Don’t Give Up: “Everything Is Going To Be ALL right.” - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Don’t Give Up: “Everything Is Going To Be ALL right.”

KCM Partners Tom and Vicki Leuther were going through a difficult season in their ministry and overcame by believing this prophetic word: Everything is going to be ALL-right.

Have you ever thought, I’m just going to give up, because of a difficult season in your life? KCM Partners Tom and Vicki Leuther know that thought all too well. As pastors of Family Worship Center in Columbia, Mo., they found themselves walking through a challenging season. There was a storm raging in their lives. “We didn’t want to give up. We didn’t want to quit. But there were a lot of things that were difficult for us [personally] and for [our] ministry at the time,” says Tom.

At the peak of that challenging time, Kenneth Copeland gave a prophetic word of the Lord at the 2010 Southwest Believers’ Convention. He said, “For the household of faith, everything is going to be all-right.”

Watch the same prophetic word of the Lord spoken through Brother Copeland HERE.

The Leuthers believed that prophetic word in their hearts and said it out of their mouths day after day. They were obeying Mark 11:23: “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says” (NKJV).  When one of them would get discouraged, the other would speak up and say, “Everything is going to be all-right.”

Hope Is an Anchor for the Soul

When you’re going through a storm, it’s important to have an anchor for your soul. “When you’re in [a] challenge, you need something of substance to hold onto [and] to stand [on]. When finances are falling apart, when lies are being told, when the enemy is coming against you,” Vicki says, “if you don’t have [a scripture] in the Word to stand on that gives you hope and courage, then you’re in trouble.”

According to Vicki, there were times when their minds were overwhelmed with what was going on. However, the Leuthers took what God was saying to them in His Word as they sought Him, and the prophetic word that came through Brother Copeland that everything is going to be all right, and they used that as an anchor of hope to hold them in place (Hebrews 6:18-19).

Resources to help stir up hope in your heart:

The Leuthers learned from the teachings of Brother Copeland how to stand strong during a storm in their lives. “When the storm is breaking, when you feel like you’re breaking apart, when you feel like you’re losing everything, then you have to hold on to that word,” Vicki says. “No matter what you think, no matter what [your] mind says, no matter what’s going on around you, you [have to] hold on to that word.”

Prophetic Words Are More Than a Confession

According to Tom, the prophetic word they heard and believed was more than a confession for the Leuthers and their congregation; it was an on-time word from the Lord.

Tom shared that as they were standing in faith on that word, the difficult season didn’t turn around within a day, a week, or even a year. “But it turned around,” he emphasizes, “because we are Partners with Brother Copeland, and we know that he prays for us.”

Vicki has some encouraging words for anyone experiencing a storm in their lives: “If you don’t [believe you] have a word from God, know that the Bible is open 24/7 [and] you can go to it [and] you can get a Word [for your situation].” When you seek Him, you will find Him (Matthew 7:7-8). God will answer you (Jeremiah 29:13).

For the Household of Faith, Everything Is Going To Be ALL right

When things around you seem to get worse and worse, you can respond like the Leuthers did. Remember that as a believer in Jesus Christ, you live in the household of faith. When difficult seasons come, you can seek the Lord and His Word. You can stand and believe God and trust Him. Don’t give up, and know this: for the believer, everything is going to be all right.

Related Articles:

‘Everything is going to be ALL Right!’

How To Respond to a Prophecy