called the Church! And we do that through our covenant partnership!

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