Billye Brim congratulates Kenneth and Gloria Copeland on 50 years of ministry! Watch video and read her tribute below.
Dearest Kenneth and Gloria,
My mentors. My colleagues. My friends.
I have been so blessed to witness much of your 50 years of ministry. This letter cannot touch on even the smallest part of what I’ve seen. These are just a few of the highlights that I recall…
April 1967, Tulsa, Okla.: Kenneth E. Hagin’s meeting in his office building
Sister Clara Grace’s prophetic word, “Do you know why you are here tonight? You are here because God is raising up His end-time army, and you are some of the chiefs of the clan.”
Vast numbers now witness this prophecy’s coming to pass in your lives as you have followed Him.
Probably 1969
I was a member of the staff at Kenneth Hagin Ministries. All 13 of us were working around the contraption that wrapped The Word of Faith by ZIP code, preparing it for mailing. Fred Hodges said to all of us: “There’s a man who is going around preaching Brother Hagin’s sermons. Almost word for word. Using the same titles.” We expressed our disapproval loudly, and vowed to tell Brother Hagin when he came back from a ministry trip. Gathering our self-righteous robes around us, we did just that. But when Brother Hagin heard our report, he raised his hands to heaven and began to praise the Lord. “Oh, Lord. Thank You. Thank You that someone is preaching this message besides me. You know how often I’ve prayed and asked You for someone else, for others to preach these truths to bless the people and bring glory to Your Name.”
We quickly changed our tune and began to praise the Lord with him.
Meetings Throughout the Years
Teaching meetings. Holy Ghost meetings. So many of you together: Brother Hagin, Brother [Oral] Roberts, Brother [John] Osteen, Brother Norvel Hayes, T.L. Osborn, Dr. Frederick K.C. Price, Papa and Mama J.R. Goodwin, Phil Halverson, Sister Wilkerson and Clara Grace. Seeing you dance in the Spirit, wildly, even as David danced. And it made the front page of the Tulsa World.
Healing School
God tapped a seemingly shy, quiet little girl and told her to have Healing School! My how that worked out! How many thousands upon thousands are blessed by her teaching and ministry of healing!
I remember when He told you to go on daily television. As I recall, you first shared this at Ed Dufresne’s church in Tulsa. A Holy Ghost night! I remember walking into a hotel with you in Kiev in the Ukraine. We looked across the street through the open door of a pub. Quite visible was their big-screen TV. And on it was Kenneth Copeland preaching in the language they understood.
So much! And I haven’t even begun to mention how you have blessed me personally. Your teaching faith by precept and example. Opportunities you gave me. Airplanes. Altogether above and beyond….
Love in Him,
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