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Word of the Week: Suit Up In the Army of God and Win!

It was impossible for Abraham (a 100-year-old man) and Sarah (a barren, 90-year-old woman) to have a child. Yet, it happened. Isaac was conceived and carried in Sarah’s womb, and she birthed him all because of The WORD of God. There was a natural contradiction—they were too old to reproduce, but faith overcame that. Never forgot that God can—and will—do the impossible!

The Covenant Versus the Contradiction

September 4-8, 2023
This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens as they discuss the Covenant versus the contradiction. Discover how God governs the earth with our mouth and words, how covenants govern our lives, and what biblical honor means. Learn how to release God’s Covenant promises in your life today!

God Governs the Earth With Our Mouth and Our Words

September 4, 2023 – Monday
Your Covenant works by faith and Love! Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how God governs the earth with our mouth and our words. Find out how to use this power as God intended, so your Covenant can work for you!

Covenants Govern Our Lives

September 5, 2023 – Tuesday
Is your heart honoring God? Watch Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they speak of how covenants govern our lives, whether we believe them or not. Learn to operate in your Covenant through a heart that honors God by faithfully keeping His commandments.

What Is Biblical Honor?

September 6, 2023 – Wednesday
We know what a code of honor and a medal of honor are—but what is biblical honor? Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they teach you. Discover how honoring God and His WORD releases His Covenant promises in your life!

The Covenant Versus the Contradiction

September 7, 2023 – Thursday
Jesus is the answer to the contradiction! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens discuss the Covenant versus the contradiction. Develop fully persuaded faith in Jesus, and know that your Covenant triumphs every contradiction!

Your Total Identification Is In Jesus

September 8, 2023 – Friday
God has a heavenly plan for you! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens remind you that your total identification is in Jesus. Recognize your authority in Christ, and claim your Covenant rights today!

Watch Today’s BVOV Broadcast HERE.

Word of the Week: Suit Up in the Army of God and Win!

Jesus defeated the devil. Now, we need to reinforce his defeat by using the armor of God because the devil is helpless when you take your place as a suited-up soldier of The LORD! Ask Him to help you walk in His armor daily so you can walk in total victory!

Learn more by watching the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast this week:

Suit Up In the Army of God and Win!

August 28-September 1, 2023
Do the troubles of this world often seem too much to bear? This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, Kenneth Copeland exposes the enemy’s plan from the beginning. Watch and discover how to suit up in the armor of God and endure as a soldier in the army of The LORD. From inflation and political upheaval to uncertainty and fear, God has already provided everything you need to overcome this world!

What Happened In the Garden?

August 28, 2023 – Monday
What happened in the Garden of Eden? Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he uncovers the sinister plan of the enemy and how Adam and Eve responded. Learn the importance of living without fear and how to regain the light that was lost to man in the Fall!

Believe God Loves You

August 29, 2023 – Tuesday
Do you believe God loves you? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he explains why you must know and believe God’s Love to win in life. Discover how Jesus has defeated death on your behalf, and allow the Love of the Father to cast out all fear from you today!

Exposing the Enemy’s Plan

August 30, 2023 – Wednesday
You have been given world-overcoming faith! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he continues exposing the enemy’s plan to steal, kill and destroy. Learn how suiting up in God’s armor equips you to face the natural pressures of this world and win every time!

Endure as a Soldier In the Army of The Lord

August 31, 2023 – Thursday
Are you putting on the full armor of God? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland shares how the armor of God equips you to stand against every work of the enemy. Hear about the importance of obedience, so you can endure as a soldier in the army of The LORD and win!

Suit Up In God’s Armor and Win

September 1, 2023 – Friday
It’s time to suit up in God’s armor and win! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you prepare for spiritual battle. God has already provided everything you need to fight. Learn to submit to Him by putting your amor on daily, so you can be victorious in every area of life!

Watch Today’s BVOV Broadcast HERE.

A 6-Step Guide to Responding To Your Enemies

Are you facing opposition from people around you? Check out this 6-step guide for responding to your enemies to stay at the top of your spiritual game.

They cheat you and rob you. They lie and spread rumors about you. They betray you, hurt you, and tell you you’ll never succeed. Who are they? Your enemies. A pastor once defined an enemy as anyone who doesn’t want you to succeed. We all have them. Some are right up in your face, while others are more subtle, chipping away at you slowly. Either way, they can stir up all kinds of powerful emotions—hurt, anger, frustration and defeat.

It could be a co-worker, an acquaintance, a family member or even someone on the street. They could be people who disagree with you politically, people who persecute you for your faith, or people who seem to make a hobby of criticizing you. Whatever the case may be, enemies are hurdles in our spiritual lives—hurdles that can keep us from arriving at our destination. However, it isn’t the enemies themselves who can halt our progress or hinder us from receiving healing and financial increase—it is our response to our enemies that determines the outcome.

When thoughts and emotions try to lead the way, we have a trusted source to help show us the way out of hurt and frustration and into the most freeing peace and victory—God’s Word. If you’re facing a single enemy or an army of them, here is your six-step guide to responding to your enemies that will ensure you take the victory.

1. Refuse to Retaliate

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” –Proverbs 15:1 (NKJV)

You’ve been insulted, lied to or lied about. Someone has had the audacity to threaten you or harshly criticize you—maybe they’ve even betrayed you. And you feel it to your core. You’re hurt and angry, and you have a lot to say. You even think, I’m going to give that person a piece of my mind. STOP. This is the moment where you choose one road or the other.

The devil is almost yelling in your ear, “You’ve been done wrong! They deserve to hear about it! Don’t let them get away with it!” You start to agree. Then, you remember the words of Ephesians 4:26-31, “In your anger do not sin…. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up…. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger” (NIV). Like a fire extinguisher, the Word of God puts out the urge to be offended and respond, if you let it.

You can choose to refuse to retaliate when you’ve been done wrong. Will it be one of the greatest challenges of your life? Yes. Will it take everything you’ve got to keep quiet? Probably. If you are a strong lover of justice, it will be a test of your self-control and an all-out spiritual workout. But you can do it! And you don’t have to do it alone—God has already offered to give you a way out of any temptation (1 Corinthians 10:13), and His desire is always for you to succeed.

It’s at times like these when you need to remember who your real enemy is—Satan—and how he uses other people (even Christians) to bait us and rob us of the blessings that rightfully belong to us. When you remember who is really stirring up trouble, it will be easier to stop fighting against flesh and blood and go after the real enemy.

2. Love Your Enemies

“I say to you, love your enemies…. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you?” –Matthew 5:44, 46 (NKJV)

Did Jesus really tell us to love our enemies? He did! But love isn’t a feeling—it’s a decision. People get too wrapped up in their feelings sometimes, but nothing in the spiritual realm is ever led by human feelings. We make a decision to receive Jesus, we make a decision to be kind to our friends, and we make a decision to love our enemies. The good news is that God doesn’t ever give us a command that doesn’t come with an offer of supernatural assistance. When you have a willing heart, He will help you do the impossible and love even your very worst enemies.

How do you love them? It begins in your heart. You don’t have to run up and hug your enemy every time you see him—just begin by changing your heart. One way to begin renewing your mind in this area is to pray this simple prayer whenever you think of your enemy: “God, You love ____, so I love _____. I forgive him, and I ask You to help me love him with the God kind of love.” As you continue to pray this prayer as a declaration of faith, you will begin to feel something transforming in your heart and moving over into love.

Watch Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you how loving others opens the door to prosperity.

Love is such a powerful force. Not only will it help you overcome past hurts from enemies, but it will prevent them from penetrating you in the future. Remember when Jesus went back to Nazareth, and the religious folks were angry with Him and wanted to push Him off a cliff? What happened? He just walked right past them, and no one could lay a finger on Him. Another time they decided to stone Him, and He didn’t retaliate that time either. He just walked off. No one could touch Him.

When Jesus walked through that crowd, He wasn’t afraid. He knew they couldn’t hurt Him because He was walking in the love of God.

When Jesus said to turn the other cheek, He didn’t mean for you to stand there and have your brains beaten out. He meant for you to stand there in love and in faith, believing that the protecting power of God that accompanies that love would keep you safe. He meant for a man to swing at you and not be able to hit you!

The story of Nicky Cruz, as recorded in David Wilkerson’s book The Cross and the Switchblade, is a perfect example of that. Nicky was reputed to be the most ruthless gang leader of his time. Yet, when David Wilkerson stood in front of him, telling him about Jesus, Nicky was totally unable to hurt him. He thrust his knife at David several times. But every time he did, David just said, “Nicky, you can cut me into a thousand pieces and every piece will still say, ‘I love you, and God loves you.’” Because of love, Nicky couldn’t get his knife close enough to David to hurt him. A supernatural force always stopped it short.

“But I don’t have that kind of love!”

Yes, you do. Romans 5:5 tells us that the love of God is shed abroad in your heart by the Holy Spirit. All you have to do is make the decision to be motivated by that love rather than by your own human feelings. When you do, you’ll find your enemies will have no power over you ever again.

3. Pray for Your Enemies

“Pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” –Matthew 5:44 (NKJV)

When you spend a lot of time in intimate prayer on behalf of pressing personal needs, and for friends, family, our nation and the spreading of the gospel, the idea of bringing an enemy into the mix might seem challenging at best. Even so, Jesus has commanded us to do this for our own benefit.

You see, praying for those who have wronged you will enable you to release the hurt, anger and unforgiveness in your heart, and receive His peace. It keeps you from the bondage that comes with holding a grudge and allows the flow of blessings to continue freely in your life. Kenneth Hagin said, “Praying for our enemies has a lot to do with walking in the God kind of love. It also has much to do with whether our prayers are heard and answered.”

A mature believer will pray for his enemies—not talk about them and criticize them. Jesus had plenty of enemies, and His response was always to pray. We have the same love shed abroad in our hearts, and Jesus would never ask us to do anything that is impossible.

From this point on, whenever people mistreat you—pray for them. Pray that they will be blessed in this life, that God will help them where they need it most, that they will receive His love and be a blessing to others. Maybe they have deep hurts in their hearts causing them to behave so badly—pray that God will heal those hurts and set them free.

As you pray for your enemies, you will find your heart begin to soften toward them more and more, and you will keep yourself in a spiritual posture of love. That is a position of victory.

Ready to strengthen your prayer life? Discover the 7 Steps to Prayer That Bring Results here.

4. Do Good to Your Enemies

“Do good to those who hate you.” –Matthew 5:44 (NKJV)

When you think of your enemies, you’re likely not thinking about wanting to bake them their favorite cake. But you should. Not necessarily baking them a cake, specifically, but doing good to them. That’s what Jesus was saying in this verse. When you are treated poorly, harassed or facing opposition, you need to respond in a way that sets you apart as a Christian.

It takes a lot of courage, humility and love to do good to those who mistreat you, and it isn’t easy! But when you’re filled with the love of God, you can do it! Any fool can lash out and fight back against enemies, but Jesus has instructed us to do good to them instead. In doing so, you become a powerful witness.

If you know someone who hates you or has wronged you, look for the opportunity to do good to them. If you see a need, meet that need. If they need help, be the first one to offer it. Buy them a gift. Pray for them. This is how believers walking in the God kind of love should act toward our enemies—regardless of what they deserve. It’s what Jesus taught us to do, and His ways always bring blessing.

Watch Gloria Copeland teach you how to bless those who persecute you.

5. Forgive Your Enemies

“If you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” –Matthew 6:14 (NIV)

When you suffer a deep wound or continually recall a hurtful situation, forgiveness can seem like too big a challenge to even tackle. But God has commanded that we forgive others or face the unthinkable situation of not receiving His forgiveness for our own sin. The devil has convinced a lot of believers that forgiving someone is somehow letting the offender off the hook or making ourselves the victim once again. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Forgiving someone isn’t a special favor to your enemies. It isn’t justifying what they’ve done, and it doesn’t even indicate a restored relationship. In fact, forgiveness isn’t something that happens between you and another person—it is an actual transaction between you and God. It is a quiet, personal transformation in your heart, and it gives God room to take care of justice on your behalf.

Forgiveness is so important to our spiritual well-being, that Jesus warned us and instructed us about the matter time and again. That’s why Andrew Murray said, “As bread is the first need of the body, so forgiveness for the soul.”

If there is anyone today whom you have anything against—no matter how long ago the offense occurred—forgive! And do it quickly.

For more ways to become a victorious believer, find The 7 Habits of Strong Christians here.

6. Let God Avenge You

“Dear friends, never take revenge. Leave that to the righteous anger of God.” –Romans 12:19

If you’re a lover of justice, you likely have trouble accepting the feeling that someone is getting away with doing you wrong. They deserve punishment, after all! However, God never told us that we are the judge and jury. He said, “It is mine to avenge; I will repay” (Deuteronomy 32:35, NIV). God is a God of justice, and He cares greatly for you. Don’t take Satan’s bait and think you need to demand it for yourself—you’re only moving God out of the way and indicating you don’t trust Him to take care of it.

You may not see it with your own eyes, but you can be assured it will be dealt with. Sometimes, God will deal with the matter out of your sight, and at other times, He will prepare a table before you in the presence of your enemies (Psalm 23:5). Either way, trust Him to take care of the matter. Put your focus on obeying His Word regarding your enemies. You will find that desire for justice will melt away in the loving arms of your Father, who is also your Defender.

Learn 5 Ways God Promises to Deal With Your Enemies here.

Next time you find yourself face-to-face with your enemies, take this six-step guide to respond. Refuse to retaliate and instead, love them, bless them, forgive them, pray for them, and let God take care of the justice. Then, you will be mature and perfected in the God kind of love and reflect His perfect love to the world around you.

Word of the Week: Healing Belongs To You

It’s easy to receive from Jesus! If you or your loved ones need healing, Jesus is ready to heal. He broke the power of the curse and redeemed you from it over 2,000 years ago. All that’s left is for you to appropriate it by believing, speaking and receiving.

Healing Belongs To You

August 21-25, 2023
Healing belongs to you! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches how walking in Love is key to receiving your healing. Discover just how easy it is to receive from Jesus today!

Receive Your Healing by Walking In Love

August 21, 2023 – Monday
Love makes the difference! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he talks about how you can receive your healing by walking in Love. Learn to walk in obedience to God’s greatest commandment, and you’ll walk in perfect health!

Love Is Healing

August 22, 2023 – Tuesday
Love is healing! Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he reveals how you can be untouchable to the enemy. Discover the miraculous, life-giving benefits of choosing to always walk in Love!

Healing Belongs To You

August 23, 2023 – Wednesday
Healing belongs to you! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he reminds you that Jesus paid for your healing. Healing is your property—find out how to put it to work so you can live life healed and whole as God intended!

Healing Is Easy To Receive From Jesus

August 24, 2023 – Thursday
Say The WORD! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland teaches you just how easy it is to receive healing from Jesus. Develop an unshakable faith that knows, through God’s powerful Anointing, healing is working in you NOW!

Receive Your Healing Today

August 25, 2023 – Friday
Believe, receive, act and speak! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland helps you receive your healing today. Take authority over all sickness and disease as you make your healing confession today!

Watch Today’s BVOV Broadcast HERE.

The 5 Fundamental Steps of Faith

What are you believing for? What is it that you need? For everything you need, FAITH IS YOUR ANSWER. Faith is a spiritual force given to us by God to use—to bring into this seen earthly realm what is currently not seen in our lives. Hebrews 10:35-38 tells us, “Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward. For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise: ‘For yet a little while, And He who is coming will come and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith’” (NKJV).

Do you want your loved ones to be born again? Do you need healing? Do you need resources? Do you need direction? FAITH IS YOUR ANSWER.

Using the faith God’s given us is not a mental exercise. It’s a spiritual force we learn to release by taking The 5 Fundamental Steps of Faith based on the Word of God.

1. Believe it in your heart, and 2. say it with your mouth.

“If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, ‘Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame’” (Romans 10:9-11, NKJV).

3. Forgive anyone you need to forgive.

“And whenever you stand praying, if you have anything against anyone, forgive him, that your Father in heaven may also forgive you your trespasses. But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses” (Mark 11:25, NKJV).

4. Refuse to doubt.

For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them” (Mark 11:23-24, NKJV).

5. Call things that be not as though they were.

“Therefore it is of faith that it might be according to grace, so that the promise might be sure to all the seed, not only to those who are of the law, but also to those who are of the faith of Abraham, who is the father of us all(as it is written, ‘I have made you a father of many nations’) in the presence of Him whom he believed—God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did” (Romans 4:16-17, NKJV).

Kenneth Copeland first learned these fundamentals when he was a student at Oral Roberts University, a school he planned to attend for four years and graduate from. But at the end of the first year, he heard the Lord say to him in his spirit, I’m ready for you now.

Taken by surprise, Kenneth couldn’t help but ask God what He meant. The Lord went on to say, I want you to go back to Fort Worth. The biggest part of your destiny is there.

When Kenneth pointed out to the Lord that when Jesus went back to His hometown (Nazareth), it hadn’t worked out to well for Him (Luke 4:16-30), and that he’d rather not do that, the Lord said, Didn’t I tell you I’d take care of you?

Kenneth responded with obedience and faith: “We’re on our way.” He wasn’t sure where to, but he was in agreement with God and ready to go. He was ready to release his faith based on the Word of God. And he did so walking out The 5 Fundamental Steps of Faith.

“We’re on our way.”

Once Kenneth said to the Lord, “We’re on our way,” it wasn’t but a few minutes later that the phone rang. Brother Harold Nichols was calling—the pastor of Grace Temple (now New Breed Christian Center), Fort Worth, a church he pastored for more than 50 years before stepping over into heaven in 2013. He served as Kenneth’s pastor for decades. “Brother Kenneth,” he said, “when can you come preach me a meeting?”

“Well, Brother Nichols, I’d like to say I need to check my schedule, but I don’t have any schedule. When do you want me?”

Kenneth preached for Brother Nichols one of the following weekends. When the weekend was over, Brother Nichols said, “I don’t think we can close this weekend. Let’s go another week.”

This went on for three weeks. Then another pastor called Kenneth and he went to preach in his church—for three more weeks. Another pastor heard him in that church and invited him to his church, and then invited him to come back every quarter.

That is how Kenneth Copeland Ministries was born. Out of obedience. Out of faith. I’m ready for you now. It was word from God.

Faith Is Always the Answer

Not long after Kenneth was going from church to church preaching, he received yet another invitation, and the Lord said, This is going to be the best meeting financially you’ve ever had in your life.

When Kenneth arrived, the pastor told him that everyone had the flu, and because of that, he couldn’t even guarantee Kenneth an offering of $50 if he stayed a month.

Rather than be defeated, or step into doubt, or question if he heard from God, Kenneth knew faith was the answer! He knew it was time to exercise The 5 Fundamental Steps of Faith. So, he told the pastor to get his bottle of anointing oil and, “Let’s go to work.”

Everyone Kenneth and the pastor went to visit—at home and in the hospital—and prayed for, anointing them with oil based on James 5:14-16, was healed. Well, all except one who refused to say anything he couldn’t feel or believe. He refused to receive by faith the promise of James 5:14-16: “Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord. And the prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise him up. And if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven. Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much” (NKJV).

Over the course of days and weeks, Kenneth received $900 in checks for the ministry and a sack full of change. Kenneth was learning one step at a time—one Fundamental Step of Faith at a time!

What’s more, years later when the ministry was in serious need of finances, once again Kenneth applied The 5 Fundamental Steps of Faith. Oral Roberts once said to Kenneth, “People who don’t live by faith can’t figure out the puzzle. There’s always a key issue to everything. If your finances get bottled up, pray in the spirit until the Lord reveals to you the key issue. When you find the key issue, you can fix whatever it is, and it will turn your finances loose.”

As Kenneth walked in The 5 Fundamental Steps of Faith, and prayed in the spirit, the Lord instructed him to begin tithing the resources that came into KCM. In 2022, KCM supported 117 ministries through what we call “twice-sown seed,” sowing more than $23 million!

What is God asking you to do? What resources do you need to do it? FAITH IS YOUR ANSWER! It’s a spiritual force we learn to release—and releasing it includes walking out The 5 Fundamental Steps of Faith based on the Word of God. This is what Kenneth has done all his ministry life and it’s what God wants you to do as well.

Read The 5 Fundamental Steps of Faith again, study them and apply them in your life today. Please share your stories of victory by calling 817-852-6000 or click HERE.

Top 10 Questions About Healing

Questions about divine healing? We’ve got you covered with these Top 10 Questions About Healing.

You asked questions about healing…

…and we heard you!

Healing belongs to you. It was included in your SALVATION package. Still, building faith to receive isn’t always simple, although it’s not meant to be hard. Faith for healing takes desire, effort and most of all, PERSISTENCE. In your journey toward becoming a person who fully enjoys the covenant promise of healing, questions will inevitably arise.

Thankfully, God isn’t hiding anything from you! He wants you to stand confidently about receiving your healing by faithGod’s divine delivery system.

We’re answering your top 10 questions about healing to help you develop your faith for healing according to the promises of God’s Word.

Here we go!

1. If I Keep Getting Healed, How Will I Ever Die?

“Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone.” –Deuteronomy 34:7 (NIV)

The world has a lot of people convinced that they cannot die without slipping into some sort of physical decline and enduring sickness or disease.

But that isn’t God’s best!

Here’s the truth:

God didn’t put any expiration date on His healing promises, so you do not have to die sick.

So, if you don’t die sick, then how will you die?

Gloria Copeland puts it simply, saying, “You’ll just leave. You’ll finish your course, and the Lord will just take your spirit up with Him.”

Consider Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses. The Bible doesn’t mention anything about those men dying of disease or sickness. They had simply finished their course. There are many testimonies today of people simply leaving while sleeping or sitting comfortably in a chair. They weren’t suffering from any disease.

You can live long and strong until the very end of your life! Isn’t that good news? When you’ve finished your course, you’ll just leave your body. You’ll move into heaven by divine departure, satisfied and full of days!

2. I Thought I Prayed in Faith for Healing, So Why Haven’t I Seen Results?

“Fight the good fight of faith.” –1 Timothy 6:12 (KJV)

As Gloria Copeland says, “When you do what’s right, get ready for a fight!”

Faith for healing is only the beginning. It’s the stand of faith, or your patience, that takes you to the finish line. What you’re in the midst of is possessing the “land” called healing, and the devil has no intention of letting you walk into it without a fight.

If you are a believer, healing already belongs to you. Jesus has already paid the price for it. But for you to receive it, you have to put your foot on it. You have to go in and possess the land!

The manifestation of healing doesn’t always come instantly. We want it instantly—and many times it comes that fast—but other times, it takes longer.

Once you’ve claimed your healing, don’t ever say anything contrary to it. Don’t be moved by time, symptoms or anything else. Just stay with it. Refuse to give up. Keep on taking the land, and your healing will come to pass. Keep the faith switch for healing turned on!

3. Why Am I Having Trouble Receiving Healing?

“So if you walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments…then I will lengthen your days.”
–1 Kings 3:14 (NKJV)

If you’re standing in faith for healing but sense a blockage to your receiving, there are several hindrances to receiving healing to prayerfully consider.

  1. Your love walk. Faith works by love, so if you are out of alignment (even just a little) in your love walk, your faith won’t work as well. Review 1 Corinthians 13 and be sure you’re showing patience, kindness and selflessness to those around you. Check your heart and be sure you haven’t been gossiping or judging others.
  2. Unforgiveness. This is also tied to love, but it is so common and such a big blessing-blocker, it deserves a point of its own. If there is anyone—anyone at all—whom you haven’t forgiven fully, now is the time. Don’t let a grudge keep you from receiving what’s yours—HEALING!
  3. Doubt or Fear. If you’re believing for healing, but still have doubt or fear, you’re what the Bible calls a double-minded man. And Scripture says a double-minded man receives nothing from God. If this is your blocker, persistently resist fear and doubt. Speak against it. Feed your faith, and starve your fears to death.

If none of these appear to be the reason you’re having trouble receiving your healing, remember to ask the Holy Spirit. He promises to guide you into all truth (John 14:17).

Find out more about The Ifs Between You and Your Promise HERE.

4. I Prayed for Someone to Receive Healing, but the Manifestation Did Not Come. Why?

“Therefore the promise comes by faith….” –Romans 4:16 (NIV)

When a person is prayed for, the healing may occur instantaneously, or it may happen over a long period of time. Often the healing has started, even though the physical evidence is slow in coming.

In any case, the person should be speaking faith-filled words—God’s Word, and not his own. By standing on that Word and holding onto faith, God’s Word is accomplished. It doesn’t matter that the physical change isn’t seen. That is not the determining factor. Rather, it is how much of His Word we know and how we are applying it to our lives that counts.

How long should we speak those faith-filled words and believe that a healing is taking place? We speak those words until the healing is complete and God’s Word is accomplished (1 Peter 2:24; Ephesians 6:13-17; Romans 4:17). Then, those words should be spoken daily in order to stay well.

On why some are healed and others aren’t, Andrew Wommack says, “I have prayed for thousands of people in my meetings across the country, and I have yet to see every person healed. It might be a problem in the heart of the one receiving prayer, or it might be something I don’t understand in regards to that particular person. But one thing I know for sure—it’s not God.”

It is important to remember that our job is to minister and pray for healing, regardless if a manifestation occurs immediately. Once we’ve done our part, the rest is up to God and the other person to receive it.

Remind yourself of The Power of the Blood of Jesus.

5. What Are Gloria’s Favorite Healing Scriptures?

So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing the Good News about Christ. –Romans 10:17

Gloria Copeland knows that the key to getting well and staying well is all in the proper feeding of your spirit with the Word of God. She and Kenneth have walked in divine healing and health for more than 50 years, and they have no plans of stopping now!

They do this by regularly reading healing scriptures and confessing the Word of God over their minds and bodies. You can find a list of Gloria’s favorite healing scriptures HERE, as well as the healing scriptures used by Dodie Osteen to receive healing from terminal cancer HERE.

6. If I Believe I’m Healed, Should I Stop Taking Medicine and Other Treatments?

“Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.” —Galatians 5:25

It’s important to know that there is nothing spiritually wrong with taking medicine. It is perfectly acceptable to attack sickness on both a natural and spiritual level.

Not taking medicine is not what will get you healed. Faith in God and His Word that says, “By His stripes you were healed,” is what brings healing. His Word makes it clear that in His great love, God wants all His people well. In many cases, a person’s faith may not be developed enough to receive healing without taking medicine.

Not taking medicine is not an act of faith if you were not instructed to do so by God. When it comes to whether or not to continue taking medicine or undergoing treatments, you need to hear counsel from God. Until you do, keep taking your medicine in faith, and be sure to pray over it as you do!

Working through a difficult situation? Find A Psalm for Every Situation HERE.

7. Does Going to the Doctor Show a Lack of Faith?

“And let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts” –Colossians 3:15

Kenneth and Gloria Copeland are not against doctors or medicine. In fact, they thank God for them. They see their doctor for regular check-ups and have hosted several different doctors on the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcasts over the years.

Going to the doctor is not a hindrance to faith, nor is going without doctors or medicine necessarily an act of faith. God will meet each person at his or her level of faith. If a person’s faith is through doctors and medicine, then God will help the doctor to do his best and cause the person’s body to recover quickly.

Furthermore, the Holy Spirit may direct you to see a doctor, and if that’s the case, you should obey. If the Lord has directed you to go to the doctor, do it confidently in faith that Jesus is the Healer, and pray for your doctor to have wisdom.

8. Do the Words I Speak Really Affect My Healing?

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue.” –Proverbs 18:21 (KJV)

Some people say it’s a lie to speak that you’re healed when you don’t feel healed, but that’s operating only by your five senses. To receive the supernatural promises of God, you have to be more spiritually minded than carnally minded. One of the fundamental keys of activating faith is to call things that be not as though they were.

Abraham received a change in his body when called things that be not as though they were. If we want to see God’s promises born in our lives, we must do the same thing.

We call ourselves healed—even when we still look and feel sick. We call ourselves strong—even when, in the natural, we seem weak. We call our youth renewed—even when we see evidence to the contrary.

No matter how bad our natural circumstances may seem to be, we must train our mouths to say not what we have, but what we desire to have in our lives. Our words put action to our faith, and faith is what ushers in the promises.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you why you should keep speaking healing no matter what.

9. Is Sickness the Result of Sin in One’s Life?

“This day I call the heavens and the earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” –Deuteronomy 30:19 (NIV)

Sickness and disease are under the curse, which ultimately came into the earth as a result of Adam’s sin. However, through Jesus, we have been redeemed from the curse (Galatians 3:13)!

So, why do Christians still get sick?

If we violate natural laws (maintaining a poor diet, neglecting to exercise our bodies, allowing stress to dominate, smoking cigarettes, etc.), we’re opening the door to the devil’s work and the curse.

Likewise, if we violate spiritual laws (refusing to forgive, entertaining angry or negative thoughts, living a sinful lifestyle), we open the door to Satan in this way, as well.

And sometimes, it’s simply the curse in operation for which there is no natural explanation, through which the devil is trying to steal, kill and destroy.

Regardless, Jesus came to give you life more abundantly, and sickness does not have the right to remain on you! If the Lord brings to mind a sin in your life (worry, strife, unhealthy habits or anything else), repent (make a change in a new direction), ask for His forgiveness and pursue your covenant healing rights with all your might.

Healing belongs to you!

10. Does Healing Include All Ailments?

Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits: Who forgives all your iniquities, Who heals all your diseases.” –Psalm 103:2-3 (NKJV)

People often think of major diseases when they think of healing. But the healing covenant includes EVERYTHING. Allergies, achy joints, disrupted sleep, menopausal symptoms or anything else that prevents you from feeling your absolute best. You don’t have to tolerate any of it!

If you think something is “normal,” you’ll put your guard down. You won’t fight against it. What should you do? Fight! You have the victory over sickness and disease or any physical discomfort—no matter how small or how widely accepted it is. More importantly, you can win!

As long as you think you can live with something—you will. Start activating your healing covenant, no matter how small you think your ailment is.

We hope these answers to the top 10 questions about healing have helped you build even greater confidence in our healing promises from God’s Word. God is a good God. The blood of Jesus is the greatest sacrifice, with the most amazing benefits, the world has ever known. You are His blessed child and an heir to it all!

Learn how God is speaking healing to you right now in this teaching from Kenneth Copeland.

Word of the Week: 7 Steps to Prayer That Bring Results

Faith is a seed that you can plant so you can receive a harvest, but without faith, it won’t produce. Plant your faith and pray with us: “Father, I am writing my petition that my need will be met according to Your WORD. I sow this seed of faith, expecting to receive a harvest. In Jesus’ Name—Amen!”

7 Steps to Prayer That Bring Results

August 14-18, 2023
Prayer is a seed! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland as he teaches you the 7 steps to prayer that bring results. Gain access to God’s exceeding great and precious promises, as you discover how prayer is our divine connection to Him!

7 Steps to Prayer that Bring Results

August 14, 2023 – Monday
Faith makes prayer work! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he reveals the 7 steps to prayer that bring results. Discover how to put your faith to work, so you can achieve the results you’ve been waiting for!

Prayer Is Our Divine Connection to God

August 15, 2023 – Tuesday
Is your house a house of prayer? Watch Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he shares that prayer is our divine connection to God. Gain access to God’s exceeding great and precious promises through the power of prayer!

Prayer Is a Seed

August 16, 2023 – Wednesday
We have the petitions we desire! Join Kenneth Copeland on Believer’s Voice of Victory as he discusses how prayer is a seed. Learn to petition and faithfully sow this seed of discipline as you abide in God and His WORD daily.

Consider Jesus, Hear His Voice Today!

August 17, 2023 – Thursday
Listen up! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland encourages you to consider Jesus and hear His voice today. Invite Jesus into your heart and find out how to tune your ear to Him, so you’ll never miss a single word!

Prayer Must Be Based on The WORD of God

August 18, 2023 – Friday
Are you bringing every thought captive to the obedience of Christ? Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland explains why prayer must be based on The WORD of God. Take hold of your mind, and learn to align your thoughts with His WORD once and for all!

Watch Today’s BVOV Broadcast HERE.

Are You Sinking Your Own Ship?

Are you facing financial, health or relationship struggles? You may hold the answer to your own problems.

“Loose lips sink ships.” This phrase, which originated during World War II, was a direct warning against unguarded conversations by members of the United States military. At the time, the enemy was looking to target vessels coming across the Atlantic with troops or weapons. If they could learn the schedule of the ships, the enemy’s U-boats would be waiting for them and sink them.

Where did the intel come from? Our very own soldiers. Enemy spies would hang around the ports and listen to the servicemen talk. Quite often, they’d get enough information to relay back to the enemy which ship was going where, when it was leaving, and whether it was carrying troops or weapons. Time and again, the words that were carelessly spoken gave them everything they needed to target the ships and sink them.

Did you know you have an enemy who wants to target you? He wants to hit you at the right place at the right time. He’s hanging around at your port, listening to your words. If you’ve been struggling with the same sickness, disease, financial trouble or relationship woes, the likely culprit behind your current struggles is your very own mouth. Now it’s time to make a change!

Here is a strategy for keeping your intel classified, flipping the switch on the enemy, and using your words to win.

1. Learn the Language of Silence

“If only you could be silent! That’s the wisest thing you could do.” –Job 13:5

If you were a soldier in World War II and had witnessed thousands of your fellow servicemen die due to a breach of classified information, how would you handle the words you spoke? If you knew the reason for the loss of those lives was due to a casual conversation at port about departure times, would you forget to keep quiet, or would it be so important to you that you would intentionally pinch your lips tightly together?

When you see your words as life-threatening or at least life-altering, you’ll be on heightened alert when it comes to releasing them out of your mouth. Until you reach that point in your everyday life, you need to do what Kenneth Copeland told Mylon LeFevre to do years ago when Mylon was new to walking by faith.

Mylon was telling Kenneth all about his troubles, even though he said he was believing God to help him. Kenneth said to him, “Son, you need to learn the language of silence.”

Mylon said that at first, he didn’t know what Kenneth meant, but soon realized that Kenneth was telling him that until he could learn how to speak faith, he needed to keep quiet.

It’s advice Kenneth gives often. Jerry Savelle shares about what Kenneth said to him when he was first learning to walk by faith.

“Before God transformed my life, I was the biggest quitter you ever met. Nothing was working in my life. My wife, Carolyn, and I were in debt, discouraged, and our marriage was barely hanging on. I was new to the Word of God and was struggling to walk by faith. So, I asked Kenneth Copeland why things weren’t working in my life, and he said, ‘Jerry, your problem is your big mouth. You need to learn the vocabulary of silence.’ And then he said, ‘If you can’t talk the Word, then shut up.’ That’s not what I wanted to hear, but he was right! Once I learned how to “bridle my tongue” (James 3:1-9), things began to change in my life!”

You may already know about the importance of your words, but are you walking in the light you have? Until you become fluent in faith, learn the language of silence and ask God to help you the way Psalm 141:3 puts it: “Set a guard over my mouth, Lord; keep watch over the door of my lips” (NIV).

2. Give Your Words a Makeover

“He who guards his lips guards his life, but he who speaks rashly will come to ruin.” –Proverbs 13:3 (NIV-84)

If you’ve been struggling in any area of your life for what seems like eons, you may have fallen into a habit of speaking negatively about your situation without even knowing it. Does any of this sound familiar?

  • A thousand dollars here, a thousand there. It never ends!
  • I knew I wouldn’t get that raise anyway.
  • Bills, bills, bills! That’s all that ever comes in the mail.
  • All the men in my family get heart disease, so I knew this was coming.
  • It’s flu season! Better stock up on meds.
  • My marriage was doomed from the beginning.

If any of that sounds like you, here is the diagnosis of your problem: Your loose lips are sinking your own ship. However, the good news is that the likely cause of your current struggles is totally reversible.

If you’ve ever watched one of those home makeover shows, you know that even in the natural, people can turn a shabby shack into a cozy dream house. Your words (up until today) have built a shabby shack of a life in your finances, health or relationships. Now, it’s time for a dramatic makeover with cable TV-worthy results.

To do this, you need to start tuning in to what you’re saying. With every word you speak, ask yourself, “Are my toes dangling over the line of doubt and unbelief?” If the answer is yes, rein what you’re saying back in. Repent. Then, replace your wrong word choices with faith-filled ones. Try this mini list to get you started:

Say This: “My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory.”

Not This: “I never have enough money.”

Say This: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I believe I’m being promoted and increased every day.”

Not This: “No one ever wants to hire me.  I’ll probably never get a raise.”

Say This: “By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed from the top of my head to the soles of my feet. I am healed!”   

Not This: “I have diabetes. I have to be on medication for life. All my relatives had it and now I do.”

Say This: “I claim healing in my marriage in the Name of Jesus! I have a happy, healthy relationship with my spouse. Together, we will serve the Lord.”

Not This:  “I’m unhappy in my marriage. I’d be better off on my own.”    

HERE are some more common things people say and how to replace them with confessions based on the Word of God.                                                       

Watching every word might feel like a full-time job. But did the Bible tell us to do this? Yes. It’s time to start acting like every word we speak matters because it does! Every word.

James 1:26 (NKJV) says, “If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is worthless.” In other words, his faith is worthless if he can’t even control his own mouth.

Stop sinking your own ship with your words and give yourself an extreme word makeover.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you why every word you speak matters.

3. Listen to Faith Speak Until You Get It Right

“Faith comes by hearing…the Word of God.” –Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

The main reason you have to give your words a makeover is that you’ve spent so much time listening to wrong word choices. Television, music, friends, family—they are an endless thesaurus of negative word choices that have logged neatly in the Rolodex™ of your mind.

Now it’s time to flip the switch.

In the marketing profession, it is quite common to keep what is called a “Swipe File.” Whenever a marketer hears, reads or watches an advertisement that has a word choice or phrasing that catches their attention, they will “swipe” the idea and keep it on file. While they cannot copy it verbatim, they end up with a log of ideas that will inspire them in some way down the line.

You can create a faith speak “swipe file” of your own. As you listen to powerful faith teachers like Kenneth Copeland, Keith Moore, Bill Winston, Kenneth Hagin or Norvel Hayes, for example, whenever they share a declaration or confession with you, swipe it! Write it down in a journal and start collecting ammo to use against your enemy. It will boost your confidence and help you become fluent in faith.

Learn the importance of Total Immersion HERE.

Keep listening to faith teachers. Get into total immersion with the Word of God. Listen to faith speak until you get it right. Before you know it, people will be swiping declarations from you!

4. Practice, Practice, Practice

“When I was a child, I spoke as a child…but when I became a man, I put away childish things.” –1 Corinthians 13:11 (NKJV)

We know “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17, NKJV), and that includes hearing faith that comes out of your own mouth! The Word of God is only as real to you as what you speak. Keith Moore says, “If you don’t believe it enough to say it boldly, then you don’t believe it enough.”

Find A Prayer to Speak the Right Words HERE.

That’s why it’s important to practice, practice, practice! The more you practice speaking faith, the better you’ll become. It will become so natural you won’t even notice anymore. You won’t have to work so hard to watch your words when you get into a new habit of speaking faith.

The verse referenced above, 1 Corinthians 13:11, says, “When I was a child, I spoke as a child.” How does a child speak? They say whatever comes to mind without thinking about it. Of course, it can sound foolish, but we give them grace because they are only children.

If you’re a mature believer, it’s time to stop talking like a child and speaking whatever comes into your mind. You don’t need to “vent,” and you don’t need to tell people, “I’m just sayin’.” Let’s get this straight: You’re never “just sayin’”—your words count! People will say to you, “Let it all out,” but you don’t need to do that—instead, don’t ever let it in!

The enemy is just waiting for one slip-up—one word—to give him an all-access pass to your life. Don’t give it to him!

Practice, practice, practice thinking before you speak; and make every word count. When you say something, you should intend for your words to go and accomplish what you desire. Expect that they are going to come back having accomplished what you sent them to do.

Renew your mind, speak the Word of God, and keep practicing until you’re a pro. Then practice some more.

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you how words of faith will change your situation.

5. Find a Faith Buddy to Hold You Accountable

“Iron sharpens iron.” –Proverbs 27:17

Do you really want to get this right? Do something uncomfortable and find a faith buddy to hold you accountable. No one likes to be told when they aren’t speaking right. But as they say, no pain, no gain. It’s time to get those flabby faith muscles in shape!

If you know someone who is particularly good at holding their tongue from gossip and negativity, ask that person to be your faith buddy and hold you accountable. Give them permission to call it out on the spot. They could well be your life preserver while you’re repairing your sinking ship.

This is an excellent opportunity to develop a teachable spirit. If you like to figure things out on your own all the time, you aren’t in God’s will. He created the Body of Christ to work together, encourage one another, and spur each other on to victory.

As you receive this encouragement from a brother or sister in Christ, you’ll become equipped to do the same for someone else down the road.

If you’ve been sinking your own ship with your words, you can take these strategies and make a big change. You have the power and authority through Christ Jesus to frame your whole life—finances, health, relationships and all—with your WORDS. Stop blowing holes in your own ship, and start heading for the Port of Victory!

Related Articles:

31 Scriptures About the Power of Your Words

Word of the Week: The Covenants Point to Jesus

To enter a Covenant relationship with Jesus, you must be born again. You must believe and speak your faith that Jesus is the Son of God—that He offered Himself as the perfect sacrifice for your sin so that you can be forgiven and righteous before God. Pray this prayer of repentance and ask Jesus to be your Savior. “LORD Jesus, come into my life. Forgive my sin and make me God’s child. I receive You now as my LORD and my Savior. Thank You! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.”

The Covenants Point to Jesus

August 7-11, 2023
Raised, seated and reigning! This week on Believer’s Voice of Victory, join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens as they reveal how the Covenants—Old and New—point to Jesus. Be encouraged to enter into a Covenant relationship with Him today, and have faith for a lifetime!

The Old and New Covenants Point to Jesus

August 7, 2023 – Monday
Are you aware of your healing Covenant? Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they share how you don’t have to be sick another day in your life. Learn how the Old and New Covenants point to Jesus who paid the precious price for us all!

Enter Into a Covenant Relationship With Jesus

August 8, 2023 – Tuesday
Just do it! Watch Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they encourage you to enter into a Covenant relationship with Jesus. Recognize that you have been saved and restored by Love, and break free from the effects of the curse today!

Raised, Seated and Reigning

August 9, 2023 – Wednesday
Raised, seated and reigning! Join Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens on Believer’s Voice of Victory as they discuss how you’ve been crucified, raised and seated in heavenly places with Jesus Christ. Discover how He is the key to your Covenant of faith and healing!

Faith For a Lifetime

August 10, 2023 – Thursday
Live by faith! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens teach you to lay aside everything that is weighing you down. Learn to have faith for a lifetime through walking in your Covenant with Jesus!

Words Are Spiritual Containers

August 11, 2023 – Friday
Speak The WORD only! Watch Believer’s Voice of Victory as Kenneth Copeland and Professor Greg Stephens talk about how your words are spiritual containers that are holding love or hate—life or death. Find out how to ensure they’re filled with nothing but the life of God’s WORD and the Love of Jesus!

Watch Today’s BVOV Broadcast HERE.

The Precious Blood of Jesus 101

The Precious Blood of Jesus

It’s time to really understand your blood covenant with God.

by Kenneth Copeland

When I was a kid, I always wanted a blood brother. I wanted one so bad, I didn’t know what to do. I never had any brothers or sisters, so I tried to get my friends to become blood brothers.

I remember thinking, “Indians are supposed to have blood brothers….”

I never could find any white boys who wanted to see their own blood. It was neat in the movies, but when it came time to make “the cut,” they didn’t want any part of it.

Today, in our “civilized” society, we are not very aware or conscious of covenants—at least, not like our ancestors were—particularly, blood covenants.

In ancient days, among all tribes of people and all civilizations, there was the common practice of covenants made by blood. These blood covenants were a matter of totally giving oneself to another without any reservation for life. It meant complete loyalty. What’s more, once a blood covenant was cut between two individuals or families, that covenant was an agreement that lasted for at least eight generations.

With the passing of time, however, and the more “sophisticated” our cultures became, the human family strayed from such covenants. Consequently, today, many believers are unaware of their own blood covenant with God. They have no real understanding of eternal promises written in the precious blood of Jesus.

In that covenant of blood, God has provided everything we need to take authority over our flesh and let the image of Christ be fully formed in us. God’s covenant has given us the power to succeed in every task and fulfill every dream He has put in our hearts. So, let’s take a close look at the rich depth and range of promises God made in His covenant with us, sealed in the blood of Jesus.

In the days of the ancient Hebrew nation, families cut covenant as well. In fact, the Hebrew word for covenant literally means “a cut where blood flows.”

These blood covenants were the principle behind scriptures such as Proverbs 18:24, which says, “…There is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.” They were also the reasoning behind phrases such as, “Blood is thicker than water.”

The motive behind blood covenants was, quite simply, differences—that is, covenants were based on the strengths and weaknesses of the parties involved.

For instance, one family or tribe might be good farmers, while a neighboring family or tribe might be known for being superior warriors. So, why not come together and cut covenant and enjoy the benefits of each other—especially if the farmers were always getting robbed, and the warriors were always going hungry.

Before these covenants could be made, however, there were usually lengthy discussions between both parties. After all, an agreement made in blood spanning eight generations was serious business.

To better understand the significance of blood covenants, as well as our covenant with God, it would help us to walk through the seven steps of a traditional Hebrew covenant ceremony.

Step 1: Each family, or party, chose a covenant representative.

The person representing the family was always the family’s best—the smartest, the strongest, the fleetest of foot.

Likewise, the animals to be used in the covenant ceremony were always the best. They were carefully selected and prepared. The Hebrew people had learned this early on when God instructed them to offer only the best when bringing sacrifices to Him. He didn’t want any one-eyed, diseased animal on His altar.

Consequently, this is where the term the fatted calf came from. In today’s terms, we commonly think of the fatted calf being the best of something to consume ourselves. Actually, it was the choicest one set aside for covenant ceremonies and sacrifices.

Finally, a covenant site was chosen, and the families would come together. Each family’s council of elders was placed where they could watch closely and hear every word spoken.

Step 2: The covenant cut was made.

In the ancient Hebrew covenant ceremony, the cutting of the sacrificial animals was done differently from every other sacrifice or ceremony.

The covenant cut was made from the base of the animal’s skull, lengthwise down its backbone. The animals were split and then parted down the backbone. Each half was made to fall side to side, but then propped up so the blood would flow down a pathway.

The covenant animals usually included a calf and a lamb. The calf represented monetary value. It represented the family’s possessions. The lamb represented total defenselessness. In fact, the lamb used in the ceremony was so young that it did not yet have teeth. It had no defense.

By sacrificing these animals, each family was saying, “We freely bring our blood to this covenant. We come with no malice—totally free, totally loyal.”

Once the animals were cut and their blood shed on the ground, the covenant ceremony began.

Step 3: The representatives exchanged coats.

Each representative walked through the pathway of the animals’ blood twice, and they did so in a figure eight. After they walked through the blood the first time, they stopped and exchanged coats while making certain promises about who they were, what they had, and what they meant to the other person. This was similar to our modern military traditions.

In our society, we know you can tell a soldier’s rank by the coat that he or she wears. Their coats represent their authority, their occupation or specific task, their branch of service, and so on. We also know when a private walks into a room filled with soldiers, not much happens. When a general walks in, however, everyone stops everything to jump to attention and salute.

But now, imagine a private—wearing a general’s uniform—walking into the room. That private would get the same response as the general. Why? Because it’s the general’s uniform that does the talking.

The same held true for the blood covenant ceremony. A farmer, for instance, would come to the ceremony with a coat representing his family and his authority. A warrior would come with his. Then, at this point, they would exchange their coats, and thereby, their identities.

This adds greater insight as to why the Apostle Paul exhorts us to “Put on the whole armour of God…” (Ephesians 6:11). It doesn’t matter who is wearing it—it’s the armor that does all the talking!

Step 4: The representatives exchanged weapons.

After the representatives walked through the pathway of the animals’ blood in a figure eight the second time, they stopped again and exchanged weapons.

In those days, when men went to war, they wore a girdle, or belt. It was a girdle because their outer garments were like long, flowing robes. To be able to fight, run, or walk comfortably, they had to reach between their legs and pull the backside of their robe up to the front and fasten it underneath their belt. Strapped to their belts were also their weapons.

So, these covenant representatives would stop between the halves of these animals, standing in blood, and undo their belts. In doing so, they became vulnerable. With their robes hanging down, they were in no position to fight. That’s when they exchanged belts and weapons.

Now, if the farmer didn’t have any weapons, he at least had his fighting knife, and maybe a good axe handle to fight with. The warrior, meanwhile, probably had an assortment of ferocious looking weapons strapped to his belt.

Regardless of what they had, they exchanged weapons and belts saying, “Here’s my authority and power in war. I give it to you. Any enemy that comes against you is my enemy. Anyone who curses you, I curse. Anyone who threatens you, has to answer to me.

“Just as this animal has bled and died, I will bleed and die for your family the same as I would mine.”

Step 5: The representatives cut their flesh.

Once most of the covenant promises and blessings were made, the two representatives cut their own flesh so their blood was visible to all the council of elders. Then they brought their hands together, mingled their blood and lifted their hands to God. This was when the most precious of the vows were made between the families.

By lifting their hands to God, they were making the Creator of heaven and earth third party to their covenant, believing Almighty God to watch over their agreement. Each swore by God to keep the promises they had made.

By bringing their hands together and mingling their blood, they were called one family.

From that day on, the seal of the covenant was the scar on the body of each representative. If you saw someone with a covenant scar, you really didn’t know who you were messing with, and you would probably think twice about stirring up trouble with them. That scar meant there was a blood brother hanging around somewhere.

Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 18:19-20? “Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”

The Church has never really figured out what that means—but it’s covenant. When Jesus said it, He meant it. We just have not had a covenant consciousness to understand it fully.

Step 6: The covenant meal.

The mighty climax of the whole covenant ceremony was the remembrance party.

In the Bible, the word remember is powerful. Exodus 2 tells us that God remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It doesn’t say, “He happened to remember it.” God doesn’t forget. The word remember, there, literally means “the claw.” It refers to the talon of a mighty eagle.

Among some of the Hebrew tribes, people cutting covenant were known to take an eagle’s claw and put it in their face and say, “My remembrance of you is as though I were still in the blood, promising you everything I have. My covenant with you is like a claw in my brain. I cannot even see except for seeing you in my face.”

This remembrance party, or covenant meal, was where the families began eating bread, drinking wine, dancing and celebrating. They would actually feed bread to one another, saying, “This is my body. I will let your family have my body, before I will let them starve.”

Then, sharing wine, they would remind each other that it represented the blood they had just walked in, making them one family.

Step 7: The families exchanged names.

By the time the covenant ceremony was completed, both parties or families had new names. For example, if the Farmers and the Fighters cut covenant, Phil Farmer was now Phil Fighter-Farmer, and Fred Fighter became Fred Farmer-Fighter.

Such covenant names were another indication for troublemakers to leave Phil, the farmer, alone. That was not just Phil Farmer, anymore. That was Phil Fighter-Farmer. That was not just Fred Fighter, either. The Farmer-Fighter family now had plenty of food to sell. They had covenanted with the Farmer family. They were now one large, powerful family.

Today, we often see names of families that have a hyphen in the middle of them. That means, somewhere along the way, those two families came into covenant.

Ephesians 3:15 says “the whole family in heaven and earth is named” of Jesus. By covenant, we bear the Name of Jesus—the Name that is above every name. And by covenant, we go into all the world bearing that Name (Mark 16:15-18).

You Have a Big Brother

To understand just how passionate God is about this covenant He has made with you in the blood of His own son Jesus, look at 2 Corinthians 6:16-18, “…For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate…and I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty.” This was Paul quoting from Isaiah 52 and Ezekiel 20.

Old Testament writers used a covenant word, which in Hebrew is hesed. It is translated as “ever lovingkindness; tenderness; mercy.” These translations, however, miss the depth and power of its meaning.

Hesed is best described, perhaps, as what happens inside a mother or a father when their child is threatened. Only, it goes far beyond that.

Hesed is the force that rises inside a covenant brother causing him to want to show himself strong for the benefit of his covenant brother, or covenant family. It is a drive that far exceeds any other drive known to mankind. We’ve only tasted a small bit of it.

From God’s perspective, hesed might best be described using John 3:16: “For God so hesed the world, that he gave his only begotten Son….”

Long before God ever created man, He provided a covenant lamb, a Lamb without spot or blemish, so if man did mess up, it would keep him from losing everything—and it would keep God from losing the family He so longed for.

After Adam did commit high treason and bowed his knee to Satan, he lost the presence and revelation of God. When that happened, the first thing God did was to kill an animal in order to clothe Adam. He had been clothed with the very glory of God, but when he sinned, the Glory light went out.

Later, however, God found for Himself a man, Abram, a man with whom He could cut covenant, a man who would teach his children that covenant (Genesis 18).

But why did God require the blood of animals?

He did not have any blood of His own to shed. When Abram sinned, God said, I’ll take the blood of an animal, rather than him. I’ll treat him as though he didn’t sin. I’ll account it to him as righteousness—because he believed Me (Galatians 3).

Abraham believed the promises of God, the promises that were to him and his seed.

Galatians 3:13-14 says, “Christ [the Anointed One and His Anointing] hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us…that the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ.”

The Apostle Paul goes on to say that, when God made those promises to Abraham, He was also making them to Jesus, Who had not yet been born into this earth. God was making a blood covenant with a man and He expected that covenant, those words, to produce a body with blood—Jesus—wherein He could swear.

John 1:14 says, “The Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us….”

You and I are Abraham’s seed. We are heirs according to the promise (Galatians 3:29). It is no longer by the blood of cows and sheep, but by the blood of Almighty God, Himself.

Ours is a covenant between a resurrected immortal man, Jesus, and a holy and infallible God.

Which of Them do you think could ever break the covenant?


What’s more, we cannot break it. We may step out of fellowship when we sin. But all we have to do is confess our sin and step back into that fellowship (1 John 1:9).

We’ve been grafted into a covenant between God, our Heavenly Father, and Jesus, our blood brother. Knowledge of and trust in that covenant will remove the fears of insufficiency and lack that men feed with such things as overeating and compulsive spending. It will remove the fears of rejection that have caused so many to seek comfort in wrong relationships and in what they put in the body and on the body instead of what they feed the spirit. God’s covenant love removes men from trust in the world’s ways for their security and success and builds their lives on the unshakeable foundation of God’s way of doing things.

All we need to do, now, is begin developing a consciousness of Jesus’ blood, a consciousness of our blood covenant with God. When the devil comes against you, when sickness and disease come against you, when fear, worry, harm or poverty, come against you—remember the covenant!

Remember the blood. Remember the promises. Remember the Word.

You have a Blood Brother, just turn it over to Him. You’ll soon realize just how thick His blood really is!