Bringing Hope to Juarez, Mexico - KCM Blog Skip to main content

Bringing Hope to Juarez, Mexico

KCM has partnered with Alvarado Ministries International to build a soup kitchen, church and orphanage in one of the poorest parts of Juarez.

This year, Oct. 16-18, 2020, Kenneth Copeland Ministries held the Juárez Victory Campaign in the city of Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. This event hosted by Alvarado Ministries International (AMI) brought the Word of God along with food and provisions to local children and their families. The three-day time of ministry also celebrated the progress made on the grounds of AMI’s future church and ministry center, Centro de Fe Vida Abundante (Faith Center Abundant Life).

This area is prime for the message and move of God. Ciudad Juárez, often referred to simply as Juárez, is the largest city in the Mexican state of Chihuahua and sits right across the U.S.-Mexico border from El Paso. Over 1.5 million residents live in and around Juárez. Along with El Paso, it is the second largest dual-national metroplex on the U.S.’s southern border, right behind San Diego-Tijuana.

Poverty is a very real concern for those living in Juárez. Seventy percent of the population lives below the poverty line. It’s in this area that Sergio Alvarado, founder of AMI, grew up. He knows firsthand the difference a relationship with God can make. Sergio credits God for saving him from extreme poverty and a life of drugs, so he could bring the hope of God’s love to this city.  

With the help of KCM’s Partners and Friends, AMI is in the process of building a church and center that include a soup kitchen, orphanage and educational areas in one of the poorest parts of Juárez. Once finished, the soup kitchen and its dining room will serve 160 people at a time while the church’s sanctuary will hold 300. The second floor of the main center will have rooms for Bible classes, services for kids, dormitories and more. The land surrounding the center will hold educational workshops where young people will learn skills like woodworking, sewing and welding, which will allow them to provide for their own families in the future.

Construction at the center is still in progress with only 30% of the buildings complete, but that didn’t stop the hands-on ministry that took place during the Juárez Victory Campaign. Sixteen people, including several pastors, traveled from the U.S., and another 10 volunteers came from Juárez to love on the children and their families. During the three-day event, 1400 people received nourishing meals. More than 500 people—adults and children—received new shoes, and volunteers handed out more than 600 toys.

Sergio and his staff are standing in faith for the remainder of the finances to come in to finish the ministry center debt free. He’s quick to point out that the center will not be a feeding program. It will, instead, be a place of transformation, where children and their families will receive a fresh start—spiritually, emotionally and physically.

“This is where lives are going to be transformed,” he says. “It’s all about the kids because we want to reach this generation right here.”

And to the children who attended the Juárez Victory Campaign, he made this declaration: “Your life is about to be transformed. Things will never be the same. It’s only through faith in God. You look like God because He is your Father, and He loves you.”

A special thank-you goes to all the KCM Partners who demonstrate that #MinistryMatters by supporting the work being done to take the gospel all around the world. Because you pray and because you give, you are making Alvarado Ministries International’s center possible!

We are so blessed to be in ministry together. Remember, we love you. God loves you, and…


Kenneth Copeland Ministries

Watch this video to see all the work being done!

Read more about Sergio and this outreach in the January issue of the BVOV magazine.

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