Building a Place of Transformation for Families in Juárez, Mexico - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Building a Place of Transformation for Families in Juárez, Mexico

In this Q & A, discover how Sergio is building a place of transformation for families in Juarez.

“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” –Matthew 25:40 (KJV)

Sergio Alvarado knows the streets of Juárez, Mexico. He was once a product of them, a young man without purpose or a sense of belonging.

He clearly remembers the feeling of hopelessness that overshadowed his childhood and the sense of loss he felt from the absence of his parents. His father was a drug addict; his mother, a young, single woman who turned to prostitution to care for her children only to lose her life to the streets—first to alcoholism and eventually to liver disease.

Once he became a Christian and came to America, Sergio thought he had left Juárez far behind in his rearview mirror. God had delivered him from his past life and given him a new one, complete with a heart for the Lord and a supportive wife. For more than 15 years, he has worked at KCM’s headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas.

Then one day, Sergio heard of a woman who was ministering to the children of Juárez. Suddenly, he was face-to-face with the Juárez he had left so many years before. The urge to visit those children who reminded him of himself at a young age wouldn’t leave him alone. It was the beginning of his journey back to his hometown—not only physically, but spiritually, too.

Sergio sensed God calling him to build a place of healing, transformation and hope for the children of Juárez and their families. Today, Centro de Fe Vida Abundante (Faith Center Abundant Life) is under construction. With the help of KCM’s Partners and Friends, Sergio’s ministry, Alvarado Ministries International (AMI), is in the process of building a church, and a center that includes a soup kitchen and educational areas in one of the poorest parts of Juárez. Once finished, the soup kitchen and its dining room will serve 160 people at a time while the church’s sanctuary will hold 300. The second floor of the main center will have rooms for Bible classes, services for kids, dormitories and more. The land surrounding the center will house educational workshops where young people will learn skills like woodworking, sewing and welding, which will allow them to provide for their own families in the future.

In March, KCM held the 2021 Juárez Victory Campaign onsite. Several Partner ministers attended, bringing the Word of God and provisions to the local people. Watch this video to see all that took place!

Sergio will tell you that building the center has not been an easy task. It’s been an uphill battle to overcome bureaucratic red tape, governmental oversite and financial need. Despite the obstacles, progress continues to be made because God is faithful. What He starts, He finishes. Glory to God!

We spoke with Sergio to hear an update on the project.

Q: What is the biggest need in Juárez?

A: There are a lot of single moms, some as young as 16-17 years old with more than one child. Ninety percent of them are illiterate because there’s no such thing as free school in Mexico. Although the government calls it free, it’s not. Students have to pay for books and other expenses. So, illiteracy is a huge issue because it affects job opportunities later on. Many of these moms start off working in manufacturing plants. The minimum wage in Juárez is about $8-9 a day, but the cost of living is extremely high. When the moms go to work, there’s often no one to take care of the kids, so they stay home by themselves. The moms eventually become overwhelmed. That’s when drug dealers and pimps prey on them, promising more money and fewer working hours. In the end, these women become hooked on alcohol or drugs. Then, the children are truly left on their own. It’s a vicious cycle that affects about 60-70% of the orphans in the area. By the time they’re 12 or 13, they’ve given up on life.

Q: How will Centro de Fe Vida Abundante address the physical needs of the people?

A: In the very beginning, I wanted to open an orphanage, but the red tape in Mexico is just incredible and so is the potential liability. It’s why most of the orphanages in Mexico are run by the government. So, we’ve adjusted our plans, and I believe it’s the direction the Lord wanted us to take. In addition to a church where they’ll hear and learn the Word of God, we’re going to feed anybody in the area who’s hungry. We’re going to teach young ladies and young men the ins and outs of marriage and how they can succeed in marriage, so there won’t be so many single families. We’ll also teach the people how to read and write. For those who are over 16 years old and don’t want to go to school, we’re going to create the jobs by founding two companies—one a clothing company, the other an ironworks company. We have welders, woodworkers and seamstresses ready to teach the students. We’ll also have a day care center, so moms can go to work and know that their kids are safe.

Q: You’ve said that this center will be “a place of transformation.” Can you explain that?

A: Transformation has to start from the inside. The spirit it has to be renewed in order for people to have the power to change, so we’re going to start with teaching them the Word of God. Initially, we’re going to open a satellite church with video teaching. I want it to be a buffet for the people, so they can receive the Word of God from different ministers and understand what God has for them. I want them to see the difference the Word makes in their lives, in their families and in their city.

Q: How can the Partners and Friends of KCM stand in faith with you?

A: The most important thing to pray for is protection because Juárez is considered one of the most dangerous cities in the world. The second is for the finances to come in, so we can finish the center. We’ve raised $150,000 of $350,000 so far. We especially need the kitchen finished. Right now, when I go, I take enough food for a family of four to eat twice a day for a whole month, so it will save a lot of money when we finish the kitchen. We’ll be able to feed them onsite. I’m also asking for wisdom and divine connections with governmental officials, so this process goes smoothly in the future.

Sergio admits that building Centro de Fe Vida Abundante is a huge undertaking that he never would have imagined he’d be a part of, but God had other plans.

“I really believe that God had us born in a place for a reason. It’s not a coincidence.” Sergio has shared those words many times with the children in Juárez, and his life certainly reflects them.

God took one of Juárez’s once lost children and brought him home decades later, saved and whole, to effect change in the lives of this generation. We stand with Sergio in faith believing for the completion of the center, and we are thanking God in advance for all the children whose lives and destinies will be transformed by this good work in Juárez!

Because You Pray and Because You Give, You Make It Possible!

As a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, when you give to us, we turn around and sow 10% of your gift back into other ministries like AMI. We call this “twice-sown seed.” In 2020, we supported 73 ministries through our twice-sown seed. Thank you for partnering with us because together we can do so much more!
