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5 Gifts of Covenant at Christmas

5 Gifts of Covenant at Christmas

Discover renewed joy for the Lord by unwrapping 5 Gifts of Covenant at Christmas to enjoy this season and every day for the rest of your life!

The famous poem that begins, “’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse,” goes on to say, “the children were nestled all snug in their beds.” If you have ever been around children the night before Christmas, it is difficult to get them nestled in bed because of their excitement about Christmas morning. They are looking forward to one thing—unwrapping their presents!

God has provided gifts for you; they are part of your covenant. Like presents hidden under a Christmas tree that you didn’t even know were there, you may not realize you have gifts from the Lord that are available to you right now. You can rejoice like a child as you discover renewed joy for the Lord by unwrapping 5 Gifts of Covenant at Christmas to enjoy this season and every day for the rest of your life!

Gift #1: Covenant Anoints You

“His anointing teaches you about all things.” –1 John 2:27 (NIV)

Because of your covenant with God as a believer, you don’t have to have it all figured out in life; you have an anointing that teaches you. No situation is hopeless when you factor in the anointing. The anointing factor is the power of God at work in your situation.

Think back to those in the Bible who needed wisdom from God. Joseph had to learn how to run Potiphar’s house and eventually ended up in charge of everything Potiphar owned (Genesis 41). The Lord was with Joseph, “giving him success in everything he did” (Genesis 39:3). David is another example of someone who needed wisdom. He received wisdom from God to defeat Goliath (1 Samuel 17), to become king (1 Chronicles 18:14), to defeat the Philistines (2 Samuel 5), and to do all God called him to do. Because of your covenant with God, you can ask Him for wisdom to teach you the things you need to know, to do the things He has anointed you to do. Jeremiah 33:3 says, “Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” Open the gift today and discover that your covenant anoints you to receive wisdom from God.

Learn 4 Ways To Be Led by the Spirit of God

Gift #2: Covenant Promotes You

“Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding. Exalt her, and she will promote you; she will bring you honor, when you embrace her.” –Proverbs 4:7-8 (NKJV)

Being in covenant with God and doing things His way will promote you even when you aren’t qualified in the natural. It will promote you when the world says you aren’t enough. It will promote you when you’ve had one setback after another. It will promote you when you’re surrounded by enemies who want to keep you from ever reaching your destination.

So many times, Christians feel the need to fight their way to the top. However, as someone who is in covenant with God, you don’t operate in worldly ways but in ways dictated by the kingdom of God.

Jesus said, “But among you it will be different. Whoever wants to be a leader among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first among you must become your slave. For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many” (Matthew 20:26-28).

Let your covenant promote you by humbling yourself before God, and seeking Him and His wisdom; He knows just how to get you where you need to be.

Feeling like you aren’t moving forward in life? Find out 3 Things To Do When You Feel Stuck

Gift #3: Covenant Defends You

“The LORD is your mighty defender.” –Deuteronomy 32:4 (GNT)

When you’ve been wronged, slighted or even betrayed, do you spring into action to defend yourself? It can be tempting to rise up and take action when you’ve been wronged, and sometimes the Lord will tell you to do just that. However, you shouldn’t defend yourself without His backing.

Joseph never defended himself against Potiphar. He didn’t spend time fighting to get out of prison (Genesis 39:20-23). He waited and let God defend him. It didn’t happen overnight, but God avenged him in every way possible (Genesis 41). There is no defender greater than God! You don’t have to fight your own fight. You don’t have to defend yourself because “the LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm” (Exodus 14:14). God is working on your situation, making sure your covenant defends you. To learn how the birth of Jesus we celebrate at Christmastime sealed your covenant, watch Kenneth Copeland:

Gift #4: Covenant Makes You Rich

“The blessing of the LORD makes a person rich, and he adds no sorrow with it.” –Proverbs 10:22

In this verse, the word sorrow means “to toil”; that doesn’t mean you don’t have to work. The Bible says, “If you don’t work, you don’t eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10, MSG). Work is a requirement for advancement, and the Bible is clear that diligence is required for promotion, increase and wealth (Proverbs 12:27). However, there is a difference between work and toil. Work is putting your hands to something, so God can prosper and increase you (Deuteronomy 28:8). Toil is taking the responsibility and pressure of provision on yourself. The blessing of the Lord is what makes you rich; God makes you rich because of your covenant with Him. Do your work as unto the Lord, and shift your mindset to believing your income will far exceed your salary because God, not your salary, is your Source. Your covenant makes you rich so that not only are your needs met, but you are also able to meet the needs of others!

Gift #5: Covenant Preaches the Gospel

“And then he told them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone.’” –Mark 16:15

You enjoy all the blessings of the covenant you have with God because someone at one time preached the gospel to you. All the benefits of your covenant are available to you because you gave your life to the Lord. Are you unsure if you’ve given your life to the Lord? Read A Prayer To Unwrap the Gift of Covenant at Christmas HERE.

The covenant you have with God enables you to preach the gospel to a lost world. You are able to minister to others with your time, energy and money; and you’re an example of what it looks like to be a child of the Most High God. When you are walking in your covenant rights as a believer, you shine light into a dark world. People will naturally be drawn to you—they’ll want what you have! Your covenant preaches the gospel as you are the witness God has called you to be in the world.

These 5 Gifts of Covenant at Christmas are just a sampling of what God has provided for you through that covenant. Knowing what belongs to you because of the covenant you have with God is vital to enjoying your life. Take the time this Christmas to unwrap more of the gifts God provided for you through Jesus Christ by spending time in the Word of God. As you begin walking in your covenant rights, you’ll discover a renewed joy in your life, much like the joy you experienced as a child the night before Christmas! Watch Kenneth Copeland explain more of what belongs to you as a Christian HERE.

Related Articles:

Releasing Covenant Power In Your Life

3 Steps To Being In Covenant With God

“Shock the Darkness:” The Love of God Shared at Demonic Festivals

Shock the Darkness: The Love of God Shared at Demonic Festivals

Philip Renner goes to some of the most unlikely places to present the Father’s love to festival attendees. Read how your partnership with KCM is impacting lives from the D.C. Pride Parade to the satanic Burning Man Festival in the desert of Nevada.

His appearance was an odd sight to behold. Sporting a beard that was dyed blue, large goggles resting atop his head and a guitar strapped to his back, he rode his mountain bike across the desert sand. A dust storm raging around him, you’d think he would stand out among a crowd. However, the crowd was dressed just like him.

The location was the Burning Man Festival, where 70,000+ people gather annually to participate in satanic activities; the man was Philip Renner. There to “shock the darkness,” as the Lord instructed him to do, his mission was to shift the atmosphere through worship, ultimately leading people to encounters with the living and loving God.

Twice-Sown Seed: Where You Give, You Go

As a Partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, did you know that you were right there alongside Renner and his team? OK, maybe you didn’t dye your hair blue, trek through a dust storm on a bike, or even sing a single note. But we have a saying around here at KCM: “Where you give, you go.”

What does that mean? When you give financially to this ministry, we take 10% of that money and give it to other ministries, supporting them as they go where the Lord leads them. This means your giving doesn’t stop in Fort Worth, Texas; it flows through KCM and reaches the most unlikely places, such as the satanic Burning Man Festival in Nevada, the D.C. Pride Parade, and even Mardi Gras in New Orleans. We call this twice-sown seed, and thousands of lives are eternally impacted each year because of this partnership.

Shock the Darkness: Shifting the Atmosphere with Worship

One of the twice-sown seed ministries of KCM is Philip Renner Ministries. A team devoted to seeing God move during worship, they fast and pray to see the supernatural manifested as they go to some of the darkest places where it seems they would be the most unwelcomed.

One day, with a heart of compassion, Renner prayed, “Lord, where are the souls? I want souls in the kingdom.” The Lord responded, You [must] go ‘shock the darkness.’ After asking the Lord what He meant by that, Renner heard, You have to go where the darkness is like, ‘How did YOU get here? Who let you in here?’

That’s where it started. Renner and his team began going to the people. In doing so, they married the operation of the worshipper, the intercessor and the evangelist, as instructed by the Lord.

John 1:5 declares, “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness can never extinguish it.” It’s that light they carry with them as they follow the Lord’s leading into places where few are willing to go.

Check out these resources and be encouraged as you develop your ability to hear from the Lord:

Burning Man: “Debauchery at the Highest Level”

Every year in the desert of Nevada, there is an annual event called the Burning Man Festival, where “all religions become one,” according to Renner. It’s a week-long event at which attendees, known as “Burners,” exchange gifts such as sex or drugs. “It’s debauchery, [at] the highest level I’ve ever seen,” he stated.

The central theme of the event is a gigantic statue which is set ablaze and burns in the night. It’s a satanic ritual where Burners sacrifice relics and pagan artifacts, among other things, from their different religions. “It’s not just a show, it’s a sacrifice. It’s very satanic; you can feel it in the air,” said Renner. Presenting the eternal light of Jesus in the midst of such darkness, Renner and his team saw 176 salvations in 2023.

He went on to share that it was at that spot, the burning statue, that they saw the most salvations in 2024. Led by the Lord, they would walk up to people and sing a blessing over them; then the people being blessed would be overcome by the presence of God. Tears would begin to flow on the faces of the Burners, and words of knowledge came through Renner’s team. These words of knowledge included things about the Burners’ past or about sicknesses they were dealing with…things that Renner’s team could only know by the Spirit of God. This would cause the Burners to cry even more, and Renner’s team could then tell them, “That’s Jesus.

Encounters With the Father’s Love at the D.C. Pride Parade

According to a recent U.S. census, over 15 million children live without a father in the home. “We have a fatherless generation,” said Renner. “Every single person [we] meet who is gay or trans[gender] or lesbian…they have a lack of a father.”

Jesus said, “I’ve come to reveal the Father.” This is the heartbeat behind what Renner and his team take to the streets when they go to events such as the D.C. Pride Parade, where the seemingly “least likely” to be receptive to the gospel are found. Renner’s prayer: “God, let them feel the love of the Father right now.  

Romans 8:39 tells us there is nothing in all creation that will ever be able to separate anyone from the love of God. This love is revealed in Jesus Christ. As Christ’s hands and feet in the earth, we take that love where He leads us to go, and that’s when people in unlikely locations, such as a massive Pride parade, encounter the love of the Father.

1 Corinthians 13:8 tells us that love never fails. As believers in Jesus Christ, we can rest assured that when we seek the Father for His direction, then follow that directive, we have no reason to fear because love never fails. This means we can fearlessly share this love with others, no matter how unlikely their receptiveness may seem based on their outward appearance.”

“God Found Me at Mardi Gras”

Renner has noticed that at places like Pride Parades and Mardi Gras there’s a mindset that the freakier someone looks, such as drag queens, the less receptive they’ll be to the message of the gospel. However, Renner says that the way they dress is actually a cry for help. “When you’re with these people and you begin to speak to them, they open up and they talk about their father abusing them or the childhood that they went through; they just open up and say I need the real thing!” With tears in his eyes, Renner shared how he hears things from people such as “God found me at Mardi Gras,” or “God found me at the gay parade! How did God find me [here]?”

Vision for the Future

When asked what his vision for the future is, Renner had this to say: “Bigger teams. More of [what we’ve been doing], but as we go out, I want to have one team that is out [connecting with the people], and another team that has meetings at night [we can] invite people to and disciple people.” Renner said he doesn’t want the people to get just one touch, “I want them to get a second touch and [then] a third touch.”

As they minister at these festivals and parades, Renner’s team gives away Bibles and resources to help new believers get connected to local churches.

A message from Renner to the Partners of KCM

When asked to share his thoughts toward KCM Partners, Renner had this to say: “Every single time we go [to these festivals], you’re there with us. Every single demon that’s cast out, you’re there with us at that moment…. You’re the one who shocks the darkness. Together, we are the Body of Christ. I’m so thankful for the prayers [of KCM Partners], I’m so thankful for the giving [of KCM Partners].”

In 2024, Renner’s team has seen almost 7,000 people give their lives to the Lord in some of the darkest places in America. These are places where people say, “It’ll never be done. They’ll never listen to you there.”

It’s in Renner’s heart to see thousands of Christians going to these dark places for the right reasons. That reason is to share the heart of the Father—to share His love with the ones who are broken and searching for love and acceptance.

Said Renner, “The army of God is rising. [As a KCM Partner], you’re equipping evangelists and you’re equipping worshippers and you’re sending them out; and everywhere we go, you go with us; I am just so grateful. [To the Partners of KCM], thank you so much.”

Watch full interview here:

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Word of the Week: The Greatness of Jesus’ Name

God is absolute goodness, and there is no badness in Him-none!

The Greatness of Jesus’ Name  

December 16-20, 2024
This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches how to stop and meditate on the greatness of Jesus’ Name to see full power operating in your life. Learn to take the Master Key and unlock all power and authority available to you through the mighty Name of Jesus!

There Is Power In the Name of Jesus

December 16, 2024– Monday
The greatness of the Name of Jesus belongs to you! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares why it is so important to have recurrent training on faith in the Name of Jesus. Whenever a need or pressing situation arises, we must always remember, there is power in the Name of Jesus!

The Name of Jesus Is the Master Key

December 17, 2024– Tuesday
You can unlock every heavenly door! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he teaches you why the Name of Jesus is the Master Key to every victory you need in your life. Learn to unlock treasure vaults of God’s goodness with the Name of Jesus!

The Name of Jesus Covers It All

December 18, 2024– Wednesday
The Name of Jesus causes hell to tremble! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why the Name of Jesus covers it all and has been given to you as a power weapon. Learn to apply the Name to every situation in your life to see breakthrough!

God’s Great and Abundant Goodness 

December 19, 2024– Thursday
The goodness of God far exceeds anything you could ever imagine! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares the importance of receiving revelation of God’s great and abundant goodness, to understand His deep Love for you.

The Name of Greatness Is Ours!

December 20, 2024– Friday
You have access to the greatness of Jesus’ Name! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland reveals why you have access to all power and authority that was given to Jesus. Learn how the Name of power, the Name of wonders, the Name of goodness and the Name of greatness is ours!


4 Ways the Name of Jesus Protects Your Family

4 Ways the Name of Jesus Protects Your Family

Because of what Jesus did for you, you can exercise authority over the devil by declaring 4 Ways the Name of Jesus Protects Your Family.

If you were ever bullied as a child, you looked around for someone to protect you. When you found someone—a teacher, parent or guardian—you ran to them for protection. That person stepped in to take care of the bully for you.

This is exactly what Jesus has done for you. Jesus stepped in by coming to this earth, dying on the cross, and being raised from the dead to forever rescue you from the biggest bully there is—the devil. Jesus said, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning! Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you” (Luke 10:18-19). Because of what Jesus did for you, you can exercise authority over the devil by declaring 4 Ways the Name of Jesus Protects Your Family.

1. The Name of Jesus Saves Your Family

“They replied, ‘Believe in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved, along with everyone in your household.’ And they shared the word of the Lord with him and with all who lived in his household.” –Acts 16:31-32

“There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.” –Acts 4:12

When you believe on the Name of Jesus to be saved, you open the door for God to minister salvation to your whole family. Your stand of faith, your righteousness in Him, gives you access to God in the Name of Jesus to pray for your family. God’s desire is that all men are saved (1 Timothy 2:3-5).

You can take your stand of faith, believing God to open the eyes of your loved ones. Believe that they will turn from any darkness to light, from the power of Satan to the power of God (Acts 26:18). Don’t give up, because the “earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]” (James 5:16, AMPC). As you boldly declare how the Name of Jesus saves your family, watch God go to work in their lives.

A Salvation Prayer for Others

Read this testimony about someone who stood on the Word for his family’s salvation

2. The Name of Jesus Heals Your Family

“He sent out his word and healed them, snatching them from the door of death.” –Psalm 107:20

Healing has always been God’s will—for you, for your family, for everyone. When Jesus walked this earth, He was preaching, teaching, doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil (Acts 10:38).

There are a number of instances in the Gospels where Jesus healed family members. Jesus healed Peter’s mother-in-law while visiting their home (Mark 1:29-31). A royal official begged Jesus to heal his son (John 4:43-54). Jairus, a synagogue leader, pleaded with Jesus to heal his dying daughter (Matthew 9:18-26). Jesus raised a widow’s son from the dead (Luke 7:11-17). Jesus healed a man’s son who had an unclean spirit (Mark 9:14-29).

Just as Jesus ministered to the family members of those who asked Him, you can invite Jesus into the lives of your family members by speaking healing over them; declare that the Name of Jesus heals your family.

Learn How To Pray Powerful Prayers Using the Name of Jesus

3. The Name of Jesus Delivers Your Family

“The name of the LORD is a strong fortress; the godly run to him and are safe.” –Proverbs 18:10

You can run to the Lord using His Name as a strong fortress for you and your family.

Keep in mind that the Name of Jesus is not an incantation that is repeated like the sons of Sceva did; they discovered quickly that would not work because they had no relationship with God (Acts 19). The powerful Name of Jesus is given to every believer to use as a reminder to the devil of what Jesus did for them at the cross, burial and resurrection.

Jesus told His disciples, “I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning! Look, I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy, and you can walk among snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing will injure you. But don’t rejoice because evil spirits obey you; rejoice because your names are registered in heaven” (Luke 10:18-20).

Whatever situation you find yourself in, wherever you and your family need deliverance, you can run to the Lord, calling on the Name of Jesus; He will rescue you! You will rejoice as you see the Name of Jesus deliver your family again and again.

Watch Kenneth Copeland Minister on Psalm 91—Living in Divine Protection HERE.           

4. The Name of Jesus Gives Your Family Peace

Jesus said, “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.” –John 16:33

The Name of Jesus means peace. Isaiah 9:6 says, “For a child is born to us, a son is given to us. The government will rest on his shoulders. And he will be called: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.”

Jesus brings peace in the midst of storms. When Jesus and His disciples were crossing the Sea of Galilee, “suddenly, a fierce storm struck the lake, with waves breaking into the boat. But Jesus was sleeping.The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, ‘Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!’ Jesus responded, ‘Why are you afraid? You have so little faith!’ Then he got up and rebuked the wind and waves, and suddenly there was a great calm. The disciples were amazed. ‘Who is this man?’ they asked. ‘Even the winds and waves obey him!’” (Matthew 8:24-27).

Just as Jesus brought peace to the storm and to the disciples, He can bring peace into the stormy situations in your life. The next time your heart is racing and anxious thoughts begin to consume you, declare the Name of Jesus over the situation and allow the Lord to give you and your family peace.

Jesus prayed for you, that His Name would protect you, that you would know not only the 4 Ways the Name of Jesus Protects Your Family, but all the ways He protects you. He said, “Holy Father, you have given me your name; now protect them by the power of your name so that they will be united just as we are. During my time here, I protected them by the power of the name you gave me. I guarded them so that not one was lost, except the one headed for destruction, as the Scriptures foretold” (John 17:11-12). Every time you use the Name of Jesus, you enforce the devil’s defeat and give that bully no room in your family’s life!

Related Articles:      

How To Minister to Your Family

The Power of Family Agreement

Phase 2 Update: Better Than Ever!

Phase 2 Update: Better Than Ever!

Read our Phase 2 update of the Kenneth Copeland Ministries World Headquarters building renovation, and see how we’re coming out on the other side better than ever!

As we come to the end of 2024, we are excited to report that renovations to our World Headquarters building have been progressing well, following the extensive damage from the Texas winter storm of 2021. We may have taken a hit; but praise God, we are coming out on the other side better than ever!

Throughout this project we are standing in faith on Proverbs 6:31, which says the thief must return seven times what he stole.

Since our last Phase 2 update, the following projects have been completed:

  • Restroom materials ordered
  • Carpet ordered
  • Cubicles and other furniture ordered
  • Fire sprinklers installed
  • Security wiring installed
  • Ceiling grid and lights installed
  • Walls painted.

We are encouraged knowing, as Brother Copeland says, “Our Partners stand alongside us, they pray for us, and they believe God with us.” This exchange of partnership means so much to us. Just as you are standing with us in this building renovation, we are standing with you for whatever you need renovated in your life.

Maybe you’re in a season of life where you feel as if you’ve been knocked down—in your finances, in your relationships, or possibly in your home or property. Partner, know this: We are right beside you, praying for you, and believing God with you for restoration and victory in your life. We believe you are coming out on the other side better than ever!

Watch as Kenneth Copeland teaches about the power of joining our anointings together to accomplish far beyond anything we could ever imagine!

In Philippians 1:3-6, Paul speaks of his gratitude for those who partnered with him in the spreading of the good news about Christ, and that’s exactly how we at KCM feel about you! We thank God for you and believe that the good work begun in you will continue until completion.

Click this link to find out 10 Ways KCM Is Here for YOU!

Thank you for your continued support through your prayers and financial giving, which are having an impact all over the world. Together, we are taking back and moving forward!

To learn how you can support Taking Back, Moving Forward, click HERE.

Related Articles:

Taking Back, Moving Forward: Possessing Our Land!

Phase 2 Update: Repossessing What Rightfully Belongs To Us!

Phase 2 Update: Reclaim What the Devil Has Stolen!

Don’t Give Up: “Everything Is Going To Be ALL right.”

Don’t Give Up: “Everything Is Going To Be ALL right”

KCM Partners Tom and Vicki Leuther were going through a difficult season in their ministry and overcame by believing this prophetic word: Everything is going to be ALL-right.

Have you ever thought, I’m just going to give up, because of a difficult season in your life? KCM Partners Tom and Vicki Leuther know that thought all too well. As pastors of Family Worship Center in Columbia, Mo., they found themselves walking through a challenging season. There was a storm raging in their lives. “We didn’t want to give up. We didn’t want to quit. But there were a lot of things that were difficult for us [personally] and for [our] ministry at the time,” says Tom.

At the peak of that challenging time, Kenneth Copeland gave a prophetic word of the Lord at the 2010 Southwest Believers’ Convention. He said, “For the household of faith, everything is going to be all-right.”

Watch the same prophetic word of the Lord spoken through Brother Copeland HERE.

The Leuthers believed that prophetic word in their hearts and said it out of their mouths day after day. They were obeying Mark 11:23: “For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says” (NKJV).  When one of them would get discouraged, the other would speak up and say, “Everything is going to be all-right.”

Hope Is an Anchor for the Soul

When you’re going through a storm, it’s important to have an anchor for your soul. “When you’re in [a] challenge, you need something of substance to hold onto [and] to stand [on]. When finances are falling apart, when lies are being told, when the enemy is coming against you,” Vicki says, “if you don’t have [a scripture] in the Word to stand on that gives you hope and courage, then you’re in trouble.”

According to Vicki, there were times when their minds were overwhelmed with what was going on. However, the Leuthers took what God was saying to them in His Word as they sought Him, and the prophetic word that came through Brother Copeland that everything is going to be all right, and they used that as an anchor of hope to hold them in place (Hebrews 6:18-19).

Resources to help stir up hope in your heart:

The Leuthers learned from the teachings of Brother Copeland how to stand strong during a storm in their lives. “When the storm is breaking, when you feel like you’re breaking apart, when you feel like you’re losing everything, then you have to hold on to that word,” Vicki says. “No matter what you think, no matter what [your] mind says, no matter what’s going on around you, you [have to] hold on to that word.”

Prophetic Words Are More Than a Confession

According to Tom, the prophetic word they heard and believed was more than a confession for the Leuthers and their congregation; it was an on-time word from the Lord.

Tom shared that as they were standing in faith on that word, the difficult season didn’t turn around within a day, a week, or even a year. “But it turned around,” he emphasizes, “because we are Partners with Brother Copeland, and we know that he prays for us.”

Vicki has some encouraging words for anyone experiencing a storm in their lives: “If you don’t [believe you] have a word from God, know that the Bible is open 24/7 [and] you can go to it [and] you can get a Word [for your situation].” When you seek Him, you will find Him (Matthew 7:7-8). God will answer you (Jeremiah 29:13).

For the Household of Faith, Everything Is Going To Be ALL right

When things around you seem to get worse and worse, you can respond like the Leuthers did. Remember that as a believer in Jesus Christ, you live in the household of faith. When difficult seasons come, you can seek the Lord and His Word. You can stand and believe God and trust Him. Don’t give up, and know this: for the believer, everything is going to be all right.

Related Articles:

‘Everything is going to be ALL Right!’

How To Respond to a Prophecy

Word of the Week: The Uncommon Power of Jesus’ Name

If you stay with the covenants, His Word, His Name, His Blood, Victory is inevitable

Because Jesus is our High Priest, we have the right to use His command authority. We can command, through faith and through His WORD, things in the earth to submit to the will of God. We can command the devil to stop and flee. With our words of authority, we can stop the enemy from working in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. God has given us a powerful weapon—use it!

The Uncommon Power of Jesus’ Name

December 9-13, 2024
This week, on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he ministers about the uncommon power of Jesus’ Name. Learn to renew your mind and stay with every part of His power to see inevitable victory. There is so much power wrapped up in the Name of Jesus, and it’s all for YOU! Study notes available at

Renew Your Mind To His Power

December 9, 2024 – Monday  
Don’t let anyone else tell you what to think! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares the importance of taking the time to renew your mind to God’s power to live the way He intends for you to live. The world says one thing, but God speaks truth!

Stay With God’s Power for Inevitable Victory

December 10, 2024 – Tuesday
Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he encourages you to stay with God’s covenants, His WORD, His Name and His blood to live in the exceeding greatness of His power. Learn the uncommon power of Jesus’ Name for inevitable victory!

The Greatness of Jesus’ Name

December 11, 2024 – Wednesday
You have access to the exceeding greatness of God’s power! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains what it means to plead the blood of Jesus and tap into the greatness of Jesus’ Name. The Name of The LORD is a strong tower—it’s time to run to it!

You Can Live In the Greatness of His Power 

December 12, 2024 – Thursday  
You’re not subject to what is happening in the world! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you how Jesus’ Name is attached to every part of THE BLESSING. Learn how you can live in the greatness of His power by accessing the high tower inside the Name of Jesus.

The Uncommon Power of Jesus’ Name

December 13, 2024 – Friday
The Name above every name is a power you can access every day! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you to fully receive everything that was provided when Jesus died. The uncommon power of Jesus’ Name contains everything He died to achieve, and it is available to you!


How To Pray Powerful Prayers Using the Name of Jesus

How To Pray Powerful Prayers Using the Name of Jesus

Strengthen your prayer life by learning How To Pray Powerful Prayers Using the Name of Jesus.

Have you ever prayed and then wondered if your prayers are being effective? You might feel as if your prayers are just “hitting the ceiling,” meaning you feel as if they aren’t getting to God. There could be many reasons for this, including unforgiveness or the devil lying to you. But another reason could be that you simply don’t know how to pray powerful prayers according to the Word of God.

God took care of everything and put together a plan for you to overcome any adversity in this life, by sending Jesus to the earth, then giving you His Name. God elevated Jesus “to the place of highest honor and gave him the name above all other names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:9-11).

The Name of Jesus is above every other name in heaven and on earth; that covers everything in your life! What is the “name” of that adversity in your life? Write it down on a piece of paper. Whatever difficulty you are facing, you can apply the following 3 steps and learn How To Pray Powerful Prayers Using the Name of Jesus.

Step 1: Find out what the Name of Jesus will do.

“Let it be known to you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified, whom God raised from the dead, by Him this man stands here before you whole.” –Acts 4:10 (NKJV)

The Name of Jesus will make you whole—in every area of your life. For you to exercise faith in the Name of Jesus and pray powerful prayers, you have to find out what the Name of Jesus will do. If you are saved, you already know that the Name of Jesus will save you. Romans 10:13 says, “Everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.”

What else does the Name of Jesus do? The Name of Jesus will heal you. Acts 3:16 tells us that “faith in Jesus’ name has healed him before your very eyes.” You can exercise faith in the Name of Jesus for your healing.

The Name of Jesus will protect you. Proverbs 18:10 says, “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the [consistently] righteous man [upright and in right standing with God] runs into it and is safe, high [above evil] and strong” (AMPC). You can run to the Name of Jesus for protection against evil. In addition to salvation, healing and protection, the Name of Jesus will also baptize you, give you authority, answer you, deliver you, give you boldness and help you in every area of your life. As you find out what the Name of Jesus will do, you can pray powerful prayers that will avail much (James 5:16).

Read 10 Ways You Can Call on the Name of Jesus HERE

Step 2: Believe on the Name of Jesus

“Through faith in the name of Jesus, this man was healed—and you know how crippled he was before.” –Acts 3:16

Once you have identified what the Name of Jesus will do, you can believe on the Name of Jesus when you pray, just like you did when you were saved. The Apostle John, writing to believers, said, “And this is his commandment: We must believe in the name of his Son, Jesus Christ, and love one another, just as he commanded us” (1 John 3:23). Believing on the Name of Jesus is not a one-time thing at the moment of salvation; believing on the Name of Jesus happens every day in a believer’s prayer life.

Your prayer life should include faith in the Name of Jesus. After all, powerful prayers aren’t prayed by wishing and hoping. Powerful prayers are prayed in faith, believing on the Name of Jesus to change the situation to line up with the Word of God.

Learn more from Terri Copeland Pearsons about Using God’s Word to Pray

Step 3: Speak the Name of Jesus

“Peter said, ‘I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!’” –Acts 3:6

Paul spoke the Name of Jesus to a lame man and he went away walking, leaping and praising God (Acts 3:8)! As a believer, you have access to speak the Name of Jesus over your life; God gave you that access and privilege when you were born again. Speaking the Name of Jesus will make tremendous power available in your prayers.

To understand the rights and privileges you have as a believer to speak the Name of Jesus, it’s important to look at an example of those who tried to use the Name of Jesus but had no relationship with God; they were not born again.

In Acts 19, “a group of Jews was traveling from town to town casting out evil spirits. They tried to use the name of the Lord Jesus in their incantation, saying, ‘I command you in the name of Jesus, whom Paul preaches, to come out!’ Seven sons of Sceva, a leading priest, were doing this. But one time when they tried it, the evil spirit replied, ‘I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?’ Then the man with the evil spirit leaped on them, overpowered them, and attacked them with such violence that they fled from the house, naked and battered” (verses 13-16). The evil spirit knew Jesus and knew Paul, but didn’t know who these men were; they were not believers.

Jesus made it clear when He said, “And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18, NKJV).

Throughout the book of Acts, men of God who believed spoke in the Name of Jesus and healings, miracles, signs and wonders occurred. Peter spoke to a man in the Name of Jesus and he got up and walked (Acts 3:6). Philip preached about the Name of Jesus, and as a result, many men and women were baptized (Acts 8:12). Paul cast a demon out of a girl in the Name of Jesus (Acts 16:18). When you know who you are as a believer, and that the Name of Jesus has been given to you to overcome any adversity in life, you will speak that Name boldly in prayer, knowing that every evil spirit has to bow to the Name of Jesus. They recognize who you are in Christ, and they recognize the power you have to speak the Name of Jesus!

Watch How to Release the Power That’s in Jesus’ Name:

Now that you’ve learned How To Pray Powerful Prayers Using the Name of Jesus, look back at that piece of paper with the name of the problem on it. Whatever name is on it, the Name of Jesus is higher. God has made a way for you to be effective in your prayers by giving you the Name of Jesus, which is above every other name (Philippians 2:9). As you stand on God’s Word in the Name of Jesus, you can pray with confidence knowing that your prayers are effective in Heaven’s throne room.

Related Articles:

3 Steps To Exercise Faith In the Name of Jesus

10 Declarations Using the Name of Jesus

A Prophecy Fulfilled: Millions in Africa Accept Christ Through Reinhard Bonnke’s Ministry

A Prophecy Fulfilled: Millions in Africa Accept Christ Through Reinhard Bonnke's Ministry

Evangelist Daniel Kolenda of Christ for All Nations shares how KCM Partners have impacted millions of lives in Africa.

Fifty crusades. Fifty cities. One continent.

A target of 100 million documented decisions for Christ. Seem impossible? It’s not! And you have a part in it. Read on to find out how!

Christ for All Nations

The year was 1974 when evangelist Reinhard Bonnke had a dream: the continent of Africa, washed in the blood of Jesus from south to north; from west to east. A voice cried, “From Cape Town to Cairo, Africa shall be saved!”

As a result of that dream, a global evangelistic association was founded: Christ for All Nations, with a heart for the continent of Africa.

Fast forward to 1984, and a partnership was born. Kenneth and Gloria Copeland sat in a small trailer across from evangelist Bonnke. They were in South Africa, and it was the start of a beautiful relationship that still stands today. “Kenneth Copeland Ministries has been the number one supporter of Christ for all Nations since its inception,” according to evangelist Daniel Kolenda, the current President and CEO of CfaN. During that time, there have been over 90 million documented decisions for Christ!

Watch this video to hear evangelist Daniel Kolenda share the story of Reinhard Bonnke and Kenneth Copeland Ministries first partnering together:

A dream in the night: “Africa shall be saved!

In the early days, evangelist Bonnke was a missionary to a very small, landlocked African nation in southern Africa called Lesotho. Sometimes he would travel a whole day to reach a village; when he arrived, only a handful of people would show up. According to Bonnke, even they didn’t want to get saved. He would pray, “Lord, this cannot be all there is to the glorious gospel.”

He had a dream in the night where he saw the continent of Africa being washed in the blood of Jesus, from south to north, from west to east. He heard a voice in that dream cry, “From Cape Town to Cairo! Africa shall be saved!” It was around that time that evangelist Bonnke met Kenneth Copeland in South Africa. Copeland knocked on the door of Bonnke’s RV and prophesied over him that he would see 1 million people saved in one meeting.

In those days, that number was unthinkable for evangelist Bonnke and his ministry, because they hadn’t even seen a total of 1 million people saved during their ten years of ministry. However, that prophecy came to pass a few years later, in the year 2000, when CfaN saw over 1 million people saved in a single meeting!

Millions of people saved every year

Christ for all Nations is now seeing millions of people saved every year. Since they began counting in 1987, they have seen nearly 90 million documented decisions for Christ. In 2024, the 50th year of their ministry, they are doing something unprecedented: They are doing 50 crusades in 50 cities; beginning in Cape Town, then moving north through the continent, ending in Cairo, just like in the dream evangelist Bonnke had all those years ago. Evangelist Kolenda believes that in 2024 their ministry will surpass the landmark of 100 million documented decisions for Christ.

Training More Evangelists

CfaN has been working over the past several years to put a strategy in place in which they not only do the crusades themselves, but they bring other evangelists alongside them. They “train them up, then launch them out,” as Kolenda stated it. This program has been happening since 2017.

In the past, they used to do about seven crusades in a year. At that time, seven crusades in one year was a high mark for them. Now, they can do eleven crusades in two weeks because of the multiplication of workers.

See how Christ for all Nations has impacted this KCM Partner’s personal vision and calling:

A Partner’s Journey to Finding Vision

Your Partnership Support Is Making a Difference

According to Kolenda, Kenneth Copeland Ministries is the number one supporter of Christ for all Nations, since their inception 50 years ago. For 40 of those years, KCM has faithfully supported CfaN, since Kenneth Copeland and evangelist Bonnke first met.  Said Kolenda, “I can honestly say that we could not have done this without the generosity of [KCM] and we owe [KCM] a debt of gratitude. I will always love Kenneth Copeland and, more generally [KCM], for that generosity and that faithfulness.”

Partner, because you pray and because you give, you help make the preaching of the gospel to millions of people possible.

Full interview:

Related Article:

Remembering Reinhard Bonnke and Looking Forward to the Future

3 Steps to Change Your Destiny

3 Steps to Change Your Destiny

Words have power, so follow these 3 Steps to Change our Destiny for the better with those words!

The old adage, “Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me,” used to be something that parents taught their children, in the hopes that they would respond with indifference to an insult, rather than fight. It may be a catchy phrase, but it is not true; anyone who has been the recipient of an insult knows that words do hurt!

Words have power. Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit” (NKJV). You will experience the fruit of your words, whether good or bad. The good news is that no matter what anyone has said to you, or even what you have already said about yourself, you have the ability to change the trajectory of your destiny today. Follow these 3 Steps To Change Your Destiny for the better with the words of your mouth.

Step 1: Put Right Words Into Your Heart

“What you say flows from what is in your heart.” –Luke 6:45

From the very beginning, God created the world with words. “God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light” (Genesis 1:3). Romans 4:17 says, “…God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did” (NKJV). God not only created the world this way, but He also expects you to shape your world this way.

Read The Power of First Words

You don’t have the ability to change the way God set up the system of the world—that the world responds to words. But you do have the ability to choose what words you put into your heart. Galatians 6:8 says, “For he who sows to his flesh will of the flesh reap corruption, but he who sows to the Spirit will of the Spirit reap everlasting life” (NKJV). You can’t watch movies or spend your time on social media all day and expect to fulfill your destiny. Instead of sowing to the flesh, you can sow to the spirit by taking the time to put the right words into your heart.

How do you get good words into your heart? You spend time with your heavenly Father by reading the Bible and listening to good faith teachings. Faith comes by hearing the Word of God (Romans 10:17). And whatever is in your heart in abundance is going to come out of your mouth. When you choose to put right words into your heart, you are changing your destiny to line up with God’s perfect will for your life.

Step 2: Choose To Speak Right Words

I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart.” –Mark 11:23

Contrary to what many people think, you can’t just speak empty words and expect something to happen. Your words must be filled with faith. And the way you get faith into your heart is by listening to and meditating on the Word of God. Whatever you put into your heart is what will come out of your mouth. Matthew 12:34-35 says, “For whatever is in your heart determines what you say. A good person produces good things from the treasury of a good heart, and an evil person produces evil things from the treasury of an evil heart.”

Even when you know the truth about speaking the right words, choosing to speak those words can sometimes be difficult. Jerry Savelle, a renowned minister of faith, used to compare it to paddling upstream. The whole world is going in one direction; it’s drifting downstream in a negative direction where people are sick and broke and eventually die. He says you have to build yourself a spiritual canoe with God’s Word. You have to grab your faith oars, get yourself turned around, and start rowing the other way.

Watch Jerry Savelle share about faith-filled words:

You will have what you say. Your words have authority to create every time you speak. The Lord told Charles Capps, another minister of faith, “I have told My people that they can have what they say, and they are saying what they have.” Start today by saying what you desire to happen in any situation you’re facing today. Choosing to speak the right words by making everything you say agree with what God says, will usher God’s wonderful destiny into your life.

Step 3: Don’t Change Your Confession

“But when you ask him, be sure that your faith is in God alone. Do not waver, for a person with divided loyalty is as unsettled as a wave of the sea that is blown and tossed by the wind. Such people should not expect to receive anything from the Lord.” –James 1:6-7

Make the decision that you are not going to change your confession of faith. This will require you to cast down any thoughts that are contrary to what you are believing. “Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5, NKJV).

Satan has one tactic in mind—to get you to doubt the Word of God. He wants to trick you into saying something contrary to what you are believing. James 4:7 says, “So humble yourselves before God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” Resist his thoughts and suggestions.

Choose not to waver like a wave of the sea. If you waver, you won’t receive. With your words, you either resist or comply with Satan’s demands. With your words, you either resist or comply with God’s Word. It’s your choice. You are in charge; the decision is yours. If you stay steady and don’t change your confession of faith, even in the midst of difficult circumstances, you will see your God-ordained destiny unfold before your eyes.

Read 10 Confessions to Change Your Destiny

God’s destiny for you lies within your heart and your mouth, and by following these 3 Steps To Change Your Destiny, you are moving your life in the right direction, and your words are setting your future—your destiny—in motion (James 3:1-12). Instead of speaking the doubt-filled, fear-filled words you may have heard growing up, or the familiar sayings and phrases of your family, you can choose to fill your heart with the Word of God, speak out in faith, and not only change your destiny but the lives of those who come after you!

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